The story revolves around the protagonist's younger sister, Maki, who used to be affectionate and close to him.
However, she has become distant and somewhat rebellious lately.
The protagonist suspects that she may have a boyfriend and becomes anxious.
Fueled by insecurity, he decides...
Maaladian, a land inhabited by elves, fell overnight due to the actions of a single traitor. Artesia, the second princess of Maaladian, narrowly escaped to the human world, where she encountered Harukaze Sakura, a human girl. Entrusting her life to Sakura, Artesia seeks protection from...
The story unfolds with a man undergoing a year-long cryogenic therapy for a severe haematological illness. Years later he is awaken to a desolate and hollow shell of the world he remembered, overrun by the dead and monstrous entities. He is left to fester in the choices between the...
Dr. Brian, the genius scientist behind the rediscovery of Crest Magic, died in an accident under mysterious circumstances. Years later, Illumina, the man's only daughter, pursues the career of prison guard in order to gain access to Prison Island and investigate her father's death...
Continuation of the story of the "Regarding relegated to blossom girl's toilet", set in a fantasy world. The story follows the male protagonist as he helps solve the problem of river pollution in the village under the commission of a priestess. To brainstorm solutions, you decide to...
You take the role of Suguru Kamoshida, a gym teacher at Shujin Academy, as he gains the ability to manipulate the people around him. You can choose to abuse it, or ignore it.
Thread Updated: 2024-04-12
Release Date: 2024-04-12
Developer: Factory Direct - Subscribestar
Censored: No...
In a world where celestial events have granted extraordinary powers to select individuals, the balance of power teeters on the brink of chaos.
Enter the realm of "Indulgent," where ordinary humans, now known as "Empowered," wield unimaginable abilities. Amidst this chaos, one man and...
OPPAI Succubus Academy is a VISUAL NOVEL set in Faren'ch Deshka Girls' Academy. Its students may excel in bust size, but their ero ranking has the academy on the verge of closure. It's up to Suguru and his Book of Sexy Magic to get all the succubi, teach them his ero ways, and save the...
Kouta is a shut-in, he wastes all his time playing video games.
His parents worried about the situation, arrange a little set up with Miki, Kouta's aunt hoping she will help him get out of that situation.
At first it was just forcing Kouta out of his room, make him study and having...
Ichika, a girl in the pharmacy department of a university, was busy balancing her daily studies with a part-time job to earn money for university fees. She was in danger of one day having to stay in university. Then she hears a story about a friend of hers who made a lot of money with...
The Fillol, despite being a small star, was a planet rich in resources and known as a hidden treasure of space. In the distant past, a space bandit named Degdal attempted to invade this planet but failed, tarnishing their history of never having been defeated. Negdal, the protagonist...
Tsuzuki Satoshi is an university student who comes from a certain village in the countryside. Ever since he was young, he was interested in plants and in order to research them, he decided to leave his village and go to university far away. But once he was just a year away from...
This is a fantasy-style action RPG in which you control a boy hero and explore his adventures.
Thread Updated: 2024-04-09
Release Date: 2024-03-23
Original Title: 【期間限定CG付】勇者だって母さんとしたい! 〜大好きな母さんが借金のカタに領主に寝取られる宿〜
Developer: arukutsuuru DLSite
Censored: Yes - Mosaics
Version: 1.0
Two people, Orca and Anemone, belonging to the knight order, get involved in trouble during their ship escort mission and drift to an unknown island. In the unfamiliar land, they arrive at a village of barbarians where strength is everything. Various evil hands approach the two trying...
The "Gaiden" mini series is comprised of three short episodes that lead into the foruth game of the series, Inyouchuu Kyou.
Gaiden 1: The Shiratori Sisters.
Mikoto goes looking for Takeru, who has gone missing for some days, when she finds her she is being raped and made to give birth...
Continuing from the last game, it has been a few days since the protagonist received the hypnotic penlight and began venting his desire on the women in the family.
Thread updated: 2024-04-08
Release date: 2016-12-01
Title: 巨乳家族催眠「家族なんだから、セックスするのは当たり前よね……」
Aliases: Kyonyuu Kazoku...
You are a tentacle monster and you want to enslave the crew of the ship and turn them into breeding vessels for your spawns. If you succeed, a bigger prize awaits you...
Thread Updated: 2024-04-08
Release Date: 2011-11-11
Original Title: 妖蟲ノ檻
Aliases: Youchuu no Ori
Takahiro's father a widower, remarries.
Takahiro is happy to have a new family and he his even happier when his new twin stepsisters welcomed him with an "I always wanted a Big Bother!"
He is very happy, however he can't help but think his new sisters are too clingy.
One day, Takahiro...
The protagonist - Yuuichi - fails the entrance exam and is currently attending prep school.
Around this time, his father, who is almost never home, remarries and his family gains new members.
Thread Updated: 2024-04-07
Release Date: 2013-08-30
Original Title...
In a world composed of several large islands, the "Grand Isles."
The royal capital Freesia is the heart of civilization. "Humans" and "Demons" both exist, but since ancient times humans have discriminated against Demons out of contempt for their appearances and abilities.
While King...