Others None [Translation Request] [Atelier Sakura]Swapping Party

Dave 237

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
having some difficulty working with the tools so there might be a delay
I had to cancel the project because I am not ready to translate, I have considered just doing something what I call a "parody translation" where I just create my own story using the scenes as basis


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2022
I had to cancel the project because I am not ready to translate, I have considered just doing something what I call a "parody translation" where I just create my own story using the scenes as basis


Jul 16, 2020
As of now kayot is translating the game, but due to his workload on his job this might take quite a while, few or more months perhaps. I've recently helped him with the menus' pics and system messages (except from popping up hints) and he got me an idea to share them here for now; also I'd had produced my own MTL using Sugoi a couple of weeks before he started a thread for Koibito Swapping here on F95 and I contacted him about Swapping Party.

I have to say that there are few overall issues with this MTL I'm not going to take time to correct now given the translation is in the pipleline, e.g.:

1) Occasionally repeating symbols like dozens of 'a' in 'aaaaah' etc.
2) Some chunks of untranslatred text due to escaper settings/missing bracket, usually in those Jap brackets 「」during the sex scenes
3) A few occasions of the game engine code in the translation (related to in-game screen shaking); as these bits appear in the script I assume screen doesn't shake there in game but that's not a big issue, I suppose.

But I got the choices translated and have 4 main characters' names translated (used first names for simplicity) and their dialogues' colouring kept to better understand what's going on.

So I got two patches on , one has both MTL and translated pics, the other (_no_trans) has only pics, in case if you want to run DeepL version or Textractor, for instance. Put the file you want in the main game folder, the name has to be 'patch.xp3'.
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Dave 237

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2018
As of now kayot is translating the game, but due to his workload on his job this might take quite a while, few or more months perhaps. I've recently helped him with the menus' pics and system messages (except from popping up hints) and he got me an idea to share them here for now; also I'd had produced my own MTL using Sugoi a couple of weeks before he started a thread for Koibito Swapping here on F95 and I contacted him about Swapping Party.

I have to say that there are few overall issues with this MTL I'm not going to take time to correct now given the translation is in the piplelines, like:

1) Occasionally repeating symbols like dozens of 'a' in 'aaaaah' etc.
2) Some chunks of untranslatred text due to escaper settings though I used the default one, ususally in those Jap brackets 「」during the sex scenes
3) A few occasions of the game engine code in the translation (related to in-game screen shaking).

But I got the choices translated and have 4 main characters names' translated and their dialouges' colouring kept to better understand what's going on.

So I got two patches on , one has both MTL and translated pics, the other (_no_trans) has only pics, in case if you want to have Deepl version or run Textractor, for instance. Put the file you want in the main gamefolder, the name has to be 'patch.xp3'.
thank you oh great and wise one