[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Share Seeking 2D or 3D artist to create Femboy/Trans sandbox style dating sim.

May 14, 2020
-Position Filled-

Project: “Pink & Powder-blue”

The game follows a male MC who receives a large inheritance from his recently deceased grandfather. Having been raised by his grandfather, the MC feels he was given a life like no other and now has inherited the world in place of the wonderful man he lost. He wants to be able to do the same for someone else one day. After meeting a cute femboy named Crystal, he learns the IRS is about to take possession of Crystal’s apartment and place of work, Pink & Powder-blue gentleman’s club, due to the owner’s massive tax debt. The owner was like a father to Crystal and is on his last leg of life in the hospital. The MC can’t help but feel like Crystal is in a similar situation as he was. Only instead of receiving the world in place of a great role model and mentor, he’s losing even more. The MC decides he will use his new-found fortune to bail out the owner and purchase the property. Having a graduate level of education with concern to business he is certain he can make Crystal’s club, Pink & Powder-blue, profitable once more.

You can grow your business while hiring more cuties to work in your club. Train them to improve their customer service skills, amongst other things ;) and build relationships with them.

So we want to make a cute and fun game that relies more heavily on story then massive amounts of sex. Not to say it won’t have its spicy moments =p.

It will also include trainer aspects which I thought was kinda fun, but I will avoid making it too grindy. Just to make for more gratifying milestones and intimate scenes.


-Pink & Powder-blue

Discord: Insidiouscommodore


Looking for:

-2D or 3D artist.

Employment type:

-If the game manages to gain the popularity I hope for, we will share the income.

Work commitment:

-This is meant to be a long term project, but the goal is for its creation to be more fun than taxing.

Preferred method of contact:


Job Description:

-Creating characters, backgrounds, scenes, and animations.

Current Content:

-I’ve got the premise in place, as well as some character development, and the sandbox elements dialed in.

Additional Comments:

I’d preferably like to find someone like myself and my friend, who will be doing the coding. What I mean by that is someone new to game development. This way we can have fun together and focus on growing and making something special and fun. We want to have a fun and relaxed work environment while remaining efficient.

I’ve seen plenty of comments that there isn’t enough trans/trap/femboy games with rich content. And I myself am also in the category of people who believe that to be the case so I feel this game can really shine.

The hopes for all this is to create a team that will not only be able to be relaxed and fun, while maintaining expectations and working hard, but potentially to build lasting relationships. My friend and I are very easy going and fun individuals and hopefully if you join us you’ll be feeling like part of the family in no time. As a matter of fact, it was through a recruitment like this on this very forum that brought us together several years ago and we’ve been friends ever since.

Final Summation:

This game will be trans/trap/femboy heavy, not to say it won’t also include genetic females. It will have plenty of story and fun things for the play to do. Lots of images and animations. And although the overall goal is to create a super fun and cute game, a secondary goal is to have fun while doing it, keep stress low, and possibly create long lasting friendships.

Cheers, and looking forward to working with you.
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