The latest update of
Twin Eclipse is out. I'd like to think it's a story first game.
(It doesn't even have any sex in it yet.)
As usual, nobody really cares about the game on its main thread. So, I came here for feedback.
I let my real life situation dictate the direction of the vn and made some weird storytelling decisions. (Which I personally liked when making them). But I have no idea whether those choices actually worked, or if I've turned everything into a giant mess.
Would be really grateful if anyone here could check it out and let me know your thoughts on the update, game, or just the overall consistency of the story.
It's quite late in the night over here, and I'm pretty sleep deprived. So, if anyone responds while I'm offline and struggling to sleep, thank you very much. Means a lot.
I gave it a try and was quite surprised by a few elements.
First things first, I think it's the only Indian culture-based game besides Insimology I've seen on this site, and I have to say its premise looks far more interesting than the one on Insimology.
The art is very good. Even when I'm not much of a fan of that style (it kind of reminds me of the images in my old high school textbooks), overall the UI and arts are very easy on the eye, and I liked them.
I have to say, tho, that you did not do any favors or justice to your VN's premise on the OP. It lacks any hint of what the story your VN has, the banner shows something different from what is described on the OP (even if it later makes sense when playing it) and honestly doesn't seem very appealing.
The first chapter/act completely fooled me. I was on the edge of closing it, as It was completely out of my taste. I felt it was like reading some conversation taken out of a chick-flick rom-com, with honestly no meaning nor relevance to the story at all. Adding to it the fact that the game neither has nor will have adult content at all (at least not according to the laws in my country), made me disinterested in it.
However, I wanted to at least push through Chapter 2 to see if the writing style was still consistent with the chick-flick of the first chapter or if there were any new elements or anything I could somehow enjoy from it.
I'm glad I did, as it has become a bit more interesting. I found it funny, as it reminded me of that story about a teacher leaving the assignment about "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" and having his 2 students write a story that changed from a love-drama (on the girl's side) to a space-war (on the boy side) story. The storytelling goes from a boring conversation out of a typical rom-com in Chapter 1 to a Ghost Whisperer type of thing in Chapter 2.
I like the fact that you're using elements from your cultural background for the fantasy/mystic side of the story, and given that it's from India it kinda makes me curious about what these beings are, and what will be the relationship between the sisters.
I'm still not sure if I like it or not. The way the writing describes things (focused more on situations rather than introducing the characters or giving some background), and the type of relationship between the FMC and the people around her is not the type of story I usually like. Imho, it makes things a bit heavy to read.
I'll still read one or two more chapters and will update my feedback based on it.