RPGM None Can someone help translate this game. ダンジョン&ダークネス 大穴と自由の街エルバーン (Dungeon & Darkness Elburn, the City of Great Holes and Freedom)


Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
You can use MTool to get a crappy MTL, but at least you can navigate.
Had a funny interaction in the 1* dungeon, Amazon chick needed MC's 'help', but she ended up killing 4 demons all by herself. Got 3* armor and weapon at lvl 1 that carried me.
anyway if you want my crappy texture edit just drag the choices folder from the zip into www/img/
If you want to edit anything feel free, I used to edit the rpgmvp files (the encryption key is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, you can find it in www/data/system.json)
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Mar 1, 2017
You can use MTool to get a crappy MTL, but at least you can navigate.
View attachment 2470270
Had a funny interaction in the 1* dungeon, Amazon chick needed MC's 'help', but she ended up killing 4 demons all by herself. Got 3* armor and weapon at lvl 1 that carried me.
anyway if you want my crappy texture edit just drag the choices folder from the zip into www/img/
By texture you mean the fonts/menus and stuff?
I tried placing it overriding the stuff im www/img but couldnt get it to work. I think I have to ditch the MTL translation that a guy here sent