4.70 star(s) 267 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Damn, did we play the same game? Because that's literally the opposite of what happened.
Props to @Amedore for the summary.
The guy, first fucks a MILF and doesn't even know her name, then in the pool seduces the brunette girl that didn't know a couple or three hours ago, and she falls for him, then goes to a strip club where he fucks a girl he barely knows in front of a woman that barely knows, gets drunk, returns to the house where he flirts with the sister of the MILF that he fucked that afternoon, seduces the redhead that barely knows, seduces Eve, that barely knows and lets her play with his cock, and then gets a blowjob from his childhood friend... If this isn't to rush into sex scenes... Only the last one makes any sense since, at least, his old friend had felt for him time ago. The other ones? MC has a magic cock and the mad seduction skills of a Casanova... being a 19 years old virgin.
MC did all this in one day, I repeat in ONE DAY. He's very much your stereotype of the boring and uninstering guy who gets all the girls for no reason aside from being the MC.
No I actually adressed that part briefly in the very beginning, as in the girls that like him real quick are all within context, so let me expand a bit. Not to mention the person you are quoting is focusing on the MC while i was focusing on the girls.

Cassandra - just a typical cougar looking for a quck fuck, doesnt really have any feelings for the MC just wanted to fuck a new kid on the block without any strings attached.
Sophie - she hit it off with the MC but even then her main goal was clearly to set up him and Bree it's just that yes the MC has the power of the main character so he can eventually convert every girl to him, even if he cant all have them in the end since this game wont have a harem ending which immediately puts it outside the 90% of the games on here that follow this direction.
Jenni - a girl that sees a new guy in her old boring town, flirts with him and realizes he might be the only person that could give her a fun time here seeing as everyone else is afraid to mingle with her because clearly her father is a scary bigshot.
Bree - she was just crushing hard on the MC from the start, nothing more to add here other than it happens, hopefully we have all had a similar experience in life where a girl just instantly likes you and its very obvious
Eve - she is more reserved than others but again the power of the main character if the MC goes after her she will relent.
Mia - she liked him for years, this is a very typical childhood friend to lovers trope, nothing unsual there.

Ok i called it out before but i am gonna do it again, people that complain that the game is taking place all in one day are dumb. The first thing we need to establish is this is a porn game with the main goal to have the MC fuck a bunch of girls in the end. It's that simple and with that in mind the devs have to find a way to make that happen as quickly but also as realistically as possible. So immediately from the start seeing as this isnt IRL we know none of the girls are gonna reject him if he comes after them, it's a video game not real life they dont have that option until further down the line were they will break it up with him if he pursues too many of the since the devs said before this wont have a harem ending, there is only so much the devs can do with this goal in mind without doing something that everyone would hate which is have 1-2 girls actually like us/fuck us in a single playthrough while every single other one rejects us, that would mean doing at least 5-10 playthroughs(depending on how many girls are gonna be romance/sex options by the end) if we want to bang them all, the fact that the game wont have a harem ending is already above 90% of the games of this genre. Hell i know the devs only caved in due to popular demand to eventually have a Bree/Sophie/MC threesome, they know its not that realistic but its such a popular option because what guy hasnt dreamed of a threesome and with the 2 of them it makes more sense than if they picked any other option.

I dunno why so many people are hung up on the fact that it takes place within the day, thats literally the most realistic part of the game so far, first impressions are the most important a girl will know if she wants to fuck you or not in the first 5 min of meeting you. Would the game suddenly improve if the devs had a Spongeboob intermediate screen where it says "7 days later" and we have the MC doing the same shit except now it's been 7 days so now it makes it ok, because on day 1 he hooked up with a bunch of chicks then nothing happened for 7 days and on the 8th day the story magically continues and we all think this fixed the pacing somehow lol.

The devs are doing everything within their power to balance several things, from giving you as the player the ability to hook up with as many girls as possible, to give you the least amount of barriers as possible to get there while also not having every girl instantly just want to fuck you, to trying to craft a cohesive narrative to giving each girl an individual personality and goal... all of that in a porn game and i am not even gonna talk about all the tehnical stuff they have to deal with.
Obviously the MC has the main character power that every other character has in a game like this, just as all the other male NPCs have the exact opposite power like his best friend, like Miller where they will go through this entire game not even touching a single girl because if they did that would make us upset, despite that realistically Miller would probably be banging Cassandra or Ms Hill and your best friend would compete with you on who gets which girl.
It's not that unrealistic to hook up with 2 girls in 1 day(i have done it, i have seen many other people do it, it's not an unrealistic thing), hooking up with 5 girls in a day ok yea thats a bit harder especially for a 19 year old virgin dude but again thats where the devs have to step in because they have to balance "realism" with the goal of each person playing the game which "give me as many girls as possible in as realistic but short time frame as possible, with the least amount of consequences as possible", again as i said they have a difficult task for a couple of dudes just making a porn game and no matter how well they do it btw it's never gonna satisfy everyone unfortunately.

Sure the MC isnt that interesting, he can crack jokes which puts him above most on this website but he certainly isnt at the top, but he isn't suppose to be i want my MCs to be blank slates, i dont want to see their faces in the game if possible, all i care about is how interesting and good looking the girls are.
Again in a lesser game a random character like that stripper would already have the MCs dick in her mouth 5 seconds after meeting him, but here she actually acts like a proper stripper, feinging being interested in the MC while treating him like any other customer. Sure he is probably bit more interesting to her since he is a new face and sure we will eventually fuck her because again the power of the MC wins out every time in the end but again she and a bunch of other characters like her buck the trend on these things, including some girls that just want to fuck the MC for their own reasons while not being interested in anything romantic like Cassandra. I was genuinely surprised by the female officer since i thought she would be another cougar just wanting to fuck the MC to it turning out she was just using us to set us up either because she is a dirty cop or she wants to use us to set up some big police bust in the end.

Anyway i am not gonna rant on anymore. TL;DR the devs are doing everything in their power to balance a dozen different things at a time, most importantly they are walking a line between trying to craft as interesting and realistic setting and characters as possible with the goal of satisfying as many people as possible, an ultimately fruitless and ungrateful task and i personally think they are doing a better job than at least 95% of other games i have seen on this website.


Oct 31, 2018

Hello, everyone!

This week we continued work on animations, SFX and renders. There were some render consistency fixes as well. Last time we got a PM wondering what exactly these render fixes are, so we thought we'd give a quick example. Without going into too much detail, it was a simple fumble this time: Player magically changed his clothes mid-scene and was sporting a completely different shirt. Not exactly game breaking, but a bit immersion breaking, and definitely not intended. Little mistakes like that happen from time to time and fall into the render fix category, along with clothing poke-throughs and such.

We also went over the script for the last scene in 0.6, as well as putting some work into the planning of 0.7. Last time we were at this point in development, we asked you if we should release a shorter update or keep developing a longer one as planned. This time there are no options as we are set on a medium update, but we're still curious about the length of future updates. We'll have this question in our post-release survey too, so be sure to leave your thoughts there when it's out!

To finish off this week's report, we also made some minor visual changes to the game's UI, worked on surveys, added new sound effect assets and fixed some missing props in renders.

Next week we'll be focusing on Eve's scene and the extra art and story surrounding it.

Other news

May's special render poll has ended and Eve is the winner!

Cheers and have a great weekend,
Robison & Npx
4.70 star(s) 267 Votes