RPGM - Completed - Fox Girls Never Play Dirty [v1.03] [AVANTGARDE / Kagura Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    the game has really good art work
    good story and has side quest for who like to challenge but i think that's not what most of us focus eh?
    voice actors are the real mvp
    only minus point because we don't have other outfit for the girl
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The Translators did a great job fixing this one and aside from a few bugs that require a restart every so often the game is a good example of an RPGMaker Hentai game. If you like the art it is playable regardless of tags, though it could use more vanilla scenes spread out more thoroughly you can have sex with you party members at any inn. The characters are cute, the CGs are good, and its about 10-13 hours to see everything.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is great but don't bother if you don't like ntr

    even if it said NTR Avoidable the content for non-ntr is barebone i play like 3-4 hour and i said to myself this is enough because 4 hour and not a single H-scene with main mc ( only handjob and blowjob )

    So i use gallery to check the hcg and as i though the non-ntr scene are just so tiny that it not even worth playing the game to get that scene because the gameplay also really meh for rpgm game

    If you like ntr game like playing as a girl and get xxx by all those guy then you probably love it because this game is full of them feel like it just bait ntr-hater people into playing it by saying you can choose you can avoid but if you actually avoid all this scene you found out soon enough that the game it just so fking empty the mc also pathetic

    Play fall in labyrinth instead much better gameplay heroine + side heroine all of them pretty cute and mc also not pathetic like this one even he is mute
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    -the art
    -the italian setting (lo confesso, è l'unico motivo che mi ha spinto a spenderci più di un ora su sto gioco)
    -the CHAD Abattini
    -the partigiana Maid (why i cant choose her instead of one the two r***rded protagonist? heck, even Laura is better than those two)

    -overall, it is a template RPGmaker game, with boring and repetitive gameplay (pro tips: use Necromancer Lisa to basically skip the second half of the game)
    -the virgin self-insert protagonist
    -questionable plot (why i have to support the monarchists and the corporate owner? for some und***ge pussy? fuck them)

    Final score: 3/5 would cuck Ryosuke again
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Cute game with a ton of corny jokes. Lack of any vanilla scenes with MC, but a ton of NTR content, if that's what you're looking for.

    There was an attempt at a story. It's very slow to start, but later on it does get interesting as there is political intrigue and it feels like there are actual stakes in the fights. Plot related character motivations make sense and are consistent. The alternative to writing a story is to not have one or write something surreal and mind numbing, so kudos to AvantGarde for trying to write a legitimate story.

    The game's choice system is not subtle at all. Obviously when you make a game you want choices to matter, but the results of each choice are too blunt. The good/Johnny Bravo option = Deus ex Machina, bad option = you get cucked. Put simply this is no different than "Press F to pay respects" where a weighty decision is presented to you in the form of a dialogue box.

    Oh, and the art is pretty good, I guess.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I can't help but feel the game missed the mark in a lot of aspects. In the general telling of the story, the writing of the characters, the dialogue, sexual interactions, etc. It has a lot to improve upon.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Padoru Overlord

    Pretty average game,I believe this could have worked a little bit better if it was either entirely vanilla or if it was focused only on NTR(netori,netorase,whatever), the gameplay is nothing to write home about and the pacing and story are dull and uninteresting (even the parts without "true love" stuff in them),

    I have to give the game credit where it's due though, the heroines look pretty good and the art is not bad at all,however, I would only recommend this game to people who really like the art and haven' t gotten tired of rpgmaker stuff.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's nice, the girl is cute, but the corruption and ntr were disappointing, so don't play for that.
    The main problem is that the mc needs to act like an asshole and let the girl be raped or use her charm in front of him, instead of it being behind his back.
    Really, too bad.
    The love route is nice at least.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Just played it, I feel betrayed and dissapointed :( I was expecting an interesting NTR or a decent corruption :'(

    If you are going to try this game don't expect a decent or interesting NTR or corruption story, the game falls really short in those aspects :(

    Even with the 100% translation the story feels really boring and dull :( :( :( I really wanted to like this game but it felt like a 2/10 (It wasnt even worth a fap), the only decent thing about it was the art, but for that just play the game with full save.... today I sleep sad

    I would'nt even call this a real 'NTR' game, It's just netorase...
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Hallelujah, the translation has been fixed. By which I mean someone actually translated it rather than spewed google translated jibberish onto your screen. So what has that left us?

    The story is, alright...? It's mildly engaging and features a neat, alternate early 20th century europe setting. I also quite like the characters and there's some fun dialog and interactions. Other than that it doesn't do anything very interesting and your input into the story is a little disappointing. What I mean by that is there's a few endings however pretty much all the choices you made and stats you built up to get to the final section are meaningless. You get to choose between the two heroines and then you get to choose the normal end or the NTR end. It doesn't matter if your chosen heroine has prostituted herself dozens of times and sucked more dicks than there are Chan's in a Chinese phonebook, or if you've protected her from every nefarious ne-er do well that's been thrown at you. It's just down to your choices in the last segment.

    The gameplay is, again, meh. It's RPG maker combat. It's not terribly unbalanced and grindy, but it's hardly fun and inspired. There's a class system that doesn't add all that much and there's side quests to complete but none of it's hugely compelling.

    So what about the porn? That's what saves the game for me. The art is fantastic and the game is pretty large so there's a ton of scenes which you can get from either spending time with the girls at an inn, going out alone as a heroine at night time, trying to avoid boss battles or of course losing to certain bosses. It also has a favourite feature of mine, trackable lewd stats. It's just unfortunate that, as I mentioned earlier, they don't really mean much more besides which extra scenes the girls can get. There's a good variety of fetishes as well, all of which are optional. You can have a lovely monogamous romance with one of the heroines, or you can watch her get gangbanged. I would warn that while you can have a vanilla romance the quantity of scenes is a bit more weighted towards the NTR side of things.

    So all in all, it's no where near a perfect game, but if you like the look of the preview images and the tags give it a go.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Utterly incomprehensible. You'd get more understandable sentences by sticking pages of a dictionary to a wall and throwing darts at them to determine each word. The artwork looks nice, and that's about the only positive this "game" has... assuming you can even find it through guesswork, because for certain there is no way to follow any kind of dialogue or instructions. The text doesn't even stay inside the text boxes, it disappears off the side of the screen... which frankly is a mercy considering how unbelievably horrible the translations are.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I kinda love this game in some way like the art, the expression, the voice, and you actually use other heroine as the main character. But! the battle is too simple, almost all of the ailment is not usable on boss, and enemies in this game is literally a tofu. Some people was having a trouble with NTR Tag, its 100% avoidable if you grind hard to "Protecc" them. Just kill anything in front of you, always have cloth protection, save them immediately if they tries to sacrifice them self, or doing anything stupid. if you fucked up dont worry, you can save wherever u want. except in dialogue.

    IF there's a possibility for dev to recreate or continuing this game, i hope one day the dev make the netori version A.K.A we play as Marco or Albattini. It looks more intresting that way actually.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The images I saw for this game enticed me. Cute looking girls, large anime girl mammaries, what's not to like?

    How about the translation? It's utterly useless. I can forgive inconsequential dialogue being difficult to understand, but here I can't understand basic mechanics being explained to me, let alone the plot - which seems to be bizarre and odd from what parts I do understand. I don't know why they felt it was necessary to set it in some strange, alternate reality of Italy of all places, or why police are commonly seen running about attacking random innocent catgirls.

    How about the gameplay? Pretty boring. Exploration doesn't really feel fun or rewarding and the combat is both plentiful and boring, a poor combination in a game such as this, which I might boot up at 4AM full of shame and self-loathing as I seek to crank out one last sorry nut before turning in for another sleepless night; no, I do not boot it up eager to do battle against terrible beasts and evil villains. I may be persuaded to if the gameplay is legitimately enjoyable... but in this game, it is not.

    The art is nice and the girls are cute, at the very last, saving this from being an utter disaster. This might be an enjoyable experience with a finished save, but I am a connoisseur; I want to experience it from beginning to end, I do not seek a rushed and cheap experience akin to a greasy drive-through meal.

    I digress. This game is not worth your time, and I found little but annoyance within it. It's not without merit... but there are much better alternatives out there.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The machine translated story is awful, and any time you are trying to find out where to go there is a "fortune teller" to tell you where you need to go for the next part of the story. Art 10/10 the game itself is garbage.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    cool :)
    I realy injoy this game.

    There were a couple of minor bug in it, but I hope they will fix it.

    (I loved the female protagonist :$ )
    I really liked the visual display. The sounds were okay, too.
    i want more games like this .
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    At first the game will seem promising as you've seen the art. The classic foxgirl and catgirl you see in most other fantasy porn stuff. That alone would give it 5 stars with this superb art style. Especially with the premise of avoidable NTR and vanilla romance.

    The execution however is far too flawed. The NTR content in this game is good and bad. Mostly due to being locked behind losing battles and specific requirements.

    Exacerbating that issue is you'll be slogging through insanely tanky bosses should you try to be keeping your girls pure. The final boss is the worst example of this. The amount of health he has is insane, even with an edited save with max stats, he WILL take a while to kill.

    Not to mention stuff like Pregnancy is completely locked behind the NTR options. There is no vanilla impregnation, even if you go Harem route and love both girls, they can only get pregnant by others, i.e from whoring and rape.

    The NTR/Vanilla treatment here is not equal. Which really pisses me off personally. Why cut the MC out of the impregnation? Other NTR-avoidable games, like Nampa Beach and Sana, motherfucking Sana which is also an NTR heavy game, at least gave that much.

    On the opposite side of the spectrum, the vanilla content is far far FAR too deep in the game to be considered good placement. You can get blowjobs and masturbation... that's it. Until you've reached the 6th or 7th town, YOU DO NOT GET ANY NEW VANILLA CONTENT AT ALL AND ARE NEAR THE GAME'S END.

    The bulk of the game's content is in its game over rapes and night whoring as well as events around towns. And they make up the majority of the early to mid content if you ever want to see any new content in a playthrough.

    Be that as it may, it has some good vanilla content, late in the game as it is, the number of it is also somewhat surprising in proportion to the NTR content totaling 18 out of the 60 gallery CGs (though two have unsatisfactory sex with MC, so NTR by implication).

    I say this is surprising, because most other games with NTR either have one, or even no scenes where the MC gets to bang. And when they do bang, the MC has a tiny dick. Here at least the MC has size on par with the villains.

    It's very likely that you will like the vanilla route quite a bit, especially the harem ending. The same can be said of the NTR content if you can get over the slog of obtaining them.

    Overall, the best suggestion is, use a full save. At the snail pace this game goes through playing through it normally, it's better off that way. The game's worth a shot at the very least because it's being carried by the crazy good art that it has.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished the game and i have so many things to say. The game might be 3-4 star depend on your taste of NTR. 3 star if you hate NTR and just want a pure Vanilla Route. 4 star if you don't care much about it and just want to enjoy the game.

    First let's talk about the story. This game has a pretty decent story with 3 main routes (Yellow wolf girl, Silver cat girl and NTR route (for two girl) ). The story is nothing if you've played the first game. It's just the same motif where you help a random princess become a ruler of that country. You can guide her to become a great queen (and married you aka love route) or You'll get NTR by the enemy and lose your girl. Normally i don't care much about the JRPG 18+ story because 60% of the time, they are non sense and poorly written.... And so the story is normal, nothing new. It has a pretty good route division and fun to read. (Make sure to save the game before every boss fights). 7/10

    Next is gameplay. It's RPG so you definitely need to grind. However, the game has 3 mode (Easy - Normal - Hard). You should choose Easy mode because this game is kinda long (about 8 hours during my play through) so why waste time farming. I chose Normal mode and it's pretty Easy in my opinion. Just spam the skill and win. i didn't even need to farm or anything just kill everything in your way and then voila~~. Small tip: Choose Lisa as Dark spiritist build for her OP dark skill (i killed final boss in... 3 hit with her) 7/10

    Third must be the CGs. They are good and quality. However, more than a half of them are Your girls being F by random people. So like i said it's really boring if you choose pure vanilla route due to lack of scenes. Not to mention there are some NTR scenes which are unavoidable... The game is half voiced and "supposedly" animated. However this is not official released and still full of bugs (Just look through the comment section and you'll see). So at least some scenes work.... So i recommend you to find the full save and watch the CG if you hate NTR but still want to watch CG or you hate the gameplay (8+ hours) and just want to fap. Other than that, you can say that CGs in this game is really really good and i love it a lot. 9/10

    So in the end, because this game is MTL so don't expect much about it. It has bugs and some texts are unreadable but still i really enjoy the game. This game deserves a proper translation and hope that one day, we can enjoy it. Once again, this game is a really good game with good route division, quality CGs, and animated CG (Half of them). Don't expect much about the plot twist or high story writting skill because there's none. Just put your hand on and beat that meat.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played the game on hard, so it was rather challenging, but at the same time balanced experience. This is mostly the NTR-themed story, but I would say that at least 1/3 of scenes are vanilla with MC and the girls (including sub-heroines).
    1. Nice art.
    2. Furry ear girls...
    3. It is FULLY(almost) VOICED.
    4. The gameplay isn't too grindy, but at the same time not too easy (on hard). There is also a class-system, even though it doesn't play much of a role.
    5. Nice vanilla scenes, hot NTR scenes, good in quality and quantity.
    6. Not too short, about 10 hours.
    1. Shitty translation, but I played without it anyway (I use Translation Aggregator).
    2. It is a gameplay-heavy game, so if you just want to fap, then you'd better download full save, which is also recommended for those who hate NTR.
    3. The plot is meh, don't expect any shocking plot-twists or tear-inducing moments, lol. Though, I would say that world-building is nice and consistent with other games from the developer.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent gameplay experience with repeatable scenes in game world. Hentai scenes scale based on location rather than just corruption level, which on the one hand makes repeating specific sex acts easier, but also makes it take longer to reach full penetrative sex.
    Aside from rape scenes when losing to some bosses, it takes deliberate and repeated action to unlock NTR route and ending, and items exist to prevent clothing damage and combat sex cut ins, so its not hard to stick to a pure love route, or to pimp out the girls without worrying about a bad end if that's your preference.
    Its machine translated, which is a step above reading the text in a separate window translated from a text hook, so it doesn't bother me. I had to make liberal use of the hints from the fortune teller, since the objectives can be confusing.
    Overall the production values are pretty good, even if the game doesn't live up to its full potential. I'd recommend it for anyone who doesn't mind cheating or putting in a little work to earn their hentai.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Story was scattershot and poorly written, with an antagonist who honestly is a weak force to motivate the player forward. Gameplay was grindy dungeon crawler in a gray and brown world of bland design with tiny ass sprites and constant lag due to animated sex scenes that won't even play correctly, not to mention shallow characters without real personalities. NTR was nice tho.