VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Mad World [Release 4.1.0 WIP] [Smoke Mob Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    After having played the first 2 chapters I'm honestly astonished by the rating this game has received. Its fucking terrible.

    The writing is absolutely awful. There is practically no setup, and the story seems to go from no sense to even less sense quickly. On top of that the writer seems to just keep doubling down, escalating again and again without taking the time to let things settle. No real attempt to explain things and let relationships develop at all before adding another mind boggling element to the story. It also comes across kinda often as though it was written by someone who doesn't have english as their first language. Its odd, its close but not quite there.

    The art is also only sort of passable. The girls aren't ugly, but I wouldn't really call them attractive either. Most of the renders are also extremely grainy. I'd almost believe it was an intentional aesthetic if I hadn't seen too many other VNs with similar low quality.

    Maybe things get better if you play all the way through, but the first few chapters are so bad I can't honestly recommend bothering to see until the game gets a revamp. As it is right now, its just bad. Hard pass.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Things

    • Long story, so if you like reading novice writer’s attempts at being cool or funny - this is for you
    • A few of the models are hot

    Bad points

    • “tries too hard” writing
    • Wasted opportunities with the story
    • Few choices of note
    • Bad renders
    • Terrible skin on most girls
    • Even sex scenes aren’t sexy

    Short summary:

    Here are the reasons not to waste your time on this:

    This game is largely kinetic, despite having some fake choices. You have essentially no impact on how the story goes. Story starts with an intriguing premise, but never delivers on it.
    If you read other reviews, you might believe the writing for this game is good. NOPE. It’s not the typical low-effort banter that you see in many VNs, true. It suffers from the writer trying too hard to be funny or witty, and it never lands properly.

    Here are just a few random samples of the “great writing”:

    “My line of work is basically a bukakke” - talking about his job in IT.

    “Protein shakes alone don’t make a woman” - girl talks about quitting her job.

    “Here, play with my boobs” - girl flirting out of blue with the confused protagonist

    “she was a color-shifting-manipulative member of a secret order of magic-people” - I can’t even…

    You be the judge, if writing like this is awesome, like others claim.

    And this writing gets very boring, because you have lot of long monologues where it’s just one render (not even a good one) or even just a black screen, and there are countless lines of text changing. Holy shit, add some variety, make the picture something pretty to focus on, or make the lines actually matter and impact the story, not just long explanations of shit the author couldn’t show you in a more engaging way

    Lots of pointless boring fight scenes of no consequence and with no stakes. No joke - you have a lot more renders of sweaty topless men due to all the fights, than you do of the sweaty topless women.

    Renders are terrible, especially early on. Due to 0 understanding of lighting, skin on all girls looks terrible - either like a plastic, or in some cases greyish-green of a dead body. Many girls are just basic models with hue slider moved, resulting in blue, grey, greenish, yellowish skin.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game feels intriguing at first, but before long gets very stale.

    First off, the visuals are fine, but nothing special. The love interests are nice, but not anything remarkable. This would all be fine if the game was great in other ways, but it just isn't.

    The main issue is that the sex scenes are not very erotic or motivated by the story, and the story is pretty boring in the first place. Its just LONG sections of people slowly expositing, training montages, lame fight scenes. And then maybe a sex scene randomly sprinkled in with little context. I don't give a shit frankly.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's Felt like a Movie, The story The Great Take of Moments I Loved everything so Keep Going (y) In Mad World the Mad one Are sane Lovely Work Lovely Name :cool: and the models Looks great I liked them all even The Model who looks like she's 30 the sex scene were Good maybe if there is was a bit of sweat to them it would've ben great looking but like is said Everything Story Going action Drama Comedy All (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So what can I say about this game. I don't usually get into harem games but this one made me speechless.. the story is very well written, the renderings are very good, you can make a lot of choices for enjoy the game on your way.. what more can I say, I will support the game and follow the development very closely, thank you developers!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Story has been very interesting at the start. Got very immersed but after reading 2 hours of dialogue. MC literally got nowhere. The story made his superpowers very interesting but it never got used. He's so insufferable that it feels like he doesn't even belong in the story cuz again the powers are not even used after 2 hours. They later introduced cooler characters in the story that made mc totally unnecessary to have. Aside from the story, you'll have hours of dialogue and unanimated sex scenes with very few clicks.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly, I am giving this harem game 5 stars and I can't stand harem games. The problem is, if you eliminate harem games from your search, you end up with very few games. This one, at least, does not have 50 LIs and it does not feel like a harem game while you are playing it.

    The story is pretty good and the magic and magical world are excellent. The renders are just okay, nothing special but they do get better as the story progresses. The bonus chapter is really well done! The thing that sets this game apart and what really makes the story work is the MC.

    Finally, we have a normal dude, with a normal looking cock, making lots of mistakes and constantly doubting himself, yet always finding a way to fight his way through. He may be in a coma for a week, but he gets through it. He struggles with women, social skills, fighting, school.... everything. It's awesome! No Gary Stu here, just a good old normal dude thrust into something extraordinary.

    THIS is what makes a good story. None of this MC crap where they have enormous cocks, make women orgasm when they kiss them, always beat up the bad guy, the women always just throwing themselves at him regardless of how big an ass he is.

    I mean, okay, I get that there has to be a little bit of the women throwing themselves at the MC as that is kind of the thing with these VNs, but sometimes is just unreadable. Not here though. This MC is awesome because he is flawed. This MC is awesome because he gets back up. This MC is just awesome.

    The only con I have with this are the sex scenes. They are very short and the dialogue could be better. In stories like this, my preference is to see the girl enjoy themselves as much as the dude. One of the things most of these games fall short on are the sex scenes. Here's the thing,.. you are occasionally going to find some dev who can animate the shit out of a sex scene, but we all know it will never approach a real porn scene. But that's okay! You just have to be able to write the erotic stuff to make up for the lack of animation. Personally, I think still scenes are fine as long as there is good erotic writing... and unfortunately, most of these games fall short and this one is no exception.

    The other negative is the super slow release schedule. There are a couple hours of content but the times between release seem to be getting longer. Here's hoping the dev continues.

    Really a great story and experience. You need to download and give it a try, It may not be your thing, but if you like a well written, solid story, give it a try.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    + well written
    + quality of renders
    + amount of choices you can make

    - very decent girls but none really stand out (matter of taste, of course)
    - Silly story (Hey dude, Im a god.)

    There is nothing more to say, really. I would have honestly appreciate more if the quality of renders would be a lot worse but girls more pleasant, and a bit more realistic approach to the whole god and powers idea.
    Closed the game after about 30 minutes because I wasnt succesfully dragged into the story. Sorry mate, you cant please everyone.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    great story so far with good renders and amazing and complex characters, it looks like a lot of time and thought went into the script, not only made to fap and that is great keep up the fantastic work and please, add palytime with the ninja girl jaja.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Mad World is a very good AVN :
    -Very good writing
    -Interesting story and dialogues making sense with appropriate tones
    -Lots of great characters that have depth, even the MC is actually interesting

    All in all Mad World is a truly excellent top AVN worthy of 4 stars

    Only weakness in Mad World is that choices do not matter and change nothing to the story development and action, they only change a couple of dialogue lines. It feels more like a kinetic novel.

    The only choices that actually do something in Mad World are the one that lead into the MC trying to get some sex time with one of the possible love interest or just stay friend .
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Render quality aren't anything super amazing; but the character's expression are really well done and some scenes are surprising creative when it comes to the storytelling. Very unique and original story, as well as good writing.

    Biased opinion but it may very well be one of the best games I have ever played, surprised that I have only seen it now.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, a good game that is interesting and enjoyable to play.

    I enjoy the unique characters and character development. This is where the game excels. The MC isn't a spineless moron which is so common these days.

    There is one choice in particular that isn't respected towards the beginning of the game. If you choose not to have sex with your boss Elena and refuse to be her delivery boy, the story later says that you are still delivering packages for her (even more so than before). Then Vincent says that you are now delivering packages for him instead and he is your new boss. Don't give the player this choice if you aren't going to respect it! I almost stopped playing the game once that happened. Three choices are given and two need to be taken away since the choices aren't respected later in the story. The only choice that matches the story is having sex with your female boss. All three choices lead to the identical story content later on. I've gone through it multiple times.

    Some of the early renders and animations are poor quality. The early animations are choppy and very robotic.

    I had a hard time swallowing the game's premise. It would have been OK to have the MC be an extremely rare relic user but then we find out that relic owners and magic users are all over the place and not that uncommon. Then somehow we are suppose to believe that all the fireworks going on all over the place don't blow the lid on their existence. It's like trying to keep mutants a secret from the world in the X-Men universe. It ain't happening.

    There are English problems throughout the game. It is painfully obvious that the author isn't a native English speaker. Very few authors opt to use a proofreader for some reason. Yes, it slows down development a bit but it is better than broken English which is difficult to read sometimes.

    The writing is good overall with a compelling story. The unique characters are well written and keep the story interesting.

    The player isn't given the opportunity to get to know Nova and one other female relic/magic user in the game. It's a bit annoying that they are ignored through most of the game aside from battle scenes.

    The option to start a relationship with Fiona doesn't go far enough and doesn't really start the ball rolling (and to check if she is even interested). The MC's feelings for her are never expressed even though the option is given.

    The sex scene at the beach with Eva was brilliant and done masterfully! I wish all of the sex scenes in the game were of this depth and quality! 10 out of 10 with this sex scene. Please continue doing sex scenes like this.

    Aside from my complaints it is a good game overall. There is lots of content to play through which is a huge plus.

    I recommend the game and encourage others to give it a try.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid writing, story, and renders. Be patient with the (frankly ass) renders early on. They get better as the dev's skill improved. The magic system is fun, open-ended, and consistent. The women are all interesting and distinct from one another. Overall 9/10.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the game. Good story, nice read, MC that isn't a wuss or jerk, girls are nice), magic is done well and one thing that I don't often see in other games - there are actually few cool dudes in the game that aren't there to be creeps, unlike vast majority of other games in genre I played, where dudes seem to be in game only to be major assholes and creeps.

    Also, quite surprised at the amount of content already out, considering this came out only last year, if I'm not mistaken.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried this game because someone told me the blonde, ninja woman was a love interest. I was lied to, I was bamboozled, I was smeckledorfed ... and I don't regret a damn thing. That was A. FUCKING. BANGER.

    It's games like this that make me willing to keep trying new ones after going through all the other garbage.

    This is possibly the most polished VN I've seen on this site and it has a fuck ton of content. Everything else feels like it doesn't even compare anymore. Breaking it down to the render quality, writing, music, blah blah doesn't do it justice (btw it has all of that, no missing qualities here.)
    This doesn't feel like some random dickhead making VNs while grabbing awful writing cues from the slobs who write for mainstream games these days. This is professional-level shit with its own story to tell.
    It's so good that I think I want to play it again even though I JUST finished up to the latest version.

    Seriously. I've been kind of losing interest in VNs because of this one huge update for a VN being a let-down after a year of waiting (I think 13 months actually) and this just completely reinvigorated my interest.

    (But could definitely use more proofreading. Shit, I'd do it for free.)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best VN I've had the pleasure of playing. Thank you so much for this masterpiece, Dev, I'll be supporting you for sure.

    Everything connects so beautifully and it makes so much fucking sense.
    The plot connecting MC's personal life with his powers, when he says it's not about just him anymore. It makes you understand that he's not just being dramatic, you actually struggle with him, feel his worries because it can all go down to shit really easy.
    The graphic plays a significant part for me, at first I throught that I wouldn't be able to immerse myself because of it, but christ... I couldn't be more wrong; this somewhat "melancholic" setting fits the game so much, very wisely choosed.

    The only "criticism" I have is the fact that your choices, at least so far, don't count much, but it can be that the Dev wants his game to be played like this. But from what I see, the choices going to have a big impact at future updates (I really hope is the second one).

    Don't waste your time, just play it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best vn out there, all the character are loveable (even some of the male character), my favorite are Chloe, she is a sexy and cute asian(?) young lady that provide a lot of love for our MC. Now, this is currently the only MC, I can immerse myself in, and I ain't even a dude. So good job developer.

    The only downside is the developing times are quite loooooooooooong.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version v4.0.1

    Well shit i've been in a vibe of trying to find underrated games that aren't as popular and need some love, AND THIS ONE TAKES THE CAKE.

    I really dont have anything else other to say than this game is pure fire an easy 9/10 ( im not giving a 10 because the game hasn't ended yet) never saw a 3D VN succeed in actually doing action scenes correctly.
    They are just mwwwwwah chefs kiss.

    Everything else is as you would expect from a story focused VN interesting female/male characters a good plot and A FUCKING DECENT MC.

    The only thing that i'm skeptical about is how op the mc will become since i the game is more story focused, he doesn't need to be a god but at least giga chad level (even tho he is close).

    Overall if anyone is reading this just go play the game this is the defenition of a good fucking VN.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Tbh, I can only say that I was really surprised by this game. I went in thinking it will not be much because of gods and all that stuff but I was wrong. At the start, it feels a bit off but I started caring about ever character really fast. They feel solid for the most part. They feel like people with their own problems and their own lives and you are not the centerpiece of that life you are just part of it.

    I think most stuff is handled great but it has some problems. The big one is that the story feels rushed at moments not that you are missing anything but it feels like because of the time skips you missed stuff. Events, meeting people, and going on gives you an off feeling like you forgot something.

    Another is the sex scenes there are not a lot of them and they feel meh. Tbh, I don't have a problem with games even without any animation just static pictures but if there is some sexy writing that felt a bit missing.

    I have a lot more to say but that would spoil the games and did not want that. If you think hey this sounds interesting then give it a shot. Will not promise you will like it but it is a great story at least.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: Good renders. Good story. Worth your time.
    Cons: Early sex scenes are really janky. It gets better though.

    I think this will become a great game in the future. Consider supporting it, and give the dev a nudge to rework the early sex scenes to be less jerky. :p