I had to enable smooth-scroll to test, but... same here... can't replicate it. Neither can I reproduce the problem with reversing direction.
Since it doesn't happen for everyone, there is likely another external factor at play here.
Wolfram99, Just for the heck of it, does the same happen if you switch the mouse?
Like if you're using one with advanced features, say programmable DPI, does it change if you use a plain 2btn/1whl mouse?
Seeing as how a vsync setting seems to affect it, what happens if you set it to uncapped (i.e. 1:0)?
How much does changing smoothness affect it? If at all? And if so, what values?
It's odd though, I don't like smoothscroll that much to begin with, but am always willing to try.
Thing is, the reason I've got it disabled is different from me not being a fan.
The only problem I have with smoothscroll is that _sometimes_ when I scroll, the listview (my default) very shortly scrolls a bit in the opposite direction from the wheel when I start turning the mouse wheel before it follows the wheel direction.
If it was only one or less than one line I might have stuck with it, but the scrolled amount is too much to ignore it.