Collection Mod Others The Sims 4: NSFW Modding


Nov 14, 2019

My dude just coming in clutch!

This shit had been requested for, at least, once a week - "by everyone," since the last update here.

Thank you!!!

Now, it seems that xxvaynxx pleading worked. So, I'm gonna try, as well...

If anyone has the Lama and Error updates, feel free to also share them with us. We're a bunch of beggars, but we're nice people!



New Member
Jun 19, 2022
Does anyone have the latest version of Kritical's content? more specifically Dreams Of Surrender, I remember downloading it here a few days ago, but the link to dropbox is broken and I couldn't find another one

Cuckoo Kitty

CC Curator
Jan 22, 2019
it takes one eternity to download from his site , why?
You can only get data as fast as the server sending it. A bunch of factors play into it. The server could be busy serving multiple requests at the same time. Some people run websites from their basement using a home internet connection and we all know how stingy ISP's can be with upload bandwidth. A download manager and a little patience will get your content. It will be worth the wait... e404p is AWESOME!
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Nov 23, 2017
How do you guys organize your anims? Been downloading a bunch of anims and a shit ton of them have a messy order. Having to create a playlist in WW while scrolling through thousands of anims seems like a hell of a task.

Cuckoo Kitty

CC Curator
Jan 22, 2019
How do you guys organize your anims? Been downloading a bunch of anims and a shit ton of them have a messy order. Having to create a playlist in WW while scrolling through thousands of anims seems like a hell of a task.
Animations come in the form of .package files and can be placed in subdirectories in your mods folder. You could have a directory named "animations" then have a sub-folder for each animator...
And the like... I have other tips on sorting your CC in my TS4 Tutorial thread linked below.
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Reactions: MatomiB