VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Haley's Story [v1.1 Pre-Patched] [Viitgames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game's story is very good and graphics is decent. I love haley's character. She is adorable and funny. She is on my favorite list. Other LIs are interesting too.
    The ending could be better but not bad.
    Overall awesome game. One of my favorite VN game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game had some real promise, but the forced relationship is an automatic dealbreaker. None of your choices really matter, and you wind up with the same love interest no matter what you do, really disappointing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice vanilla romance story. Great story, dialogues and jokes. Game doesn't force into something you are not into. Nice renders. And Haley of course is really adorable with a good written bitchy character)). Only the ending (I did the best ending with Haley) kinda leaves some questions open, but that really not that critical, it is a work for a fantasy.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    [v1.1 Pre-Patched]

    Haley's Story was one I initially skipped it due to a certain tag (not to yuck anyone's yum) but I decided to give it a shot with the numerous good ratings, and I am honestly glad that I did.
    The dialogue and banter between the MCs just had me instantly invested, then it delves deeper as the story goes on-- without losing a beat between the humour and serious moments.

    While the "animations" and statics are simple, due to being an older title. There's a certain rustic charm to them.

    The "worst" complaint you will find is the fact it is a few years old, so there's a bit of jank here and there. Nothing outlandishly immersion breaking. A bit too dark in a few places/scenes.

    Mostly vanilla in terms of kink variety (outside the obvious incest); though a few light moments of variety sprinkled throughout to not be completely boring:
    mainly threesomes, a bit of lesbian action, voyeurism, and anal.

    In conclusion: if you want to enjoy a compelling incest romance, this is the game for you
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5606666

    This game/story brings back memories, it was the time I played/read a VN game and really enjoyed it. I always looked forward to the next update.

    I loved the graphics and the looks of the girl haley, I though she was beautiful and funny.

    It was only after finishing the main story line, a few updates later, that I realized you could have different endings. Unfortunately I never played those other story lines, I just watched the images in game.

    Every time I see this game, I feel like downloading it again, and trying to play it again, to recreate the feeling I had the first time I played it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm surprised by how wholesome this game is
    Yes, it's siblings incest but the relationship is such a supportive, wholesome and loving one that it seems completely natural.
    All the supporting cast are the same, nice people.
    The pace and writing is good. It's also nice to see black people not portrayed as generic stereotypes .

    The downside; the ending seems rushed. There's plot and character archs that are left hanging and everything wraps up too quickly. Hopefully dev will revisit and redo the endings

    Still a nice game that I enjoyed
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game starts out really strong. The sibling relationship with Haley is very cute, fun and believable, as is the slow escalation towards a sexual relationship.
    The game loses points for forcing the MC into a relationship with another girl without the player's input. We only get to choose whether we want to sleep with her or not.

    I really like the buildup for Haley's backstory reveal and how the two siblings start dealing with it. Huge probs for bringing up their parents and having to navigate that relationship, at least a little bit.

    The ending however is rushed at best. Some girls get route choices without any follow up development. Even Haley's main story leaves many plot strings untied and characters stop caring about some of their previously core motivations.

    All in all the game tells a pretty believable, wholesome, cute, funny and sexy story, with a decent amount of very well anmimated sex scenes.
    Definetely reccommended.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    All around great game.
    Story is really good. Haley is character you are going to love. She is definitely on my top favourite list. Other LI are pretty unique and hot too.
    Pace of the story and having more than one ending make is great and makes the game re-playable.
    You will have a lot of fun playing it. Though, I must warn, there are some emotional moments.
    Likes: shaq9
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is much more grounded then most you can find around here...
    I do love the characters, the main girl is fun, has her own agency and is (of course) a little crazy. Also the chemistry is a lot less forced then in most stories like this! But the side characters are also interesting and nothing is to out of place.
    If you like a well written romance between siblings (twins ;) without that stupid harem thing or bullshit "all want to fuck the nerd" stories, than this is for you!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Had a lot of fun playing this. Nice pacing, not too quick. The pubic choice was very nice, but would be nice to heve her growing it instead of being forced to have her shave it.

    Image quality was good too, and the dialogs we also good and reasonably believable (considering the type of game).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first started playing this game, I didn't think too much of it. Now here I am, having completed several playthroughs. Visually, it's not the best, but the characters in this game are great. Haley is easily one of my favorite characters, not just in adult games, but in fiction. There were several moments involving her where I literally burst out laughing, which pretty much never happens in games like these (I still think about the scene where she held up her fist and "commented" about your girlfriend). As a story, it's well worth the read.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games .

    Haley is one of the most remarkable VN character I've met. She is charming, funny, and caring. Until now, I've never met another woman from other games that matches Haley's personality.

    The dynamics between the MC and Haley feels natural and convincing . I really like the romantic relationship between the two which really gave butterflies to my stomach.

    Yes, the story's twist is quite controversial and unusual for this kind of game. It really makes you sad for Haley and take care or protect her more.

    My only issue with this game is its ending. Yes, it wrap ups some points of the story but I think the dev can still expound it. Nevertheless, the game is overall an unforgettable experience.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    An incest romance, that plays and reads like one. Unlike most games with these tags on this site.

    It has a good amount of sex, seduction and most importantly semi-realistic romance . The star of the show is obviously the Haley character. MC can get involved with other girls, but the plot will always revolve around his relationship with Haley. As it should for a game named like that.

    The highlight is the relationship between the two protags. While it gets going too fast for my liking (considering its nature), it has a few twists and turns. The most controversial (and most interesting to me), was a little revelation of a past event, that strongly influenced Haley's psyche. And was the reason for her ... unusual sexual tendencies. What should be a given for stories like this one (obviously abnormal relationships should have roots in mental fuckery), is unsurprisingly treated as controversial here. Maybe we are too used in absurd fuckfests that don't make any sense in other games, or some purity snowflakes who want every female to be virgin are too loud....

    Sadly either that noise, burnout or some other reason I can't possibly know, caused this to have an obviously rushed ending. It tries to wrap up everything too fast after a point, leaving many important sub-plots unresolved. Still a fun game in this genre, if you are sick of brat +MILF + 2 sisters recipe and want something more grounded.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Haley's story has some shortcomings but despite all that it is one of the best sister/brother romance VNs available.

    Sure, you do get railroaded into one of the girls other than Haley, she will become your girlfriend pretty early on even if you reject her all the way through and want noting to do with her, and yes, the twist around the halfway point of the story is a bit unexpected and makes things a bit darker than they need to be, HOWEVER, said twist does not ruin the relationship with Haley at all (I would say it strengthens the bond and helps Haley recover from a past trauma) and the forced upon girlfriend only has a few interactions with you and will eventually be dropped completely if you want nothing to do with her.

    And sure, the ending is incredibly rushed, but it's a happy ever after, even if you don't really get to see it and things are mostly just implied. But the two main characters (if you choose that route) are 100% happy and good things are in the future for them. It's apparent the developer lost the will to invest much more time into the VN at this point.

    The interactions between the brother and sister are sweet, wholesome often quite funny and if you can accept a somewhat darker twist (It's just lines of dialogue about an event in the past, you never see anything) at the halfway point in an otherwise very wholesome VN, then Haley's Story will deliver and you will spend a few nice hours with this VN.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A beautiful story with good H-scenes and surprisingly compelling relationships and characters. There were a few little things I wished I could have done differently, but I got two endings to see what changes were made, and I enjoyed them both. The smut is great, but this is a game you can play for the story, with the smut being a bonus on top.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This one did emotional damage. Which is not something I look for in a porn game.

    The game is well written, the pacing is very good and I was very invested in the main LI. I liked the banter between them, the rituals and the way they first communicated a lot of their feelings by gestures before they started being able to talk about them. I would have rated it a 5 at that point. So, one of the first and major climaxes of a love story like this is the first "full" sex, right? And while the scene wasn't great, it was good enough (and the location and Haley's narration were good ideas I think) - but immediately after that, Haley drops a rapey NTR-in-the-past bombshell that seems to be the reason for all the present kinkiness (which is why it feels very NTR-ish to me). It comes out of nowhere, it nuked my boner, my enjoyment of the story, my interest in Haley and has left me more or less flabbergasted for 30 minutes. I wanted to fap to a nice romantic story, not deliver emotional blunt trauma to myself.

    The writing and scenes quality falls of a cliff at that point anyway. You get some more H-scenes, which I started to pace through because they became so lifeless and boring (no more dirty talk, no d/s play) and then you get one of several "endings" which are the textbook example of rushed.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story, beautiful girls, multiple ending, the FMC is pretty sassy

    The girls from supporting role don't had many scenes

    Big thanks for , can't wait for your next game
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Not worth starting. The writing quality falls off a cliff and explodes into cliches and a classically rushed ending. I didn't play with the incest patch but I doubt that finishes the storylines. Admittedly, the animations are good though.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    "Haley's Story" is a sweet, funny, and sexy VN, one very much worth playing for those who enjoy the brother-sister taboo (with the incest patch) or the forbidden roommate angle (without the patch). This is not a VN for those looking to fap right out of the gate. The relationship between Haley and the MC builds slowly, in a way that felt deliciously real to me.

    There are other love interests (LIs), but as the title makes clear, it is Haley's story, so if you're looking for a harem or hoping to be with only another character, you should look elsewhere. Having said that, Haley is...uh, open minded, so your MC won't feel lonely.

    I really enjoyed the whole story, though were some plot elements I wish had been fleshed out more. Unfortunately, I get the impression that the dev was getting bored or hoping to move on to something else, because the ending seems quite rushed, and the last third or so of the VN contains no player choices.

    The artwork is fine. Not the best available, but Haley is gorgeous and very sexy. The animations are a bit janky, but get the job done.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Ya I would have to echo what another poster said in their review that this game was one I really enjoyed up until the point (spoiler) you find out some history of Haley that was "questionable consent" at best and rape at worst. From that point in the game, things just felt really unpleasant due to the subject matter and I stopped playing the game.