[S-Play tester] [S> Other] [S>Translator] Paid Offering my Services as Proofreader/Translator, QA Tester and Community Manager


New Member
Nov 11, 2020
- Community Management, QA, Translation, Social Media Marketing, Proofreading, Languages German fluent, English Fluent

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord Charon / (Cass)#2423

Employment Type & Rates:
- This depends on the amount of work as well as which skills will be required. More can be discussed later

- Part-time and Full-time

Work Samples:
- I worked for bigger gaming companies in the past which offered all the above mentioned services for games such as Warhammer Online, Rappelz, Flyff, Dragonica and more.

Additional comments:
- I'm a rather easy-going individual so anybody can just pop me a message no big need on formalities.