Unity - None - NTR Office (Demo) - [Mryeh]~[九天九夜]~[yeh]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Miss Y

    The development of the game is still pretty early, so there isn't an abundance of content at the moment... and without an English version, the story can be a little difficult to decipher. But as of the "202403" (April) demo build, I am very excited to see where things go as things continue, and while there is no telling how long it might take, the developer did respond to a comment on Patreon asking if there are any plans to add an English translation by saying yes!

    The characters are solid, if a bit simple in concept for what you would expect from a game with "NTR" in the title. Thankfully, there seems to be a healthy amount of dialogue that gives everything a little room to breathe instead of just jumping directly to the "good parts" without any kind of build-up. The pacing still feels pretty brisk, but not so fast that it makes the NTR and corruption feel completely trivial.

    As for the gameplay, it's nice and simple. Wander around, talk to characters, interact with certain objects, and occasionally catching a glimpse of something lewd, with a nice little addition of having your character access a private chatroom to reveal what is going on behind his back.

    The fully detailed art is one of the game's big selling points, but it also has hints of some pixel sprite animations going on during active gameplay — which only seems to be involved with one scene so far... but I hope it will become more common as the game progresses, because I find the character sprites really unique and charming compared to a lot of H-games out there that use RPG Maker's default style instead of how this game uses Unity.

    Only time will tell if the game can live up to my expectations, but so far, I think it is absolutely worth checking out as long as you have a phone handy that can give you a rough translation line-by-line, or are familiar with using Translator++/Reipatcher. Once it has a proper translation available, recommending this will be a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned.