Identify Help me identify this RPGmaker game


New Member
Jan 23, 2022
Hi ! I'm searching for a RPG maker game that is supposed to be in developpement but that I didn't see in F95 zone for more than two months now. It's a game where the protagonist, a male guy, arrives in the big manor that is family owns. He is alone at first, but soon he discovers a strange room in his basement with technology and stuff and when he wakes up in is bed, there is some kind of cute masked black-haired girl that is there but only exists in is head because of the technology. Afterwards, a blonde maid arrives at the manor and the black-haired girl helps us to fuck her, and at the end, there is a pool with some kind of muscular brown-haired girls. It's all I can remember. The game was a little bit empty but I liked it very much. If someone can help me identify it, you're my fucking hero.

Thanks ! Have a good afternoon