New Thread Ratings

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    - story is nice. it is not a 'copy paste' RPGM scenario
    - nice art, no animated scnes
    - combat is action rpg and fun, espacially aoe spells
    - crowd enemy groups cause fps drops
    - you an check story and first boss from that gameplay
    RPGM Completed  The Incompetent Demon King & the Four Dispelling Stones [v1.01] [I-guruwan]
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Little Man is a great example of an in development VN/game. Consistent and high quality updates every time and excellent community interaction. Art gets updated and quality improves also which is a nice touch, and overall a great experience. Theres a little bit of clunkiness if you want to rush all of the scenes (which i often do) but this is hardly a slog compared to other games on this site.

    top quality game, can't wait to see what Mr. Rabbit gets up to next!
    Ren'Py  LittleMan Remake [v0.43] [Mr.Rabbit]
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    bella l'idea di base. Belle le illustrazioni.
    Ma purtroppo un altro classico mangia mangia, non si riesce a guadagnare allora non sviluppiamo piu il gioco. Che poi un gioco completo e ben fatto e vendibile senza Patreon. Ma fosrse nella legalità si guadagna di meno. Megli sfruttare e prendere per il sedere i giocatori.
    VN Ren'Py  Earn Your Freedom 3D [v0.08] [EYF3D]
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    | Vee |

    I abso-fucking-lutely loved the update(y)(y). Don't know why people complain about MMC being an asshole. The environment in which he was raised, you have to be asshole to survive and it's not like it's out of character that MMC behaves that way. I believe this attitude and personality suits MMC perfectly, especially after he spent a year in jail.

    Dev melted my heart in UI department. I just loved the UI and the animations used in UI:love:. Renders and animations as you know are already great, no lagging when animations play:BootyTime:.

    I really believe think that story will get more and more interesting as we move forward and this episode shows exactly that very clearly. Loved with the ease the story flows, reveals the bits, immersively.

    Characters are lovely and I love detailing on characters. You'll see what I'm talking about when you play the game.
    Emily gonna lose her other eye too. Bitch emptied her brain when lost first one. I already knew she will jeopardize Diana when MMC saw her with Dwight the twat.


    GOLDLUCK!:coffee: MissFortune
    VN Ren'Py  Move the Chains [v0.2 Bugfix] [MissFortune]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Ep. 2 Final v2.0

    I like easy games, don't care about some BS story (too many games are story focused milkers)

    + Hot and sweet ladies (don't like bitchy characters)
    + no grinding
    + sexy scenes
    + good graphics with emotion
    + no stupid side characters
    + straight some hot action with main ladies and not after 5 years of milking.

    = 5/5
    VN Ren'Py  Temptations of Love [Ep. 2 Final v2.0] [Ruby Romance Games]
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This is yet another game with a student and incest theme, however, unfortunately, in terms of story and plot, it doesn't progress anywhere. The protagonist is so cowardly that it becomes irritating, and the developer forces you to perform actions that you certainly wouldn't want to do.

    The rendering of characters and scenarios is great, but I encountered a problem: at times, one of the female characters has very strange hair.

    Being a harem game with a mediocre story, I would expect several sex scenes, but that doesn't happen here. Surprisingly, the protagonist only loses their virginity at the end of the second episode, so the game mostly revolves around flirting and teasing.

    I recommend playing only if you don't care about the plot and don't mind controlling a cowardly protagonist.
    VN Ren'Py  Temptations of Love [Ep. 2 Final v2.0] [Ruby Romance Games]
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Pep Shepherd

    RPGM Based Game
    ---{ Graphics (CG´s) }---
    ☐ One of the best ever made
    ☑ They are really good
    ☐ Nothing special
    ☐ Looks boring
    ☐ Damn thats trash
    (Animated? ☐ Yes / ☑ No / ☐ Not everything)

    ---{ Gameplay }---
    ☐ Very fun to play
    ☐ Some special features
    ☑ It's just RPGM gameplay
    ☐ Watch paint dry instead
    ☐ Just get a Full Save

    ---{ Audio }---
    ☐ Eargasm
    ☑ Good
    ☐ Nothing special
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ I'm now deaf

    ---{ Difficulty }---
    ☐ Too easy
    ☐ Easy
    ☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
    ☐ Significant brain usage
    ☐ Difficult
    ☐ Dark Souls
    (☑ Can be changed)

    ---{ Story }---
    ☐ It'll replace your life
    ☑ Lovely
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Average
    ☐ Some lore
    ☐ No Story
    (☐ Wasn't good enough to read it all)

    ---{ Game Time }---
    ☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
    ☐ Short
    ☐ Average
    ☑ Long
    ☐ To infinity and beyond
    (☐ Got a Full save Mid Game)

    ---{ Bugs }---
    ☑ Never heard of
    ☐ Didnt see some
    ☐ Minor bugs
    ☐ Can get annoying
    ☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
    ☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

    ---{ H-Content }---
    ☐ Almost too much
    ☑ A lot
    ☐ 50/50
    ☐ Could be more
    ☐ Not enough
    ☐ Even children could play

    ---{ Do i keep the game? }---
    ☐ Yes
    ☑ No (i´m finished)

    Last words:The game is a lot of fun to play. I spent more than 30 hours with the game and it never got boring. The story is a bit boring at times but 80% of it is really well written and thought out with a lot of love. There are some fetishes that not everyone will like.
    RPGM Completed  Into the Nightmare [v1.03] [Tsukinomizu Project / Kagura Games]
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    All vaginas are the same (clean shaven and the same shape/model). That makes things pretty boring. Characters are good but the lack of diversity spoils the fun.
    There are no high stakes, foes or really a story.
    Ren'Py  Lunar's Chosen [Ep. 2 v0.1.1] [PTGames]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Demon's Sperm is an excellent Souls-like H-game that I can't stop replaying. At first, you may be thinking that this game's numerous mechanical restrictions would drag the game down a lot, but as time goes on, you'll realize how Fullflap have used the most out of these restrictions to make a genuinely fun, exciting and challenging game.

    >Art and animations: Fullflap's style is really fun to look at as it has this charming dash of an old PC game of sorts. This does drag down the game a little bit because the style of the environment tend to look very dull and uninteresting. Like I get it, we're in a dungeon but this is just a little too repetitive to look at. It's not the end of the world, as the character we're controlling, some NPCs and the enemies all have very good looking designs. The animation is quite standard but it's still a lot more expressive than the usual games you'll see today.

    >Sounds: the music... there's 2 tracks. These two tracks are pretty good at what they're doing, but the problem is clear, there's only two of them. Even though I didn't get annoyed at this because they work well enough as BGM for me to not think about them too much (plus the game is pretty intense so all of my brain energy went into the fighting instead), I'd still love to see more music instead of just 2. The SFX however are pretty dang good. Much like the aesthetics, the sound effects feels like in line with the artstyle of this game. They're also very impactful and useful, some lets you feel the power of your slashes, some lets you know if those firebomb mfs are in here, and one... traumatize you as they let you know the Knight is in this room. Really nice work in the SFX part.

    >Gameplay: this is where Demon's Sperm shines the most. Its gameplay is similar to that of Demon's Souls (who would've guess) and other Souls-like games, with just a dash of simpler mechanics but is just as challenging as you'd expect from the genre.

    >>Offense: the game features 5 main weapons and various throwables as your way to offense. Each weapons have its own distinct use and different way to master: the balanced Sword & Shield; the less risk, less reward version of it, Spear & Shield; the all attack, no defense Two Handed Sword; the ranged weapon with little damage, Bow; and finally: "Wanna play Street Fighter?", Fists. You can find a weapon that fits the gameplay style you prefer here, it's all laid out and properly balanced for you to choose.

    >>Defense: much like your offense, your defense are varied in terms of which weapons you're choosing and how you want to play the game. You can use the universal but hard way to defend, Roll; Spear and Sword lets you use a Shield alongside with it, which you can guard with it and will drain your Stamina gauge instead of health. It's low risk, but it can lead you to sticky situations if you didn't use it well and get Guard Broken if the gauge is drained completely. It is not completely void of skill however, because you can perform a Just Guard by blocking the attack right before it hits you, which drains zero gauge; Fists replaces the block function with a dash, which you can use to back dash and forward dash, gaining even less invincibility but is faster than a roll. There are layers and layers behind these different ways of defending yourself, and it makes the game really interesting. You can be the skillful Just Guard and Roll gamer, or you can take it safe and normal Guard your attacks instead. Your run, your choice.

    >>Movement: Your movement is very limited. You don't have the usual double jump, air dash, wall climb or anything. No, this is a Souls-like, not a platformer. Heck, you can't actually jump forward or backward, you only jump up and fall down. Despite its very limited movement, and despite I called the game "Not a platformer" two sentences before this, the game is very fun to move around. Fullflap uses this limitation to its fullest. Instead of jumping from one platform to another, you instead uses Rolls, which is actually really fun to traverse around. And whenever you climb a ladder, it feels really snappy because it lets you have a lot of window and space to begin the climb. Movement, even if there's little, is a lot of fun.

    >>Map Design and Secrets: in fact, part of why your movement feels so fun is because of this game's brilliant map design. Again, Fullflap used the most out of the game's limited movement mechanics, opting for unorthodox looking level designs but fits like a charm in this game. Even though this is my 4th time playing this game, making a difficult roll, figuring out the way to reach the top of a room and avoid falling is a lot of fun. It even has a puzzle in one part of the game and that's sick as hell to insert in here, of all games. The secrets however... is a hit or miss sometimes. Some secrets are genuinely pretty good. They need you to keep your eyes peel for anything suspicious and some of them makes you think outside of the box. Others are... slamming your head against a wall and see what happens. Yeah, some of the secrets are bad and just "How did you expect me to just... randomly roll into this wall". You win some, you lose some, that's the secrets in this game.

    >>Enemies: the enemies are very well-designed. They get increasingly harder as you go, some being buffed version of existing enemies and others being completely new ones. I kinda don't like that instead of scaling the old enemies to higher stats in new areas, they just get new armored version instead but meh, this works too, no complains. The bosses are also very well-designed. Each one of them is pretty different from each other in terms of the way you attack, approach, dodge, etc. One of the bosses (well, technically he's not a boss, but a miniboss), the Knight is hell for me, both in my Normal and Hard mode runs, but despite dying a lot lot from him, I... came out having enjoyed the battle I had with him. Then I fought two of them at the same time and it's the same, through the sufferings, I still had a lot of fun. These are great bosses, as expected from a Souls-like.

    >> Difficulty: this game is HARD. And no, I'm not talking about Hard mode. Even on Normal, this game is very unforgiving and requires lots of skills. It's great to see that Easy mode helps a lot, but man, I spent 3 runs on Normal mode and it was pretty dang hard. So what about Hard mode? Even worse than that, and by a long shot. Enemies deals more damage and has extreme reactions and speed, requiring you to very quickly dodge and block, more so than Normal mode. Each map will have only 1 or 2 saves instead of the usual 3-4, you if you die, you'll have to back track A LOT to get back your dropped stuff. There's also no saves before bosses btw :3. So, for a game this unforgiving, is it bad? No, in fact, I. Love. It. At first I didn't like Hard mode, but it made me appreciate the Return Seeds and Antidote way more, which is something Normal mode can't do. It's amazing how hard and unforgiving this game can be yet... it's also a lot lot of fun. The difficulty is up for you to choose, you can be laid back or you can go hardcore, much like many aspects of this game. It's the different ways you can approach Demon's Sperms that's amazing, it can be hard, it can be easy, it's up to you to decide.

    There's much much more I can compliment the gameplay for. Demon's Sperm is honestly one of the top best games in the H-game circle in terms of gameplay. For how much I've replayed the game, I never got bored of it and instead, love it even more than I did last time.

    > H-scenes: Fullflap's animations on the H-scenes is just as good as the other parts of the game's art. Looks nice, great fap. One critique I'll give though is how you unlock the scenes. Beating bosses is fine, I do like that part, and opening two specific chests to get an item for the pink-haired girl to masturbate with is fine too (although I kinda wished it was an animation and not just an image). I kinda don't like the long hallways with the enemy with hearts instead. Instead of coding in some mechanics to get rape, you get willingly get hit by the hearted enemies to initiate a scene. It's neat, getting gangbanged or getting hit while you're facing the enemy or turning your back to them gets a different scene but it's just not as interesting as getting hit by real enemies. I do like one part of these hearted enemies though, is that they give sperms and after you fuck them, they become normal enemies and they still drop sperm that way, so you can get more sperm by fucking and then killing them lmao. The game endorses this, because killing them while they're hearted gives little sperms to use.

    >Conclusion: I have SO much more to talk about, this game is honestly really really damn good. If you like a damn damn good game to play through and get some decent amount of H-scenes as reward, I 100% recommend this. If you're not a fan of these older artstyles, does not like the very hard nature of this game or is looking for quick H-scenes, this is not for you, sorry. 9.75/10.
    Others Completed  Demon's Sperm [v2.1] [Fullfrap]
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The story goes you as a husband have a hotwife fetish and wish for your wife to become one. I was actually pretty excited at the introduction on how the couple was going to explore the cuckold/hotwife kink. But to my massive disappointment, they completely skipped it which just deflated the game for me. I wish there was a build-up on how she became a hotwife rather than just a super duper rushed introduction. Currently, right now it's her 30th birthday, and her bull Mark is there to commemorate a special occasion.

    The main character is alright, I do like how he genuinely does feel jealous at times which makes the cuckolding experience super hot. But other than that the wife and other characters in this game are bland.

    There's not much content, maybe 15 minutes of content. There are some sex scenes, but they seem rushed and boring.

    No real gameplay, it's your typical AVN. Not many choices in the game at this current version:

    The visuals are okay. The wife model looks super hot and the main character male model looks good as well for a fat cuck. But my god, the bull Mark is downright terrible & terrifying. It looks like half of his face wasn't rendered and had a stroke.

    No sound design other than some moaning in a teasing foreplay scene. Lack of background music made the experience flat.

    Honestly, it's not a horrible NTR game but it is definitely not great. The introduction feels rushed and the bull Mark looks terrible. If the developer would write a more thorough and longer introduction as well as to fix Mark's character model then this game would definitely have potential.
    VN Ren'Py  Surprise for My Wife [v0.5] [JustLust]
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Game with solid fundamentals (good art, cohesive story, decent sfx and voice acting), yet at the same with some very rough edges (missing art, lookalike models, poor narration, abrupt ending). One of those games that had potential to be really great, but blew it. If you like the tags and have 6-8 hours to spare, then you can give it a shot. Otherwise don't bother.
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Milky Touch [Final] [Studio Kuma]
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Start of a game decent plot....but come on man of all the models you can use for the MC thats what you went with.........Everytime he pops on screen im like ugh why WHY did you settle on him looking like that.
    VN Ren'Py  Criminal Attraction! [v0.2.24] [Space Samurai Games]
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok... We can't talk about this without mentioning bestiality.

    No amount of defensive behavior, or outrage at how bad this is (and it's pretty bad), will stop people from knowing WHY you downloaded this.

    Now... having lunch 5 minutes late and not eating for 3 whole days, are very different things,(degrees and perspective) and the above mentioned "why" can differ as dramatically. Example: Plain curiosity, to unadulterated real life encompassing perversion.

    So... The basic reason to play this is the same for everyone, and reviews don't match well with any sort "vindication", in principle and actuality. Everything needs a fair shot at first, then comes the personal input. That's how I see it.

    Here comes the (shockingly there) good:

    - The setting - What you have here is a female protagonist, who turned 18 and has a severe learning disability (her mental age doesn't match her real age, that kind of deal), to a point where she barely graduated high school, she got fired from multiple jobs, she is not familiar with any sexual notions, and she has trouble just functioning in society. Why is this good? To put it bluntly, a roleplaying scenario where you take advantage of someone like that is a turn-on.

    I know, I know... It's bad, and I would never do that in real life (I'm too good looking to go anywhere near jail/prison...), but the main concept of defiling and or tricking something that is pure into corruption, just works. Think about the "schoolgirl tag" and why it's so popular. It's basic male instinct, but thankfully we have the ability to reason, so no psychological excuses for criminals.

    In short, the protagonist being stupid but actually perverted is a turn-on. And that's the only good.

    "National geographic like" descriptions of H-events, overall creativity (number of animals, and their quirks, like turtles being slow), some visual options, a long wind-up to incest that piqued my interest for a bit (Hardly counts, I just like the incest tag), everything is easy to understand and access, I only missed one h-scene (there's a good number of them too), and some of the humor. Finally it reminds me of Zoo tycoon marine mania(I'm old).


    - Bugs, freezes, slowdowns, missing options (technical problems).
    - The bestiality part of things doesn't fulfill its purpose. No point in explaining too much, but basically sex with penguins just makes you scratch your head, and an orca makes you feel sorry for the poor girl. Can this particular tag be a turn-on, without you turning to some sexual offender, and an affront to some deity? Yes it can, check "tear and the library of labyrinths", they use anthropomorphism to ease you in to it.

    - Translation - This is the real problem here, and my brain doesn't deserve this. I could understand what was going on, but at some point, I just lost interest, and the guy who can't get his dream, the other guy who lost what he loved most... I don't care. The translation kills the game, and there wasn't much life there to start with.

    - The art style - It's not terrible, but it doesn't work for me. Not gonna criticize art, I'm not qualified to do it, and the people who are can't seem to get it right either. It's purely personal.

    - Misusage of, and/or excessive lightheartedness - I get it, it's an attempt to trivialize the tag, and remove some of the negative weight it carries, but it didn't work. This is an adult game, and sex is a very serious and important part of life. If you like something commit to it. This is a halfhearted attempt at promoting the tag ( translation: cash grab), that doesn't fulfill it's purpose as an adult videogame.

    Let's wrap it up. Try it if you are curious, but know that it won't take long before you understand how limited this title is, and this is not worth your time and money, even if you are specifically looking for this tag. No score or anything like that, avoid it.
    RPGM Completed  Zookeeper Mission!2 [v1.0.4] [Morning Explosion]
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I would call this 'Alpha' level. There is no feeling of depth to it. The game is playable, and you can see what they are going for but it needs more stuff like ... quests, enhanceable base, live in guests. An opening cut-scene would help make things make sense, too.

    Graphics and text are OK. I probably didn't play out every possible thing, but I did explore pretty much all of the (fairly small) map. Not sure if relationship building is a thing yet. Game balance wise, the fights are winable. I suggest that food satiation go down slower, and that it should be more obvious if you are losing health because you have no food/water.

    tl;dr: Check back in four to six months.
    HTML  SinE3R - Survival in the Eastern European Encasement Region [v0.4] [jktulord]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a tricky game to write a review for. It's like a semi-open world game with currently - five graphic novels mixed into it. The graphic novel parts (files), which are like missions, are truly five star worthy right now. The semi-open world part of the game isn't as good but it has potential to be very good if it gets more development. The game feels a bit unbalanced right now.

    Excellent world building! Multiple "worlds" actually. The main world and currently four others, are rich and full of story details. They are home to some fascinating characters. The missions are very interesting. There isn't a lot of player agency with the missions, but they are a joy to read and experience. A lot of work has went into writing those parts of the game and you can feel the passion shine through.

    The semi-open world part of the game is very underdeveloped in comparison to the graphic novel style missions. It makes the overall game feel unbalanced. It's hard to explain, but it's almost like the player character feels more real during the missions when there are very few choices to make, and less real when at home, in a semi-open world with lots of choices. The player character just feels a bit disconnected from the semi-open world interactions. Everything feels immersive during the missions, but not when you are allowed to roam around at the agency and interact with NPCs. The player character also feels inconsistent at times. Sometimes I feel like I'm in control of my own character, sometimes I don't feel that at all.

    I do think that the negatives can be easily fixed as development continues. If the player character and the interactions with potential love interests can receive as much passionate writing as the graphic novel style missions have received, this game will be amazing! The ability to transform your body is in early access, but it is the main part of the game that I'm looking forward to. Hopefully, as you change yourself physically and mentally, the NPCs will acknowledge and respond accordingly.

    Personally, I'm loving Lucy as a romanceable character. :love: I see a ton of potential in Morgan, who could easily become my top choice if made available. Right now, the interactions with Morgan feel a bit too limited. I wish there was more dialogue options and maybe an alternative path to avoid making Morgan angry.
    HTML  Project SX-Ultra [S1 TF Quest] [Kitty and the Lord]
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.31 rework

    Not much content for the rework but the improvements seen are very promising from what I can see of the old game.

    The Li' models look good. The renders are good. And it looks like the dev is taking criticism well. I look forward to future progress.

    I'm currently giving a 4 out of 5 for it's potential.
    VN Ren'Py  Lustful College Rework [v0.31] [Tinkel Studios]
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for SnowStorm v0.7 WW. The story revolves around vikings and the norse mythology, and will there is some inaccuracies in the history being represented, it is still fairly engaging and entertaining in my opinion. The renders in the game are decent as well. The story is split into three branching routes (clans), and ensures multiple replayability. While this may not appeal to everyone, I actually really enjoyed it as each of the clans have their own ideals, beliefs, cultures, and of cos woman. Now the LIs in the game is great, each of them are beautiful and distinct, and there will surely be a girl to your liking. I'd like to talk specifically about two of them, Nox and Mathilda. Nox is just my absolute favoute, beautiful, sexy, mysterious. There's nothing to not like about her, well except the sex scene unfortunately, I hated it being a forced scene, with her in her markings and all. The build-up to that point was already so great, having a nice and normal sex scene with her would've been PERFECT. Next would be Mathilda, now while she is constantly bitchy and all, I find it really nice how MC is able to open her up, to find a softer and different side of her as the story goes on. Really enjoyed seeing her change and growth. I do however dislike how it always resolves around Mathilda being a "good girl/bad girl" plot, and would love to have a normal relationship with her as the game progress.

    Moving to the cons, I feel the main drawback to the game would be the animations. Some scenes lack animations, while in others the animations feels clunky. The camera angles also needs improvements, as they are not really enjoyable at the current state. The scene with Astrja also feels really rushed, and to top it off, being caught as well. Why not make that scene into a blowjob scene instead, would have flow together nicely. MC is also pretty stupid in multiple instances, like why wouldn't he know where the milk comes from? Some choices also feels like they don't matter at all, such as when getting caught by Candrid, non of the 3 choices changes anything, comeon, I want nothing to do with Candrid, just let me enjoy Mathilda. All in all, I feel SnowStorm is a really great game worth playing, and with some improvements, it can definitely be a 5 star game. Hopefully dev takes a look at all the comments/reviews, and make some improvements on them.

    -Interesting story
    -Decent renders
    -Characters are unique and different
    -Beautiful models, Nox & Mathilda
    -Some bgms

    -Scenes feels rushed and unrewarding
    -Some choices does not matter
    -Stupid MC
    -Gallery filled with story scenes, please only put H-scenes
    VN Ren'Py  SnowStorm [v0.7 WW] [GleenX Studio]
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Genesis lover

    Man!! What a game..I just love fantasy games where MC can have the powers and can absorb powers to help people..
    Specifically,The best part about this game MC can see about the suitors past before killing them..And he try his best to solve everything with his mind control..just wow!
    Great work by Solensis ❤..
    Just in love with the game.. can't wait for more..
    It's sad that it is underrated..But sometimes some things need to be underrated..right?
    Gladly enjoyed it..worth playing and like the way MC was leveling up and unlocks new powers keep it up!
    VN Ren'Py  Genesis [Ep.23 - Floor 06] [Solensis]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good VN, with a very engaging story, complex and interesting characters, and really good art. The mc is strong and has porn game powers, but he isn't overpowered, he goes through hardships and conflict. The girls are hot, each has her own personality and there's enough variety to sate a lot of different tastes. I'm enjoying this game a lot so far and i wish the creator the very best of luck in the development process
    VN Ren'Py  New Antioch [R0.4] [TheRedMyst]
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Like someone was saying below, I think this game is overrated. It's a nice little game but nothing special.

    For Example: why RPGM? You are running around with absolutley no purpose. Maybe a VN game style would be better.

    The Story and the main characters are okay but all others are kinda...meh? (husbands = nutjobs, wifes = whore and abused woman, daughter of owner = psycho)
    RPGM Completed  The Siren's Song [v1.20] [maiie]