Wine on linux not working with japanese RPGM games


New Member
Dec 5, 2020

I've been trying to get RPGM games working on linux but they all seem to have the same issue. When i launch them they get stuck on a "now loading "screen . This seems to happen with Japanese games and not with western ones. "Futa concoction" loads and plays just fine but a game like "Tratritle" gets stuck on the loading screen. I've tried installing the run time packages as well but they don't seem to make any difference. I'm on pop os if that helps.

The only think i can think to do is a windows vm but i don't think my laptop is good enough for that.

Thank you


Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
I don't know what the issue is, it works on my machine™ (Ubuntu). Some players just need to delete libGLESv2.dll. If not, what's the output of these commands:
wine --version
winecfg /v
and what do you read if you launch the game from terminal?
cd /path/to/game/folder/
wine Game.exe
Two notes.
First: run time packages are only good for games made with old versions of RPG Maker (2000/XP/VX/VX Ace). Tratritle is an MV game (you know it because of the "www" directory inside): RTPs are useless.
Second: MV games such as Tratritle can be played natively, there's no need to use Wine. You can grab the binaries from this thread and follow the instructions in the spoiler.
Because of Linux file system being case sensitive, a game crashes when it doesn't find a file whose name is misspelled. There are a few solutions, search for instance for ciopfs in this thread.