Echoes of Eclipse is a thrilling visual novel that follows Nathan (Nate) Blackwell (You can change) and his childhood friend Skylar (Sky) Quinn as they venture into the high-stakes world of owning a cyberpunk-themed nightclub in a new city. Amidst the neon lights and urban chaos, they...
With her bags packed and her trip meticulously planned, all that's left is handing over the keys to her new tenant. However, what she thought would be a straightforward exchange transforms into a complex web of temptation and desire. As she interacts with the tenant, emotions she...
The story in short, NTR, is about a boy who is bullied by everyone, but thanks to the power of a demon, he manages to become more powerful in order to get revenge and release all his prejudices on all those girls at the university.
Explore inside and outside the university and face...
A retired royal guard couple embarked on a dream to open an inn together. Tragically, the husband passed away before the inn was completed, leaving his grieving, pregnant wife to manage the endeavor alone.
Eighteen years later, their son, now 18, aspires to honor his parents' legacy by...
Lara, a young female adventurer from the West, was born into a wealthy family. She has an erotic figure, big breasts and a big ass. Lara loves adventure, and through some research she learns that there may be ruins on a remote island in the ocean. Lara's thirst for treasure leads her...
Awakening in a mysterious world of ogres, elves, and goblins, you find yourself thrust into a dark medieval fantasy realm. A new life begins here. Will you carve your path as a rogue, out for only yourself, or will you rise as a beacon of hope for those in need? Your choices will shape...
After losing his lover, Shio met a married woman named Hitomi on a dating app.
He loves married women and anal sex, so he had fun having anal sex with Hitomi and even made her wear an anal plug.
However, Hitomi, who was initially happy having sex with Shio, suddenly got angry and they...
Mr.Sweetcuckhold is a 3D artist that specialises in content including cheating, cuckoldry, netorare, and corruption.
All dark desires is theme for this 3D porn artist.
Updated: 2024-12-03
Artist: Mr.Sweetcuckhold Patreon
Censorship: No
Language: English
Pages: 4,000+...
The protagonist of this game is a 40-year-old woman, a housewife, who is tired of this life of married mother.
Who is fed up with her life as a married mother, so she, with the help of her sister and niece,
join an organization called Lilith's, a secret organization formed by women...
Demon Seed is a mostly linear Visual Novel taking control of a young man.
Your life is quite ordinary safe the relative ease you seem to be able to get into women's pants.
But your perfectly normal life doesn't seem so normal after weirder and weirder things happen to you.
Find out...
After being away for years, the protagonist returns home to reconnect with his family. Aunt Emily, a kind and caring woman, has always been a source of comfort. But he soon notices that her marriage to Uncle Robert is falling apart, leaving her vulnerable and lonely. As they spend more...
Story of a foreigner studying in a japanese university, until one day he meets the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately our protagonist has a little secret that can cause stress on any relationship.
Thread Updated: 2024-11-30
Release Date: 2024-11-29
Developer: CheetahAdmirer
Fevered Tide is an adult game exploring the steamy and unexpected connection between a young adult and his former university landlady, a confident, alluring middle-aged woman. What starts as a casual visit to reconnect soon turns into a journey of passion, temptation, and intense...
You experience the intense story of a man who shares his home—and his feelings—with an older woman who has captured his heart. Everything seems calm until she finds a new love at work, leaving you with a dilemma: fight for your feelings, accept the situation, or take an unexpected...
Shino Minazuki is a cool researcher. She has no interest outside of her research and has always lived a life dedicated to it.
Thread Updated: 2025-01-07
Release Date: 2024-11-28
Developer: Ota Guchi Field Ci-en
Translator: DazedAnon - Discord - Support & Shana (Images)
Censored: Yes...
First-person 3D stealth action NSFW game. You have to go to the wife's room next door and set up a camera without anyone noticing. Maybe you can get away with a few pairs of fragrant underwear, and maybe there will be more unexpected developments.
Thread Updated: 2024-11-28
During the summer vacation, the Nishimura family’s son brings home a black classmate, Denzel, to start a boarding house.
As a teacher, Misato Nishimura, the mother, never thought that her husband would suddenly lose his job,
When he couldn’t find a job, he was introduced by Denzel’s...
IRN is a 2D artist who makes pinups/art.
Updated: 2024-11-27
Artist: IRN Patreon - Twitter
Censorship: No
Language: English
Resolution: HD
Content: 120+ Images, 10+ GIFS
Past Tense is a romance Visual Novel with adult elements. The story follows our main character as he returns to his old neighborhood and is forced to confront his past. Navigating the complexities of old and new relationships, he must forge a new future while dealing with the...
Yuki, a widow trying to move on from her husband's tragic death, starts a new chapter of her life in a bustling city. With a new job as a college teacher and a small apartment, she's determined to build a future.
As Yuki navigates her professional life, new relationships, and steamy...