
Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
errors made in hurry. will be fixed in 1.0.
it's all right...just a bit's bad that dev didn't include Natasha or Lilian and that harem ending is for 90% a collage of the same scene happening in single girl ending.. that's rushed and ruined the mood..and i don't understand why there is a single ending for both lory and barbs when in game, they spoken more than once to go living togheter in an appartment...the ending on VN is always disppoindin in the end
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Dec 15, 2022
Disappointing ending not what I asspected atleast the dev didn't abandoned it wish the dev good luck for future projects


Engaged Member
Feb 16, 2023
Weird. Because of how quickly updates tended to drop lately, the last release I played before downloading the finale was .37, which ended Day 29. I've now just finished Day 34, and things have gone from 5 lewds per day to no lewds over four days. Is the Dev trying to "balance" story progression at the end? He passed up at least one perfectly good opportunity with Lori at the end of Day 30, Cass on several days, Daphne on Day 33 and Lillian on Day 34, but I guess because this became the "All-MILF all the time" VN, there was no thought to giving a scene to one of the two characters that drew me here in the first place (Lori) or anyone else to achieve this new "balance". I've been missing Lori, Babs and Haley and had really hoped to tag Lillian a lot sooner.

Another thing I noticed was that Cassandra started off in a suit on Day 31, changing after coming home, then ending up in two other different tops/outfits by the end of the day - made me think I'd missed a scene somewhere, but it just seemed to be sloppy rendering - doing scenes in a disjointed way and not having any continuity over the course of a single day with only three or four "scenes". Lot's of other disjointed bits in what was presumably .38, maybe getting to .39 by this point.

After seeing all of this, I hope the endings aren't as lackluster and rushed as I'm beginning to think they will be...
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The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
I've mentioned it before, but it really pisses me off that the story went into snail pace for years, with each update basically just being a "who will MC bonk now" type of thing, and now we have these rushed and unfulfilling endings.
Why not do one or two meaningless filler updates less and instead provide substantial endings?

When I stopped my patronage of this game, I was a bit sad, because it had been one of my favourites for the first two years of its existence or so, but after the last year of updates and these endings, yeah, I'm rather glad I stopped spending my money on it quite a while ago.


Engaged Member
Feb 16, 2023
Based on the change log, I'm just finishing up v0.38. What a complete shit-show.

Very disjointed. It attempted to do "story progression" but it was just a bunch of sound-bites that had no real impact and no real revelation. No wonder they abandoned "story progression" early on - they just don't seem to know how to write that well. Even the lewd scenes became more terse and the scripting seemed to be the same basic verbiage with just a little bit of change, but the overall impression was always the same: LI - oh I love your dick, and be rough; MC - I'm gonna do just that and I know you love my dick because it's so good and I'm such a stud. And the whole interaction with his "best friend" was so awkward and grade-school level it was just painful to go through.

The continuity sucked pretty hard, too. What I'm gathering is the "elite" scene for the episode (Lori dildoing herself at Daphne's) made reference to the MC in all of my save variants - including the ones where I had sadly lost her path early in the VN.

Another observation: I don't know if it's the way they code or do their animations, but this VN hangs and crashes more than any other I've played. Much bigger VNs with much more robust animations play just fine for me, but this one has issues. One fun side effect is that the crash trashes your persistent file and you can't skip seen text when you come back in. It also seems to "forget" that you've played certain scenes in the replay gallery - I know I've done every possible lewd scene, but several of them (usually variations in a major scene, like the Cas/Lil three-way) show as not played/accessible, even though they showed otherwise the night before when I did a regular save off and sign-off. Just really don't understand how this thing got to be so sloppy. I think maybe they became so enamored of their sphincter animation that they just watched it all day long and phoned the rest in.

By all appearances, they just got tired of doing this and decided to slap together a slipshod end game to get it over with and move on to the next thing. This had some decent potential, but now I'm not even looking forward to playing out the final bit. And I'm a pirate - I can only imagine how disappointed their supporters must be. :confused:
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Active Member
Oct 1, 2020
gawd, there's a giant memory leak somewhere in the harem ending... it just dies silently without so much as a trace to why... but trying to save somewhere during the harem ending route just dies with an 'Out of memory' error...

and it looks like the whole Cassie/Lillian/MC dreams mystery is just ignored.

Grey Wolf 73

Sep 30, 2018
I've been playing / following since it's early days and really I enjoyed it.
But due to various reason, I've missed the last 2 updates.
Now, after reading these post after seeing the 'Completed' tag...I'm glad I haven't downloaded it.
I'd like to remember the good times with Cassandra / Julia / Natasha / Daphne, and not witness another good VN ruined by a rushed ending.
Thanks for the good times, Tasty Pics
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