Unreal Engine Is it possible to reverse engineer Wild Life UE5 game into a UE5 project with the blueprints intact?


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
There's this game called Wild Life, but the devs in charge of it have taken its sandbox into a non-porn direction, focusing heavily on architecture and 3dsmax/Maya style capability, instead of focusing on the porn gameplay experience. For example, instead of being able to simply make the Add Pose character walk, create a party and press E on furniture to start sex animations, they instead focus heavily on 3d manipulation, like being able to merge multiple objects into one to reduce draw calls; instead of simply imposing a soft prop/texture limit based on max vram. They make bizarre decisions which don't make sense for a porn game. Basically what they're doing is the complete opposite of games like Sexvilla, 3Dxchat, Honey Select, Koikatsu, similar. They instead focus heavily on allowing players to create grand architectural schemes instead of being able to create custom dialogue that would lead to an erotic climax. And hey, it's their game, they can do whatever they want, but their decision making has resulted in a declining patreon revenue stream; they're losing money now.

They focus on designing advanced niche features that only cater to 0.5% of players FIRST, while basic erotic gameplay is literally their LAST priority. Normally in game dev, you make the basic features first, then intermediate, then advanced features, then save the NICHE features for the very end, but they don't program in this normal way.

But if we could somehow reverse engineer Wild Life Sandbox project and gain access to the UE5 blueprints, I could start making awesome porn-related features, and really turn it into something that makes you cum REALLY hard, especially given the superior sex animations and character models, especially with Lumen technology which looks stunning.

I've researched UE5 reverse engineering, but the closest I can get is having to re-make each blueprint from scratch from the extracted data which would take way too long. Any ideas? Is there anyway to reverse engineer it and gain access to Wild Life UE5 project with all the blueprints and assets intact, so the code is ready to modify and compile? Then we can upload it to a repository where other people can help modify the code. :unsure: I'm thinking it might be impossible because after they compile it, the data needed to keep a blueprint intact is simply not there.

I'm not looking for argument or conflict, just a way to get access to the blueprints intact. I want to clean up all the problems, streamline the character data types, create a proper universal pose menu, an excellent hotkey system, rapid character & camera possessions with customizable hotkeys, perfect 1st & 3rd person camera systems ideal for fapping, fapping and click optimizations, proper separation of play mode vs edit mode features. Basically turn it into the ultimate fapping experience/porn sandbox where you can create unique scenarios, completely with custom dialogue & plot flag system. The game has a blurry texture problem which I could also fix if I just had access to the damned blueprints. They take way too long to fix simple stuff and I'm sick of it. The sandbox has so much potential, but they're just taking it into a bizarre direction, they have no direction, no scope, no design documentation, no long term gameplan, their decision making just doesn't make any logical sense to me; and it's reflected in their declining patreon revenue stream.

If I could just get my hands on their source code, or WE could get that source code, we can turn the game into the SANDBOX OF PURE LUST. :BootyTime:
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Its easier if you just build your own game from scratch buddy, enjoy ;)
PROBLEM: When you possess Max and enter first person mode, the camera spawns inside his head. You're telling me, that I have to make my own game, just to be able to enter first person mode without a camera spawning inside the head? You can't just take 1 minute to fix it?

Let's go over your brilliant logic.

Me creating a sandbox adult from scratch = 5 years of development
You fixing the camera from spawning inside the head = 1-2 minutes

Basic math. 5 years of development from scratch VS 1-2 minutes to fix the camera from spawning inside the head? If I had access to your source code, I could fix that problem fast, instead of re-doing everything from scratch.

PROBLEM: Your game has a massive problem with blurry textures. It's been months and months, yet you can't fix it. If it was open source, we could fix it for you, and you'd still get all the $$$.

PROBLEM: Your game has been in development for YEARS AND YEARS, yet we can't even have Maya sit in a chair bro. That's like the most basic game mechanic imaginable.

PROBLEM: In the sandbox, you have like 3-4 different pose menus, when they should be streamlined into just ONE universal pose menu, but you have no clue what I'm talking about, do you?

PROBLEM: You have 3 different character data types in the sandbox: Add Pose, Sex Scene Object, Add Character. These should be merged into one streamlined character data type. What does that mean? Example: LookAt functionality exists on Add Pose character, but LookAt feature doesn't exist on the Add Character, thus you streamline the character data types into one type, get it?

Here's another crazy concept you don't understand: Player creates a party, they invite NPC into their party, they press E on furniture, and the party data object; which keeps a list of npc in party, gets passed to the furniture object, then available sex animations are shown in the universal pose menu, based on skeleton type pairings and furniture type. But you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?

So, since you're so out of touch with what your end users want, just release the sandbox open source, you get all the $$$, and we can add the features we need.

OR, you could try to add all these basic gameplay features by 2027, but if you can't, you can just release the sandbox open source in 2027? How about that?

Now you're going to respond with some emotional argument and ignore all my logic, like you always do, lol. (EDIT: I don't want to seem like a negative nancy. I will give you a compliment: you know what you're doing with single player, great job, you're animation and modeling skills are top notch, your kinky ideas are fantastic, but your programmers have no clue what they're doing with the sandbox.)
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