[R>Programmer] Looking for Ren'Py Programmer for Medieval Fantasy AVN Game


Active Member
Sep 7, 2018
Hi, I'm the project lead at One Hand Clapping, currently looking for a Ren'Py programmer/coder to help remake and update an older nsfw Ren'Py AVN. The game setting is a medieval dark fantasy with some action themes offset by humor.

We're currently seeking an experienced coder to rebuild and improve upon the code for the game, as our former programmer had suddenly left the dev team before delivering the finished code. We have decompiled assets showing the previous game's Ren'Py code, and this would be your base material to build upon, which makes the gig both easier and harder; we are recreating the game. Most of the code will have to be rebuilt [no real shortcut around it, I am thinking], but you’ll have the advantage of knowing what the final product will mostly look like, with a few modifications, to bring the game up to current expectations

The job would be under a RevShare contract, a similar arrangement to the other developers in the group, for a planned series of 6-8 update releases over a 2-3 year period. As with all projects of this nature, a lot of the future is dependent upon a series of solid update releases in terms of both content and playability. I think the game is going to be a smashing success, so I think it best to plan for the best but expect the worst; that way, I am less surprised that way.

We are all a pretty chill and friendly [and definitely nerdy] dev group; we meet up on the Project server in Discord to have biweekly voicechat [in English] that is arranged in accordance with our Real World lives and time zones. In addition, this back and forth extends to private developer channels, wherein we can ask questions of each other as we develop the game, to anticipate hurdles and make sure each of us supply what is needed for the project.

If you're interested, please post in this thread a way to get in touch with you, so we can get talk and check out out the fit. If you have examples of other Ren’Py coding work projects, that would be a plus.

We look forward to hearing from you.

JP, One Hand Clapping Consortium


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2017
Hi, could you maybe post some teaser images of the game? I'm interested to see how it looks.


Jan 24, 2024
Hi, I'm a programmer proficient in game engines like Renpy and Unreal Engine.
If you are still looking for a programmer DM me.


New Member
Nov 19, 2021
Hey, I'm a bit late to the party. From what I could read on the patreon this sounds like an interesting game. An interactive map, inventory, and quests all sound fun to implement.

I don't have any renpy/game experience, but I'm a professional software developer so learning new programming languages and technologies comes easily to me. I'm also willing to work for free until I'm up to speed and making meaningful contributions.

If you're still looking for a programmer and don't mind the lack of renpy experience, reach out to me on discord at penguin_77328. Thanks!