Kei had retired from being a magical girl for the sake of an ordinary daily life. However, in order to defeat a villain who had unexpectedly become stronger, Kei reluctantly resumes her activities as a magical girl. With her popularity rising through live streaming, the now stronger...
In this world where misogeny, slavery, crime and corruption thrive, the protagonist of the history finds his love florish day by day, for the beauty of his wife, the one he managed to trade all his money and his nobility to be able to marry, the daughter of a corrupt Lord.
Robert, the prince of the Kingdom of Corinth, promised Arieno, the sole daughter of a farmer in his territory,
that he will enroll together with her in a military academy in two years.
However, soon after making the promise, Arieno goes missing.
Two years later, when Robert was about...
Shin was summoned to a another world as a hero, along with his stepmother and sisters. However, he was not the only hero summoned to this world.
There were four other heroes who had been summoned before him,
But he was called as the last hope to save this world from the chaos. As an...
A married couple is given a generous offer to work on an island resort and bail out of their financial debt... but the hotel has a seedy reputation that must be overcome.
Thread Updated: 2024-06-19
Release Date: 2024-05-24
Developer: maiie - TFGames
Censored: No
Version: 1.3
Everything you have ever wanted, everything you've dreamed of was in your hands: The land, the power, the knowledge and, of course, the loyalty and the devotion of beautiful women. But the ultimate betrayal sent you straight into oblivion... Or so it seemed. Rise again, now in a modern...