New Thread Ratings

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Game with solid fundamentals (good art, cohesive story, decent sfx and voice acting), yet at the same with some very rough edges (missing art, missing story elements, abrupt ending). One of those games that had potential to be really great. If you like the tags and have 6-8 hours to spare, then you can give it a shot. Otherwise don't bother.
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Milky Touch [Final] [Studio Kuma]
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Start of a game decent plot....but come on man of all the models you can use for the MC thats what you went with.........Everytime he pops on screen im like ugh why WHY did you settle on him looking like that.
    VN Ren'Py  Criminal Attraction! [v0.2.24] [Space Samurai Games]
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok... We can't talk about this without mentioning bestiality.

    No amount of defensive behavior, or outrage at how bad this is (and it's pretty bad), will stop people from knowing WHY you downloaded this.

    Now... having lunch 5 minutes late and not eating for 3 whole days, are very different things,(degrees and perspective) and the above mentioned "why" can differ as dramatically. Example: Plain curiosity, to unadulterated real life encompassing perversion.

    So... The basic reason to play this is the same for everyone, and reviews don't match well with any sort "vindication", in principle and actuality. Everything needs a fair shot at first, then comes the personal input. That's how I see it.

    Here comes the (shockingly there) good:

    - The setting - What you have here is a female protagonist, who turned 18 and has a severe learning disability (her mental age doesn't match her real age, that kind of deal), to a point where she barely graduated high school, she got fired from multiple jobs, she is not familiar with any sexual notions, and she has trouble just functioning in society. Why is this good? To put it bluntly, a roleplaying scenario where you take advantage of someone like that is a turn-on.

    I know, I know... It's bad, and I would never do that in real life (I'm too good looking to go anywhere near jail/prison...), but the main concept of defiling and or tricking something that is pure into corruption, just works. Think about the "schoolgirl tag" and why it's so popular. It's basic male instinct, but thankfully we have the ability to reason, so no psychological excuses for criminals.

    In short, the protagonist being stupid but actually perverted is a turn-on. And that's the only good.

    "National geographic like" descriptions of H-events, overall creativity (number of animals, and their quirks, like turtles being slow), some visual options, a long wind-up to incest that piqued my interest for a bit (Hardly counts, I just like the incest tag), everything is easy to understand and access, I only missed one h-scene (there's a good number of them too), and some of the humor. Finally it reminds me of Zoo tycoon marine mania(I'm old).


    - Bugs, freezes, slowdowns, missing options (technical problems).
    - The bestiality part of things doesn't fulfill its purpose. No point in explaining too much, but basically sex with penguins just makes you scratch your head, and an orca makes you feel sorry for the poor girl. Can this particular tag be a turn-on, without you turning to some sexual offender, and an affront to some deity? Yes it can, check "tear and the library of labyrinths", they use anthropomorphism to ease you in to it.

    - Translation - This is the real problem here, and my brain doesn't deserve this. I could understand what was going on, but at some point, I just lost interest, and the guy who can't get his dream, the other guy who lost what he loved most... I don't care. The translation kills the game, and there wasn't much life there to start with.

    - The art style - It's not terrible, but it doesn't work for me. Not gonna criticize art, I'm not qualified to do it, and the people who are can't seem to get it right either. It's purely personal.

    - Misusage of, and/or excessive lightheartedness - I get it, it's an attempt to trivialize the tag, and remove some of the negative weight it carries, but it didn't work. This is an adult game, and sex is a very serious and important part of life. If you like something commit to it. This is a halfhearted attempt at promoting the tag ( translation: cash grab), that doesn't fulfill it's purpose as an adult videogame.

    Let's wrap it up. Try it if you are curious, but know that it won't take long before you understand how limited this title is, and this is not worth your time and money, even if you are specifically looking for this tag. No score or anything like that, avoid it.
    RPGM Completed  Zookeeper Mission!2 [v1.0.4] [Morning Explosion]
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I would call this 'Alpha' level. There is no feeling of depth to it. The game is playable, and you can see what they are going for but it needs more stuff like ... quests, enhanceable base, live in guests. An opening cut-scene would help make things make sense, too.

    Graphics and text are OK. I probably didn't play out every possible thing, but I did explore pretty much all of the (fairly small) map. Not sure if relationship building is a thing yet. Game balance wise, the fights are winable. I suggest that food satiation go down slower, and that it should be more obvious if you are losing health because you have no food/water.

    tl;dr: Check back in four to six months.
    HTML  SinE3R - Survival in the Eastern European Encasement Region [v0.4] [jktulord]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a tricky game to write a review for. It's like a semi-open world game with currently - five graphic novels mixed into it. The graphic novel parts (files), which are like missions, are truly five star worthy right now. The semi-open world part of the game isn't as good but it has potential to be very good if it gets more development. The game feels a bit unbalanced right now.

    Excellent world building! Multiple "worlds" actually. The main world and currently four others, are rich and full of story details. They are home to some fascinating characters. The missions are very interesting. There isn't a lot of player agency with the missions, but they are a joy to read and experience. A lot of work has went into writing those parts of the game and you can feel the passion shine through.

    The semi-open world part of the game is very underdeveloped in comparison to the graphic novel style missions. It makes the overall game feel unbalanced. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like the player character feels more real during the missions when there are very few choices to make, and less real when at home, in a semi-open world with lots of choices. The player character just feels a bit disconnected from the semi-open world interactions. Everything feels immersive during the missions, but not when you are allowed to roam around at the agency and interact with NPCs. The player character also feels inconsistent at times. Sometimes I feel like I'm in control of my own character, sometimes I don't feel that at all.

    I do think that the negatives can be easily fixed as development continues. If the player character and the interactions with potential love interests can receive as much passionate writing as the graphic novel style missions have received, this game will be amazing! The ability to transform your body is in early access, but it is the main part of the game that I'm looking forward to. Hopefully, as you change yourself physically and mentally, the NPCs will acknowledge and respond accordingly.

    Personally, I'm loving Lucy as a romanceable character. :love: I see a ton of potential in Morgan, who could easily become my top choice if made available. Right now, the interactions with Morgan feel a bit too limited. I wish there was more dialogue options and maybe an alternative path to avoid making Morgan angry.
    HTML  Project SX-Ultra [S1 TF Quest] [Kitty and the Lord]
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.31 rework

    Not much content for the rework but the improvements seen are very promising from what I can see of the old game.

    The Li' models look good. The renders are good. And it looks like the dev is taking criticism well. I look forward to future progress.

    I'm currently giving a 4 out of 5 for it's potential.
    VN Ren'Py  Lustful College Rework [v0.31] [Tinkel Studios]
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for SnowStorm v0.7 WW. The story revolves around vikings and the norse mythology, and will there is some inaccuracies in the history being represented, it is still fairly engaging and entertaining in my opinion. The renders in the game are decent as well. The story is split into three branching routes (clans), and ensures multiple replayability. While this may not appeal to everyone, I actually really enjoyed it as each of the clans have their own ideals, beliefs, cultures, and of cos woman. Now the LIs in the game is great, each of them are beautiful and distinct, and there will surely be a girl to your liking. I'd like to talk specifically about two of them, Nox and Mathilda. Nox is just my absolute favoute, beautiful, sexy, mysterious. There's nothing to not like about her, well except the sex scene unfortunately, I hated it being a forced scene, with her in her markings and all. The build-up to that point was already so great, having a nice and normal sex scene with her would've been PERFECT. Next would be Mathilda, now while she is constantly bitchy and all, I find it really nice how MC is able to open her up, to find a softer and different side of her as the story goes on. Really enjoyed seeing her change and growth. I do however dislike how it always resolves around Mathilda being a "good girl/bad girl" plot, and would love to have a normal relationship with her as the game progress.

    Moving to the cons, I feel the main drawback to the game would be the animations. Some scenes lack animations, while in others the animations feels clunky. The camera angles also needs improvements, as they are not really enjoyable at the current state. The scene with Astrja also feels really rushed, and to top it off, being caught as well. Why not make that scene into a blowjob scene instead, would have flow together nicely. MC is also pretty stupid in multiple instances, like why wouldn't he know where the milk comes from? Some choices also feels like they don't matter at all, such as when getting caught by Candrid, non of the 3 choices changes anything, comeon, I want nothing to do with Candrid, just let me enjoy Mathilda. All in all, I feel SnowStorm is a really great game worth playing, and with some improvements, it can definitely be a 5 star game. Hopefully dev takes a look at all the comments/reviews, and make some improvements on them.

    -Interesting story
    -Decent renders
    -Characters are unique and different
    -Beautiful models, Nox & Mathilda
    -Some bgms

    -Scenes feels rushed and unrewarding
    -Some choices does not matter
    -Stupid MC
    -Gallery filled with story scenes, please only put H-scenes
    VN Ren'Py  SnowStorm [v0.7 WW] [GleenX Studio]
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Genesis lover

    Man!! What a game..I just love fantasy games where MC can have the powers and can absorb powers to help people..
    Specifically,The best part about this game MC can see about the suitors past before killing them..And he try his best to solve everything with his mind control..just wow!
    Great work by Solensis ❤..
    Just in love with the game.. can't wait for more..
    It's sad that it is underrated..But sometimes some things need to be underrated..right?
    Gladly enjoyed it..worth playing and like the way MC was leveling up and unlocks new powers keep it up!
    VN Ren'Py  Genesis [Ep.23 - Floor 06] [Solensis]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good VN, with a very engaging story, complex and interesting characters, and really good art. The mc is strong and has porn game powers, but he isn't overpowered, he goes through hardships and conflict. The girls are hot, each has her own personality and there's enough variety to sate a lot of different tastes. I'm enjoying this game a lot so far and i wish the creator the very best of luck in the development process
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Like someone was saying below, I think this game is overrated. It's a nice little game but nothing special.

    For Example: why RPGM? You are running around with absolutley no purpose. Maybe a VN game style would be better.

    The Story and the main characters are okay but all others are kinda...meh? (husbands = nutjobs, wifes = whore and abused woman, daughter of owner = psycho)
    RPGM Completed  The Siren's Song [v1.20] [maiie]
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    CG: Fap-tastic. Model are good, Animated and not awkward.

    Game: VN Style. [Part 1] is shorter but more 'action/battle' phase which is also quite linear, but the build-up to "unseen" ntr action is superb. [Part 2] however STARTED very slow, as of v0.40, you have choice to unlock gallery to check your taste, then jump back to 'Play' it for once.
    RPGM  Sword Art Online: The Trap of Breath Concealed Magic [Part 2 v0.40] [Fujino]
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The story goes you are a couple who recently moved into a new town to start a new life. Both of them are in desperate need of money to start their life. When both of them start their jobs, your wife slowly succumbs to the corruption of lustful men, all under your nose. Honestly the game has excellent pacing. Some people would think it’s too slow for corruption, it is indeed slow. But however, the game is able to build suspense and tension for me. Despite myself already knowing that this is an NTR, the game always puts me on my toes about when and how your wife would cheat on you.

    Now at the beginning, the main character was like your typical dude. He’s somewhat likeable and he obviously loves his wife. But he’s very contradictory in terms of his values. He wants his wife to be faithful, however, he himself cheats with another woman. Somewhat remorse he feels, but he brushes it off like a mistake. However, he’s gungho on his wife about being with other men, when he cheated before she cheated! I just wished this turned into a different route, where you have a cheating route for the husband. Now I think the wife is the biggest star in this game, obviously. What I do like about her is her stubbornness. You can see she still clearly loves her husband and only does it for his sake. Her love for her husband is there, but her lust for the BBC is there as well. It’s great that she’s not just some bimbo for BBC or for sex, but feels like a genuine situation in real life. Stubborn, but still succumbs to the power of lust. Honestly, the game does fall off once the husband realises his wife is cheating on him. It just feels like I know how corny it sounds. But he just feels like a total cuck and is clueless as to what to do. After that, it feels predictable and a bit bland. I would of like the husband to have more backbone and choices in dealing or handling with the news of it.

    Now this is an NTR game and it has lots of reading. Most of the reading and dialogue are absolutely fun to read. It’s suspenseful and super hot. Now this game has content on cheating, lots of BBC, NTR, cuckolding etc. All of the photos and videos are incredibly hot. The women in this game you know have visuals of some of your favourite pornstars like Autumn Falls and Emilly Willis. The game also mixes in amateur cuckold/bbc porn that was so hot. One of my complaints about this game is the extreme BBC fetishization, I understand race play. But I felt like the setting as migrants being black and rapists just felt a bit too much to me but thats a personal nitpick for myself. I love BBC worship, but it goes a bit too far in my opinion.. I just wished, wished. There was just more than one route to this game, that you can pick. Currently, it’s just you’re currently being cheated on and being cucked. I wish there were more choices that the husband could pick or have. Such as a swinging, netorase or maybe even revenge route. Just having more agency over the choices and having those choices matter would open up this game.

    The gameplay is an adult visual novel with an interesting set-up. You’re equipped with a laptop to spy on your wife & answer emails. You have a phone to your right, where you text and call your wife & friends. I really do love this setup and it feels clean. Instead of mindlessly pressing enter or space to read a visual novel, it encourages the reader to be more active in the experience. Instead of reading a visual novel, it feels like an intimate experience that immerses myself in being in the position of the husband. But the husband also gets to travel to places such as the bar or work, not just in a singular place.

    Whilst this only features real-life porn and not art. All of the porn are of high quality. There is a good mix of amateur and studio-produced porn.
    The UI is clean and smooth, easy to navigate and easy on the eyes.

    The sound design is good for what the game is. There’s some background music albeit just one or two that changes I believe. The vibrations and sound of your phone receiving a call are a nice & immersive addition. Little details such as this make it a more pleasurable experience to read the game. I love how all the sex videos/scenes have sounds and are not of poor quality, they were extremely hot to hear.

    The slow and methodical pacing of the game is what this game tick so well. It's a slow-burn NTR that will keep you on your toes, whilst you are endlessly hypnotised by super hot NTR + BBC content. It does fall off a bit at the end of the current version, but still hot. If you're an NTR lover, this is definitely an experience you should have with a box of tissues beside you. Even better if you are a BBC lover, you will definitely be in love with this game and I guarantee will be one of your favourites.
    VN Ren'Py  A Wife's Life [v0.2.5] [Kerosine_NTR]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, I'm really enjoying Hot Sand of Antarctica ! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are so interesting. Twins are definitely a standout – she's gorgeous.

    The visuals are also impressive. The character models are beautiful, and the environments are well-designed. The animation is smooth and adds to the overall experience.

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets a 10 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, and the visuals are top-notch. Definitely worth checking out!
    VN Ren'Py  Hot Sand of Antarctica [v0.09] [Grinvald]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the mix between cuckold and femdom, the game is erotic, romantic, the game is well written, the characters are well constructed
    we find ourselves immersed in the game, we see the perspectives of their relationship between the characters
    From the relationship Walker and Diabolica which are exhausted, their relationship becomes boring, the fetishes which take over their relationship,
    femdom and cuckold take over their relationship
    the developers put this relationship into perspective
    The demo is good 5/5
    VN Ren'Py  My Girlfriend Queen of Spades [Demo] [Mina492]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best project starts I've seen so far ! I hope you'll have a nice time developping the rest of the game.
    For once, I liked the idea of the minigame which is an achievement as far as I'm concerned because I always feel like most minigames that people add to their games are not related to what actually happens. I might be interested in a progressiv difficulty increase though as it becomes quite repetitiv after a couple of times.
    The overall aesthetic is original and well polished for a starter. And I liked the scenario and how it is written aswell.
    HTML  A Prince's Tale [v0.1] [tiny-pastry]
    Likes: DuniX
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The story starts with an interesting premise as you and your partner with a daughter are brought to become slaves for a rich noble woman. As time pass you begin to lust for your master, and the master-servant relationship becomes blurred. This is honestly such a refreshing writing, the pacing feels great. The slow corruption of the main character having an affair with her master is done really well. It’s such an interesting premise that I haven’t seen in many games, a master-servant relationship blurring the line. Unfortunately, at times the dialogue is riddled with typos and inconsistencies. It just takes it out of my immersive reading experience.

    The main character is a great loving husband that looks out for his family but slowly succumbs to the lust of an affair. He is mournful yet enticed by the nature of an affair. All the characters in this game are great, except for the daughter. Girlfriend is loving, yet a stubborn and affectionate partner. The master is a seductive and teasing character that continues to lure the main character in.

    There is a chunk of content in this game. However, most of it is mostly writing. The sex scenes, I feel like are quite hit or miss. It’s very much largely inconsistent in its qualities, at times it’s really good and at times it's just so bland. Currently, the game has currently cheating content and sharing, albeit it’s small. However those scenes are exceptionally hot and wants me craving for more.

    It’s just your typical adult visual novel. There are choices throughout the game to pick whether to stay faithful to your wife or have an affair. All choices lead to an affair, which I felt like the option to stay faithful to your wife is pretty much useless.

    The visuals are an absolute let down. At the beginning at the game, the visuals are awful. The characters and renders just look terrible. Honestly, I'm not sure what models they use, but it looks like screenshots from the sims. However as the game progresses, the renders of the characters and visuals do become better. But still felt below average. The only redeeming factor is the sex animations are quite good and smooth.

    The sound design is average. There’s background music and it changes depending on the mood. Honestly the lack of sex sounds and moaning, especially when eavesdropping the master, just made the scene flatter.

    The game has such an interesting plot with as equally engaging characters. However the visual just made the experience feel flat and uninspiring at times, the lack of moans and sex noises especially during those voyeurism scenes was really needed. I reckon if they did a remake of this game in regards to it's visuals, we would have a great game on our hands. If you're looking for an interesting cheating/swinging-themed game that's starting to spice up you might wanna try this out.
    VN Ren'Py  In Her Service [v0.54] [Blue Factory Games]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot scenes, fun animations great game
    It's linear cause you have to do the scenes in a certain order, and maybe you get the choose which scene you want to do first of two or three choices.

    The gameplay starts out easy enough but soon you'll be bombarded by enemies when in the dungeons and you'll need a real grind to get passed them. My advice is to just set the difficulty to easy. Also there's just a little bit too much dialogue and scene repeat, but the hot stuff makes up for it.

    Also a lot of front shots for like the first part of the game, as an ass man i found this annoying.
    RPGM Completed  Grace of the Labyrinth Town [v1.15] [Lovely Pretty Ultra Loving You]
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4

    The game has amazing renders and animations, there are also music and sounds that help set the tone and the atmosphere of the story.
    The main character is a human being with a believable behaviour given his upbringing which is alway a plus. The other characters are interesting and different from each other.
    The love interests are 5 (with at least one more incoming) and while they're all really hot they're also quite varied, endearing and behave as normally as possible (given the setting and the situation).
    Another thing that I particularly appreciate is the fact that the dev is present in the thread to interact and explain and releases are punctual and with a good amount of content.
    Congratulations to the dev and I hope the support and the number of fans will continue to grow!
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I have tried a few text-based games and this one stands out for its unique setting and funny writing, it has a few sex scenes so far but the story really does carry, I forgot I was playing a porn game and just started enjoying the characters and the how the different choices affect the outcomes. Kudos to the dev and I hope the development continues and the quality is kept up, good luck mate.
    HTML  The Black Baron [v0.2 Beta] [ColossalProjectProductions]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like these corruption games. It is slow corruption without getting too grindy. It took me a while to find the wine but the rest is more or less self explanatory. The renders could be better, there could be more renders as the story is some times a bit jerky but overall I like it.
    Ren'Py  Live in Corruption [v1.2.0] [Dirty Secret Studio]