In a fantasy world, a powerful magical civilization called the “Earthgals” ruled the continent of Midgard for 2,000 years before declining and disappearing. After a period of chaos, five human kings rose to power, each claiming to be the rightful heir of the Earthgals. They began to...
"A girl wakes up in a destroyed village with no memories. A mysterious witch appears and tells her that she has been cursed by a god and that her memories are sealed for good. The only way to lift the curse is to climb a tower that leads to a god's realm. And so the journey up the...
A newly engaged couple, Chuck and his fiancée Zina, travel to Erona, the land of love, with their mothers, Venus and Alina, respectively.
Why? To learn the skills necessary to develop as a couple! It’s become a bit of a custom in various parts of Anthrasian continent to go to Erona...
You wake up in a world you have no knowledge of nor you know anything about yourself. You must survive and prosper in this new world.
This is a hardcore simulation sandbox game, the goal is for player to be able to do whatever they want in a world that is constantly changing.
Succubus Dance is a non-linear RPG hentai game featuring dating sim and visual novel elements. Our goal is to create an entertaining game with high-quality art and a compelling story. The game emphasizes adult content and fetishes! We prioritize creating scenes based on community...
You play as Hiro, a young adventurer who awakens with amnesia in a mysterious land. As you explore this world, you'll uncover secrets about the world...and yourself.
Hypnothornia blends turn based RPG with mature themes in an experience that balances exploration, combat and sensuality...
Momoha is a sweet girl with giant breasts who goes to the shrine every day to pray for her father, who's suffering from an illness.
One day, a self-proclaimed "Spirit of Love and Peace" tells her that if she uses her magic to defeat the Yaminchu, her father will be cured.
To Momoha's...
Ariana BLACKTHORN is a talented young witch of high birth, and it’s the evening of her Coming of Age trials. This night she must leave the safety of the secluded hamlet in which she lives, and recover the Orb of Containment from a strange mansion situated on a rift in the fabric of...
Welcome to Isekai No Revenge!
Dive into a dark fantasy RPG visual novel crafted with love and precision. "Isekai No Revenge" offers an immersive narrative where choices matter, relationships shape your journey, and a world of magic and mystery awaits. Let your story unfold as you seek...
Grandeur, the land of peace.
The throne is passed from the king, who has been on the throne for several decades, to his only daughter, a princess.
At that time, the spell of the Demon King, which had been sealed for a long time, is broken, and he is resurrected once again.
However, the...
PIZZALAB COMPLEX is a horror and survival game set in the near future. Rookie, a newly hired employee at Pizzalab, a pizzeria that also operates as a nightclub, is called by the mysterious Ms. X, the owner of the establishment, to resolve an emergency with the security systems. Upon...
A story of a dull office worker and her surroundings becoming more and more erotic and lewd!
Chika receives a “magic wand”, an item from a popular movie, from a friend.
When she half-jokingly pretends to use it...
Thread Updated: 2024-12-21
Release Date: 2024-05-17
Original Title...
An office worker goes to a beauty clinic, becomes more and more lewd, and ends up... becoming a succubus!
The main character is an office worker, Kahoko, who is not confident about her appearance and has no luck with men.
One day, she starts going to a beauty clinic she found on the...
Mischievous Succubus Plan is a visual novel about the adventures of the succubus Ailin in the human world. The game takes place in the fantasy Middle Ages.
Ailin is a young but very ambitious demon, who wants to change the long-established world order and prove that being on the side...
Help the people of your village to get coin and renown, so you can take the Adventurer's Test, to become a adventurer. Explore the dungeon to reach your dream of becoming a Gold Rank adventurer. Choose the girl you love, while have fun with some girls around the village and the dungeon...
Irina, a female knight, accidentally killed a dragon and got a magical crest on her lower abdomen as a reward. This crest gives her dragon-like strength but also makes people around her very lustful. One night, she unintentionally turned all the men at her workplace, including the king...
In 2XXX A.D., a new earth-like planet was suddenly observed.
The people of Earth promptly formed a planetary exploration team and proceeded to settle the planet...
The pioneering progressed smoothly, and one day a few years passed,
Nagisa Hoshikawa, a girl belonging to Team A, finished...
Humans have always lived in the shadow of the Monstrae, dwelling in little hamlets and villages far from their ravenous gazes. You of course grew up in one such village called Gothspell, a quaint collection of cobblestone cabins nestled deep in the misty bluewood forests of the West...
There's an ancient tradition: a rite of passage where a young adult leaves their home, travels the country for a year, and returns ready to start a family. It's a custom from a bygone era, seldom practiced in modern times due to its dangers and hardships.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-19...