The adventures of Will and Cindy. The duo find themselves plunged into a world they could have only dreamt of. Juggle a life of study, debauchery and a smidge of saving the world. The story will involve a series of side plots and characters exploring a variety of kinks. Primarily...
Kinky Cosplay Heroes is part of the same franchise as our other game, Cafe Maid, but we've made it faster-paced and more adult-focused. We believe both new players and fans of the previous game will enjoy what it has to offer, with a mix of familiar mechanics and plenty of new content...
You love porn, and you're not ashamed!!! You visit your favorite website 'PornZone' all day. There are hundreds of unique images on there, every one completely different than the last, every one hotter! And every day, there's more to look at!!! Edge for hours. No one's gonna see! God...
In the town of Tombwood, the player takes the role of a decadent bounty hunter with a troubled past. The town is facing problem with a gang of bandits that call themselves the Black Cactus Gang. Various bounty hunters to visit the town and among them is Connie, a former ranger that's...
Raiden is on his way to the island he used to spend a lot of time on back when he was a teenager. It’s been 7 years since he last went to the island. His childhood friends, Mei and Kyra, finally graduated from university and he is looking forward to seeing them and the other friends he...
A Phone Affair is a choice-driven visual novel that immerses you in the world of long-distance relationships, ambition, and lust—all through the lens of a phone-style visual. You play as a young man experiencing the various shades of love from afar as your sweet and innocent...
A god from primordial times is sealed away for thousands of years, only to reawoken in modern times by the last of his faithful.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-14
Release Date: 2024-12-14
Developer: Etherial Dreamer Patreon - Itch - Subscribestar
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: PC, Mac...
Long ago colorful and radiant crystals were unearthed by a small mining group. The miners brought their discovery back to the kingdom for refinement. Scholars tinkered with the strange material until they discovered a strange reaction when placed near a person’s dick. They crafted...
A boy rejected from the occult club meets a shadow that offers him an irresistible offer.
Thread Updated: 2024-10-24
Release Date: 2024-10-23
Developer: PSY8 Patreon - Discord - Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Cumming of Age is a visual novel game with a touch of resource management. In ancient Greece, you are surrounded by beautiful goddesses, attractive mythological creatures, enchanting soundtracks, and entertaining dialogues. You can upgrade your skills and earn your keep while building...
Welcome to Furry Bang Town, where you will meet a variety of sexy furry characters and build fun relationships
Thread Updated: 2025-01-01
Release Date: 2024-12-28
Developer: FurryBangTown Patreon Subscribestar Discord
Censored: No
Version: 0.6b
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
An unexpected letter brought a unique opportunity.
The inheritance of an old house, forgotten amidst the overgrown grass, now belonged to two siblings.
A place lost in time, filled with memories, secrets, and possibilities.
Thread Updated: 2024-10-21
Release Date: 2024-10-19...
The Book of Outcasts is a sequel to
TKS: Conussia and The Book of Bondmaids, taking place 100 years after the events of those games.
The icy lands of Conussia have not changed much in the last hundred years – the winters are still biting and cold, the people still stoic and proud and...
21 female elves with rich personalities are voiced by different voice actors! The main character wanders into a village of elves where only female elves live, The main character wanders into a village of female elves and has sex with all the elves in the village in order to impregnate...
Elf World Adventure 2 is a sequel to the addictive hentai game in the anime and puzzle genre, offering many levels in which you have to collect images of charming elf girls. Immerse yourself in a magical world with a splendid atmosphere, accompanied by relaxing and melodic music...
A lewd auto-battler card-game featuring your favorite characters from Conquest and Desire.
Warning: I tried using some AI-generated content for this project, if that's not your thing then you may try my other hand-drawn projects instead.
Thread Updated: 2024-10-21
Release Date...
In the thriving industrial, city of Cyclops, the quacksalver Etsu had earned a great reputation for his superb medical skills. However, behind his talent and achievements were two unknown secrets: one was eyes with a special power endowed by an existence mysterious to Etsu the other...
Find a woman who suits your tastes and give her an amazing massage!
Thread Updated: 2024-10-20
Release Date: 2024 0-10-18
Original Title: どぴゅっとメスもみ! ~えちえちマッサージ屋さん~
Developer: Oinari Soft DLSite - Ci-en - Website
Censored: Yes - Mosaics
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows
Language: English...
Miru has been tasked with building a flying city and raking in the money! She will need all the help she can get to make this city lift off—quite literally—and bring in some much-needed cash! Recruit adventurers and travelers to help your city flourish!
Thread Updated: 2024-10-20...