Comics Collection Pinup Little TG Kitten (Liltkit) TG Comics & Arts Collection [2024-03-22]


Jul 25, 2021
I can't read these anymore. The AI rendering is too uncanny and creepy-looking, the plots are too drawn out ($$$), and the artist uses way too much torture/gore content.
Uncanny valley is a funny thing. It doesn't take much for someone to fall on one end or the other when it comes to something looking off. So I totally understand where it doesn't work for you. It's funny, because for me, it's the earlier work that was a bit too uncanny, as the CG models were really detailed, but the lighting could make them look plastic-ky at times.

I'm a bit behind on new releases so maybe this pops up in the more recent content, but as far as I remember, there's only a couple of explicitly gory sections in Jack and Jill. The author does seem to really emphasize the misery the characters are feeling, so I do understand the stories feeling like they revel in torturing the characters. That's part of the reason why I mentioned wanting to see some standalone shorts, to get a bit of variety.

But overall, Emory's content is stuff that I'm not always in the mood for, but when I am, I find has a lot of positive qualities. Good use of the comic format and taking advantage of being a visual medium, clear character motivations, deliberate and incremental feminization, and while the plot moves slowly, I'm generally not baffled by it, :ROFLMAO:.

If I had to state some complaints:

Some of the lighting makes the characters look really inconsistent. Jack/Jill can seem to age plus or minus 15 years from page to page depending on how much the lighting makes the wrinkles stand out. It's a major reason why I'm not as a fan of Jack and Jill as I could be. Had there been better consistency, I think I'd like the story a lot more.

I understand the use of different colored boxes to indicate who is "talking". But, Emory doesn't really distinguish between spoken dialogue, inner dialogue, and scene narration. They're all in boxes. I'm assuming this is to be consistent and help with alignment and organization, but by not having a visual distinction, it muddies some of the delivery, and communicates less clearly if a scene is flashback, a scene is just being described to us, or it's a dream sequence of some kind. Obviously, there are context clues that we can use to answer that question, but there's a reason why comics/manga have adopted standards to clue the reader in without having the reader re-read sections.

I always have to head-canon that Nikki's chastity cage is smaller than it's shown to be. The thing looks fucking massive (I'm assuming that to help hide clipping in the model?). Like, I'm glad there's usually an attempt to show that a chastity cage isn't some kind of magic "now your groin is flat" device, and Nikki is shown to have a bulge when just in underwear. But it's still hilariously oversized.


Dec 1, 2023
I'm a bit behind on new releases so maybe this pops up in the more recent content
It doesn't. To the best of my recollection, there's a grand total of one gore scene and it's the orchiectomy scene in Jack & Jill Phase 7. Two pages out of something like ~2000 in that story alone. And if people really don't like that, there's the free censored version on In that version, one of the pages showing gore was removed and its dialog moved to the previous page, and the other page was rerendered to remove the gore. As far as I'm aware that was the only thing that was changed. It still contains sex/nudity.

Oh yeah, and I guess a couple guys got shot back in Phase 4, but I personally wouldn't call that "gore" in this context. It's nothing we haven't seen a million times in action movies.

Physical torture is also not really a thing. It's implied, occasionally, but never shown explicitly. Psychological torture, yes, in abundance. But that's pretty standard for a forced feminization story. The one criticism I agree with is that the pacing is suuuuuuuper slow. I've been waiting for this looming "Coming Out" party/auction in Jack & Jill for what feels like decades. Also, we've got this whole island packed full of characters who are there specifically to be trained to be sex slaves, and we almost never see any of them having sex. Is this a fetish story or what? But then I get so invested in the story that I forget why I was reading it in the first place. :p

But yeah, Jack & Jill has gotten pretty unwieldy. It needs to end soon, but there are a ton of story threads to wrap up. I've been enjoying Half Sisters more because the story feels more personal, but that's starting to sprawl too. At the moment, Homecoming is my favorite of the big three. It seems to be moving much more quickly.
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New Member
Aug 3, 2019
I can't read these anymore. The AI rendering is too uncanny and creepy-looking, the plots are too drawn out ($$$), and the artist uses way too much torture/gore content.

Honestly, I don't agree with this comment, as they answer you below, the explicit gory and violent themes I think will be 0.001% in all his stories.

What Emory does do is to be very realistic, hence his stories are slow.

I personally prefer this, to what most other authors do, who in 20 pages have already turned the reluctant and forced MC into a sex bomb delighted with his new 'forced' situation. That's not realistic and I think it's more materialistic ($$$) of them, who prioritise creating lots of rather innocuous and plotless stories, than creating slow but well-argued and coherent ones.

It's clear that with patreon type publications, they make more money, but I think their job is more difficult to achieve it, since keeping the audience these days without constantly giving 'new things' is very, very difficult.

Sure, I wish Emory would be faster with their stories (J&J I think started in 2018), but it's also true that it's because of the meticulousness and work they put into their art and stories. And one of the many things I like about her is that she rarely does pointless fillers in her stories, there are, obviously, but they almost always have a purpose.

It's not easy to play with 3 great stories that are all connected in her 'Xuniverse' and with a lot of characters, that takes a lot of planning.

P.S.: Sorry for the grammar, but I use a translator.


Jul 5, 2017
What Emory does do is to be very realistic, hence his stories are slow.

I personally prefer this, to what most other authors do, who in 20 pages have already turned the reluctant and forced MC into a sex bomb delighted with his new 'forced' situation. That's not realistic and I think it's more materialistic ($$$) of them, who prioritise creating lots of rather innocuous and plotless stories, than creating slow but well-argued and coherent ones.
On the other hand, in comics we don't need to get 25 frames per second to tell a realistic story. That's where I checked out with Emory's work. The art is excellent (Emory and Tom Reynolds are probably my top 2 artists in this niche genre), but I could do with a bit more tightness in terms of story pace.

Speaking of Tom Reynolds, his Curves Inc Challenge (which I believe was a part of SeptRENDER in 2022, over at is a 30-panel story I like to revisit a lot. The art is excellent, the reluctance to the changes is apparent and the story is nicely tied with a bow in the end.
If we go outside of the world of porn comics, let's take Alan Moores V for Vendetta comic. The complete comic comes in at 296 pages. With 6 illustrations a page that's under 1800 panels. Compare the story in that comic (or the film if you haven't read it) to Jack and Jill. I've lost track a while ago, last I noticed it was at well over 2000 pages. The hardcover edition of Watchmen comes in at 436 pages. Jack and Jill is approaching that story in its length.

My point is that the length of a story should be dictated by the story that's being told. Emory has a large audience so they're serving an audience, but for my taste it takes too long for things to happen and the story has outstayed its welcome. It's unfortunate because I do really like their art. I believe they use a combination of face swaps, AI and photoshop enhancements. Really good stuff. I'd just prefer they'd work with a tigher storyteller to supply the art for.
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Dec 1, 2023
Like Father, Like Daughter finally got another chapter! Part 18 is up on Kemono.

This story is finally heading in a direction that I like, and has solved some of the problems I had with Switching Gears. Like I said before, I like dark stories, and I like happy stories, and I'm fine with a dark story with a happy ending as long as the villain is either punished or forgiven. Father/Daughter seems to be going the happy ending route, and the biggest villain, Chloe, has now realized the error of her ways after witnessing Daisy severely traumatized and she actually apologized to her. Daisy also seems to have regained some agency and is starting to forge her own path. Yay. I'd hope for some sort of resolution with the other villain as well (the therapist), but she's been out of the picture for so long that she's easily forgotten. If she's never seen again it'll be a flaw in the story but it's one I could overlook. Another flaw is that the story seems to have abandoned the original premise, which is that the father was supposed to be spending time with his daughter and learning to get along with her. But personally, I'm totally fine not seeing an underage girl in a porn comic. :p

And now that I think of it, Switching Gears is the only LilTKit comic that has an ending I really didn't like, and is also the only LilTKit comic that was written by someone else. The Date App was a dark story with an appropriately dark ending, and Fateful Vacation was a dark story where most of the villains got a satisfying resolution. The primary antagonist (the hypnotist) and her accomplice (the surgeon) both went to jail, their other coerced accomplice (the boyfriend's mother) was forgiven by the protagonists, and the one who was responsible for the protagonist ending up in that situation in the first place (his boss) was sort of teased at the end as a potential sequel. Normally I enjoy KK's writing, so I find it interesting that the one KK story in this case is the one I didn't like.
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Namaikina Imouto

New Member
Apr 13, 2024
Oh, thank fuck, Like Father, Like Daughter is moving down a more vanilla path. I'm really hoping to see the relationship stuff fleshed out, and see Daisy grapple with her transness now that she's kind of a big sister to a younger trans girl. I think that the curveball sweet elements really humanize these types of stories, and as much as I appreciate fucked up stuff like Metamorphosis (ShindoL) for truly dark stories, I think that sort of story requires a lot more care than a lot of authors have the patience and skill to pull off.

I'm surprised to learn that Switching Gears was a KK story, although the formating of the title kind of makes sense. It definitely feels like something KK would have written years ago, rather than something in the same vein as the revised version of High Tops to High Heels.
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Aug 27, 2021
Oddly, the epilogue doesn't seem to have made it into Kemono. It was released on March 22, which appears to have been skipped.
I've got a copy of Switching Gears to Dresses and Heels that goes up to page 401. Not sure if that includes the epilogue, but I'm willing to share if I can figure out how to post it here. Is that the one you guys are looking for?


Dec 1, 2023
I've got a copy of Switching Gears to Dresses and Heels that goes up to page 401. Not sure if that includes the epilogue, but I'm willing to share if I can figure out how to post it here. Is that the one you guys are looking for?
The epilogue is pages 402-418.


Dec 2, 2023
Quick, someone should upload the epilogue of Switching Gears to Kemono while the importer is still working.


New Member
Sep 30, 2017
Published: 2024-03-11
Imported: 2024-03
Here You Can Download Switching Gears Full PDF, Guys (Patreon)

Switching Gears to Dresses and Heels.pdf