In this story-driven adventure, you play as the Protagonist, a high school student trapped in the surreal Dream World, where reality is distorted. Struggling with amnesia and distrust of even close friends, the Protagonist must save Rise Kujikawa, whose soul is being corrupted by an...
Kirigame is a 3D artist who makes pics and short animations of characters from Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail.
Updated: 2024-11-04
Artist: Kirigame5 Twitter/X - Fanbox - Boosty - Newgrounds
Censorship: No
Language: None
Resolution: Varies, up to 4K
Files: 31 vids, 186 pics...
BhigBhee is a 3D artist who makes pinups of characters from Street Fighter, Resident Evil, The Witcher 3 and more.
Updated: 2024-11-04
Artist: BhigBhee/BheeBhig3D Patreon - Twitter/X - Rule34xxx
Censorship: Yes / No
Language: No
Resolution: 2k
Content: 192 pics
Superdarkpit is an NSFW 3D artist who makes short animations and pinups of characters from from Dead or Alive.
The artist mostly works on commissions at the moment.
Updated: 2024-11-04
Artist: Superdarkpit Twitter (X) - Newgrounds - DeviantArt
Censorship: No
Language: None
MrStrangersAlley is a 2D/3D artist who makes pinups/art of characters from video games such as: Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive.
The artist began primarily creating 2D illustrations, but he also created some rendering poses in XPS (Xnalara),
which later became more frequent on...
Ludin Sketches is a Brazilian 2D artist who makes short and medium-length animations of characters rom video games, as well as a few OCs.
Updated: 2024-11-30
Artist: Ludin Sketches Patreon - Twitter - Bluesky
Censorship: no
Language: English
Resolution: 4K for pictures, 1080p for vids...
Scarlet Meow is an AI artist who makes comics of characters from video games and media franchises, such as: Teen Titans, Dragon Ball, Zelda, One Punch Man, DC Comics, etc.
Updated: 2024-11-28
Artist: Scarlet Meow Patreon - Twitter - Instagram - reddit
Censorship: no
Language: English...
Introducing our new game, Rated X. Yeah, you got that right.
You play as a guy who finds himself in a mutant institute.
Now your goal is to become a member of the team and get close to the beautiful girls of this institution.
We made a lot of beautiful sprites and juicy animations...
Angel Light is a AI artist who makes pinups of characters from video games. Mostly pinups with futa variations; a few sex scenes.
Updated: 2024-11-02
Artist: Angel Light Patreon - Twitter main - Twitter 1 - Twitter 2 - Pixiv - Bootsy - Artstation
Censorship: no
Language: none...
Houkisei is a Japanese 2D artist who makes pinups and a few animations of characters from video games and animes, mainly Genshin Impact.
Updated: 2025-01-05
Artist: Houkisei Patreon - Fanbox - Fantia - Gumroad
Censorship: no
Language: Japanese
Resolution: Mostly 4K
Pages: 1393...
Waosart is a 3D artist who makes pics and short animations of characters from Fortnite, Overwatch and various other series.
Updated: 2025-01-06
Artist: Waosart Patreon - Twitter/X
Censorship: No
Language: None
Resolution: Up to 4K pics/vids
Files: 67 vids, 26 pics
Length: ~16 minutes...
Ubermation is a 3D artist who makes medium-length animations of characters from Genshin Impact and Zenless Zone Zero.
Updated: 2025-01-01
Artist: Ubermation Patreon - Twitter/X - Boosty
Censorship: No
Language: None
Resolution: 1080/4K
Files: 10 unique vids (10 4K, 10 1080)
Choose your partner and answer trivia questions.
If you can get 5 correct answers in a row, she will take off a piece of clothing!
Good luck!
Thread Updated: 2024-10-31
Release Date: 2023-12-01
Developer: Magnetic North Games Patreon - Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows...
OneManArtist is an NSFW 2D artist who creates erotic bestiality comics, illustrations, and short/long animations based on original content.
Updated: 2024-11-01
Artist: OneManArtist Patreon - FANBOX - Pixiv - Subscribestar - Newgrounds - DeviantArt
Censorship: No
Language: None...
Relatives are not chosen! And so a relative appeared in Semyon's life — Koschei the Immortal. With his intrigues, he forces his distant relative to help him, and as a result, Semyon finds himself in the center of fun and very spicy adventures. We invite you to go with him on this...
Finalizer is an NSFW/SFW 3D artist who makes pinups of characters from
Final Fantasy, Nier Automata and Metroid. Mostly focused on Samus Aran contents.
Updated: 2024-10-31
Artist: Finalizer DeviantArt - Patreon - Pixiv - Twitter (X) Finalizer - Twitter (X) Nautilic - YouTube...
Nstat is a 2D/3D artist who creates pics and short animations of characters mainly from Futurama and the Simpsons. Lots of belly-bulge and cumflation scenarios.
Updated: 2024-10-31
Artist: Nstat Patreon - Twitter/X - Subscribestar - Fanbox - Rule34Video
Censorship: No
In the underground laboratories of the Cumbrella Corporation, they created the Thirst Virus. This virus turns people into lustful animals. Not literally. One day, a test sample was lost in a city park and a girl named Mary Rockbell picked it up and became infected. What will patient...
Hiirusama is a 3D artist who makes pinups of original characters and characters from Elden Ring.
Using models from Ryan Reos. High Heels Special.
Updated: 2024-10-31
Artist: Hiirusama Patreon - Twitter/X - Sketchfab
Censorship: No
Language: No
Resolution: up to 1800x2500ish