New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing. Not bogged down or bloated with too many mechanics.
    An excellent porn game that remembers that it is a porn game and not a grinding simulator like so many projects today.
    Great animations, hope to see more from this dev.
    Unreal Engine Completed  Halls of the Pale Widow [v1.0.1] [Krasue Games]
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The positives, renders are good, writing is sort of good(see negatives), as in the dialogue is not trash and it's fairly well written.

    But, the characters are just fucking stupid. You have the mc freaking out because someone took a pic of him playing with a basketball he found on the ground. Am I gonna get arrested for theft? Then this toxic gf of one of the other guys freaks out twice on him publicly because he didn't pack her second box of shoes and dumps him because he refuses to drive for hours to pick them up and what does the mc and his friends(rose and john). Tell him he's being too hasty letting their relationship end. Are you kidding me? You don't encourage someone to stick in a toxic relationship. Never stick your dick in crazy. And then the mc gets tricked into a situation where two royal cunts are trying blackmail and when the ta catches him leaving and he explains what happens she doesn't get mad at the con artist blackmailers, at a law school.

    The characters are just so stupid it makes the game unplayable.
    VN Ren'Py  Law School [Ep.1] [MisterMaya]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game very nice,i enjoying play i hope he makes something similar soon or continuous the story with mature ladies and there corrupted familys///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    QSP Completed  Corporate Queen [Final] [Rebby]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty decent, expose the girl, win prizes. Make her a wanton slut or a virgin exhibitionist.

    You walk around avoiding detection (unless u want her to get raped) exposing her to fill some gauges, once the gauges are filled u either go home and research new abilities for points or buy new stuff for mones that u get from posting selfies on twatter. Rinse and repeat.
    RPGM Completed  Lonely JK Wants to Expose Herself Anonymously Online and go Viral [v1.00] [スマンコフ]
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Good animations but as a game it's a mess. There's enemies doing meaties that will capture you forever, upgrading your character or changing keybinds locks the game out, interactions seem really inconsistent (enemies suddenly beating certain moves, pit enemies not detecting hits properly, going much further than normal when airdashing or bouncing off of level geo)

    Some enemy placements are intentionally annoying, such as explosive enemies next to pits. Some breakable barrier placements are similarly annoying

    Could be a 4 or 5 star game, but right now the gameplay issues are just too grating. Played up to partway through the final level before getting fed up. Could have brute forced it (I've played more monotonous games), just didn't want to
    Unity  Project Sena [v0.635] [Huuuuge]
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Ren'Py  Demon Boy Saga [v0.68C] [ReidloGames]
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Time for a review of Mad Island by E-made+

    A quick foreword: I played the v0.05 version for about 3.5 hours. Admittedly this is very early in the development of the game, so it will probably get better. However, at this point I cannot rate it more than an average experience.

    This review is separated into:
    • Game play
    • Controls
    • Character / activities
    • Porn
    • Summary


    I prefer a good story in the games I play. The story is not always in focus, and that is fine if the game has strong elements in game play, mechanics and porn. Mad Island should not be played for its story. There is basically no story and you can’t really talk with anybody.

    Game play

    The core game play of Mad Island is exploration followed by survival. There is also quite some area to explore, as the map is quite large. This is sometimes a good thing because it allows you to experience different stuff on the island. That is, if there is different stuff to experience.

    That is not currently the case for Mad Island. Different environments exist; forests, pine forests, swamp and desert. But they *feel* similar. The MC didn’t become thirstier in the desert, and the enemies behaved the same as everywhere else. Essentially, the different areas didn’t convey a different theme or feeling.

    The survival aspect of the game is not well developed yet and you’d be forgiven if you missed it completely. The MC don’t need any sleep which means that sleeping is only used for healing. You do need to craft stuff like a stone axe, but it is kept fairly minimal. You can build stuff like walls, but it wasn’t all that well implemented with it clipping through the ground. More importantly, there is no point in crafting a base.

    The leveling system is also too slow. The system is split into skill points and level up points. Level up points are used to develop either strength, health or speed. My recommendation is to only put 2-3 points in speed, you don’t need more. Put the majority in strength and maybe enough in health to reach 50 or 60 hp. For skill points you need 5 points to buy one 1 skill, which then raises the cost of said skill. This makes it very slow to progress in skill points.

    You can take different actions, like raiding the tribal camps for resources, but it doesn’t really carry any repercussions. I often snuck into their tents, killed the sleeping tribal people or just stole the food. I was also discovered doing this, but it never really led to them really going after me, which it should.


    The controls are convoluted. The game doesn’t tell you what to do or how to do it. For example; there are abilities called ‘grapple’ and ‘heavy strike’, what are they used for? No idea. How to use them? No idea.

    Character / activities

    Unfortunately, the game is quite empty in terms of activities. There are some areas with missions/quests, but they are far between. I would also have loved to get some agency in them. Just because I talk with somebody doesn’t mean I want to do a scripted mission. Alternatively, I’d like to not fight them.

    Other than that you basically run around and explore, but this grows fairly old as most of the island quickly feels samey.


    The porn part of the game is unfortunately quite underdeveloped and boring. The only way to get sex is if you lose. At that point you’ll be raped and then discarded. Afterwards you simply stand up and move about like nothing happened. I like that it isn’t a game over, but it would be fun if there were more to it. Like being captured in a raid: now you’re held captive, and you must either try to escape or accept your new life as the fucktoy of the tribe. Maybe the chieftain’s son is disabled and none of the tribal women wants him, now you’re given to him etc. Or perhaps you manage to turn your situation around and become a functioning member of the tribe. Perhaps this will be added in time.

    It's also only a few monsters - primarily bosses, that have porn content. All other monsters will simply kill you and nothing else. I like that every single piece of wild life will fuck you - a wolf should hunt you, not mate with you. But certain should have stuff going with them; like the worm-like parasites at the swamp or the monstrous degenerate people of hellish underground.

    All in all, I wouldn’t recommend playing this game for the porn content.

    For quick reading:
    The Good
    • Decently looking MC
    • Can create fast-travel points
    • Graphics are pretty
    The In-between
    • Half-baked crafting system. No real point in crafting beyond the very basic axe/pickaxe and leaf bed.
    • The events you can find is a bit too scripted. Would’ve been nice with a choice.
    • There is a detailed skill system. It would be nice if they showed more about her personality and tenacity than them only being pure survival skills or create a skill tree for that too.
    The Bad
    • No real progression
    • No point in base building
    • No way to either submit to or build relations with people
    • Kinda feels like a missed opportunity to not create sexual encounters with the more ordinary monsters.
    Unity  Mad Island [v0.06 Beta Steam] [E-made+]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Quick summary:
    There's no quick summary. Picture this website; Now the JRPG's you saw in it; Dwell on their quality/scale/playtime. All done? Rance Quest doesn't have to be better than those because they are not playing in the same league, and never meet. They just play the same sport. Let me be honest, I'm at a point where I don't read a review that takes more than 2/3 minutes of my time (and it better be on point too), and I can't convince you to play this with a short review. It's a "tru-blu", ethical conundrum, involving pains to my empathy, patience, and sense of justice.

    Here's my bravest, swiftest, earnest attempt to tell you about Rance 8 (quest) from memory.

    - Lore - There's a "boatload" of it. 7 other games (sort of...) before this one, and 2 more after. Do you care about worldbuilding, characters, setting, arcs, story? Welcome home, there's a lot to talk about, and if you are one of those players who "introspects", then goodness me, this game, and the entire series has so much subtext/commentary for you to discover.

    The problem is continuation. If you just decide to play this one before the others (at least 3, 4, 6, and 7, you will NOT get the same value, or the references, or be as invested, or just understand why this "fuckeroo", keeps raping women, while also making them fall in love with him.

    - RPG mechanics (combat) - It's a "grindfest", but there's a built-in "cheat mode", if you want to speed it up. Without spoilers, the game keeps abusing the "level drain mechanic", that you might have seen in other games. So to get stronger, you have to get weaker, but this also leads to many H-scenes, and is congruent with the rules of the world, (people have levels, limits and know about it) and the initial setting.

    In actuality, this is just an excuse to extend gameplay, and be advised you could be playing this for dozens of hours, but it's also an intelligent way of doing it. And remember the different leagues mention above? Skills, equipment, items, progression, dungeon layouts... When I complain that "stuff" like that is bad in an adult game, this is one of my points of reference. Scale, resources and budget can go suck on an egg. Good is good, bad is bad.

    - H-scenes - It's a stupidly high amount, there's all kinds of tags, and the art is great. Having characters that you know/like from the previous games, also improves things (same problem as above, unfortunately). Not selling it well enough? How about sex while holding out for dear life on a cliff. They go to places, literally.

    - Use a guide - Every rose has it's thorns, and Rance 8 is no different. There are some obnoxious, rage-inducing, blood-boiling, screen shattering quests in this game. For the love of whatever deity is above (or below, you do you) keep the wiki page open, and check the quest you are about to do. This is really important. We are talking about a mentality that you will not appreciate, and that feels completely unfair (requires prior knowledge or equals a reload to mission start). There's a number of quests that feel "criminally Japanese". Let's go with that.

    Ok, have your congratulatory pat on the back for reading this far: *Pat, pat*. I'd be bored already, what stamina!!!

    Let's say that you don't know Rance 8: Only play this game if you are a fan of everything that comprises a JRPG, and if you have a LOT of time on your hands right now. With all of this in mind, and by virtue of comparison this a 10/10 (as far as adult videogames go) , and I deeply regret not addressing the VN part of it, but it's also pretty good.

    (Where the hell is Sengoku Rance btw? It's absence feels like a punishable offense against users of this website. It's the best one damn it... maybe)
    VN Others Completed  Rance Quest Magnum [v1.002] [Alicesoft]
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is very small, so you should curb your expectations right away.
    -Gameplay is pretty shallow, there is a lot of downtime where you are just waiting for a spawn so you can finish the level.
    -3d modeling and visuals are ok enough
    -Sex animations kind of stiff and lifeless but it's passable.
    Unity  Smilers Den [v1.0] [Mikifur]
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I would think for an RPGM game that you would want to make the gameplay at least somewhat decent since the majority of the time you are not looking at the lewd parts. Instead you spend a great deal of the game doing the most mind numbing tasks imaginable. Having the game load after every single door becomes even more bothersome because of this. Another thing that makes it even more of a slog is the incredibly bland storyline so far. Maybe it will pick up later though.

    As for the characters... where is even a tablespoon of depth for any of them? NTR and Corruption but it doesn't even feel that way at all because there is almost zero connection between the MC and the women in this game. One is his crush, the other is a childhood friend, and the other is a stepsister of sorts, but if the game didn't tell you that you would never think those things because they all act like acquaintances at best in their interactions.

    The visuals are by far the best thing about the game IMO and they are getting better the longer the game goes. I find the art and some of the audio that goes with it really nice.

    If this were a visual novel and the repeat sections during the sex scenes were toned down then I would've 100% gave this at least a 4/5. My recommendation would be to just use the MTool and unlock the scenes when a new update drops. That way you get the great art and sound, still get some/most of the story, and you avoid the dumpster fire that is its gameplay.
    RPGM  The Corruption of the Village [v0.4.2] [Inatari Tales]
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Game looks great and that's pretty much it.

    Seems to have too much grind going on and too much clicking required to progress the text, almost at the point of feeling laggy while sections of the night progress. Couldn't finish it, didn't seem to have anything to offer after 1st, dunno, half an hour or an hour. Played 3-4h and scene are just repeated, progressing main quest shows special scenes but scene are still pretty much reused. Got bored, won't finish. Ariel look sexy as fuck though. But game gets boring too fast and grind can't be skipped or made to go faster.
    RPGM Completed  Ariel’s Daily Grind [v1.02] [Akamado Factory]
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The women are designed perfectly and the artsyle is also good. The sex scenes aren't anything special though. The gameplay, the UI and the story dont do anything for me, but overall I managed to play 3-5 minutes of it I think, which deserves 2 stars atleast.
    RPGM  Mommy Manhandler [v1.4] [BraveBengal]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality art
    Extremely replayable, lots of challenges to attempt, things to discover, monstergirls to recruit and have sex with.
    More game mechanics than you can handle - but everything is customizable. Enemies can be critters to apocalyptic:
    Battle Brothers but with Nuclear Magic Lavagirls
    Exploring is rewarding, combat is engaging, sex training is fun, dating is cute, Uncovering the alternate endings is super challenging.
    Pets! They can fight!
    You will probably fail at some core gameplay mechanic for a full play through or only season if you're good but the game is forgiving if you're having fun​
    Unity  Portals of Phereon [v0.26.1.0] [Syvaron]
    Likes: DuniX
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    + Great setting.
    + Very detailed and interesting events.
    + Lots of events.
    + There are cool bad endings.

    - Ambiguous graphics.
    - Fetishes are not for everyone (dirt, scat, illness, degradation, personally I like only 50%).
    - The fast forward button is really missing.

    Since the cons are subjective, I can’t lower the rating. Personally, I love this game, but vanilla lovers will definitely not like it.
    RPGM  The Nights of Suburra [v0.9.4 Public] [Historia Erotica]
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Story is very vanilla and bland and theres no real plot to it, i would say its pretty much just normal every day life stuff so nothing that will blow you mind.

    You play both an MC and a MFC, the male part are pretty good and fun to play, but the female part i dident enjoy at all since you have no freedom and no choice with her being a whore more or less doing nude photo shoots, nude drawing sessions, social shit, none of that is in my taste so she just wasent for me since i would have turned that shit down if i had any controle over how to play her and it feels a bit over the top that shes working 2 jobs and doing nude photo sessions and drawning sessions on top of that.

    MFC also feels brainless complaining when people like her boss looks at her nude public photos i mean what does she expect? and if she dosent like it then why do it in the first place.....just another reason her character feels idiotic to me.

    Also not really a fan of playing two MCs since it would take alot to like both of them and it feels weird playing MC who has Lena as a possible LI and also being in controle of her, kinda kills the point of romance when your romancing you just dident feel right to me.

    Worst part is it feels very forced since i have 0 interrest in Lena with my MC but MC loves her which ruins the game, having MC lusting and constantly thinking about wanting to date Lana and then keep picking option to not contact her or not date her just feels idiotic and again kills the story.
    And it feels even more idiotic when your MC text Lena while your playing her? i mean wtf? its like your not in controle of any of them.

    What really fucked up the story for me was Holly, she was the only one i really cared about and it pissed me off so much when she took nude photos with Lena, it made absolutly no sense since i picked every single choice for her NOT to be like Lena and those choices i also found annoying i mean why the fuck would i want to change the one normal shy girl into a whore like everyone else, thats the reason i dident want anything to do with Lena to start with and then game turns Holly into Lena no matter your choices i mean fuck that shit.

    Also has alot of pictures missing where it justs the grey figure and say holly2b on it and had grey renpy screens as well and no not talking about the weird grey screen puzzle thats also in the game.

    Girls 3/5
    The art is pretty good and its nice that its diffrent from all the normal stuff, i just dident find most of them all that hot, thes not that much diversity in builds either.

    Animations well sex scenes 2/5
    Since game is not animated it loses alot of value and with boring and very shot single photo sex scenes they really arent worth anything.

    Music 3/5
    Average background stuff nothing special and none with lyrics.

    Choice 4/5
    Choices does matter in this one, but some seems weird when it comes to Holly like why shes turning into a second Lena when picking all choices against going that made little sense to me.

    Its really only due to the choices being pretty well made in this one that i landed on 3 stars or it would have been a 2, since it was really just to boring and to vanilla for my taste and not being animated is also boring.
    VN Ren'Py  Our Red String [Ch. 12 Full] [Eva Kiss]
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good start, but I seriously considered just giving it 3 stars. I appreciate the work the dev put into making some original characters as well as some locations I have not seen before. Regardless, there are some challenges for me.

    For one, it is just another corruption game. Ugly men and the MC put into silly situations. I think part of the problem is I just might have played too many of these as they all seem the same anymore and this one is no different.

    I will say, one of the things I like is the MC is smart and you can play her like a real woman who knows how to stick up for herself and how to fend off the morons of the world. I like that she can put the men in their place if she wants, but if she lets things happen, that's where it falls off the rails for me and slides back into the old corruption formula.

    There is also a nice balance between male and female partners so I think you could probably play the MC as a lesbian and potentially skip the corruption parts, but we will see how it plays out. And that is another thing I like, as a player, you can easily opt in or out of any of the scenes you want. This may change, but for now, I think it's great.

    The dialogue needs some work as English does not seem to be the devs first language. This is okay, but I found some scenes were bad enough to pull me out of the story and I had to think about what they were trying to say. Again, no problem, but if the dev is looking to make this an excellent game, this will need to be addressed.

    Anyway, while there are a lot of original things going on, at it's base it is a familiar corruption game, but it has some potential to be really excellent. I just hope the dev continues the story the way it is and does not conform to the crowd and turn the MC into a slut caught in a fuckfest.
    VN Ren'Py  Aracelis [v0.2.1] [Eyia]
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The tl;dr is that this games an illusion of choice. You don't get to decide the MC's personality, so he is an aloof goofball. Also, some scenes and how they play out are unavoidable. There's light BDSM scenes, oral scenes, light-ntr scenes (your girlfriend dancing on a tavern table for a dunch of drunk men) and light exhibitionism scenes (girlfriend naked in public spots). All are unavoidable. You have "choices" in pushing the girls to be more exhibistionist or to cuck you, and even if you keep saying no you don't want that shit, it keeps pushing it on you. This game is clearly heavily NTR/Exhibitionism focused and you have the illusion of choice in that regard. Not interested? Too bad, the scenes will keep popping up and showing you shit that you don't want to see. It feels like a kid constantly reaching for candy and you have to keep slapping their hand away. Really annoying and bullshitty. Aside from that, the writing also is not very good and there are scenes that jump around such as "The next day..." and they just transition randomly. The girls also look good, but they all look the same. Same body type, same boob size, same skin colors etc. Oh also, you have to fuck a girl who has light femdom vibes and you don't get a say in that either of course. Overall, just a massive lie and an illusion of choice. There's really nothing here that constitutes you playing it over many other games in the genre that do it much better, pass it unless you are running out of options.
    VN Ren'Py  Between Worlds [v0.1.7 P1] [RolePlayer]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game, waiting for next content. Love the game, waiting for next content. Love the game, waiting for next content. Love the game, waiting for next content. Love the game, waiting for next content.
    VN Ren'Py  Futa Inn [v0.0.1] [MrCheese25]
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Tried 0.5.0

    The story is basically incest with mom. Mom has big breasts, long blonde hair, nice body, so if you like this type you can't go bad with this game.

    Story wise surprisingly NOT slow burn at all. There are 2 scenes with mom, handjob and titjob/blowjob, and you don't have to read like 10 hours for this. It has animations, music (just one track on repeat) but that's all right.

    My only complaint is that there are two choices, but if you choose wrong it is game over for sure. The first one is that
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    , but where are not here for this, are we? And guess what the second one is.... basically the same.

    But aside that I "enjoyed" it. :D Hope to see updates soon.
    VN Ren'Py  The Secret Of Mom And Me [v0.5.0] [Mr.I.Game]
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Not bad, but too little content, I just hope you guys keep motivated and manage to make a great game, with consistency and long sex scenes I think the game would be really enjoyable, I like the character desing a lot.
    VN Ren'Py  Night Shift [v0.01a] [Urban Fiction Studios]