General Description: In Mystery Lab 2, players embark on an exciting adventure to help Gaby escape from a mysterious laboratory. Throughout the game, they will face various challenges and puzzles while exploring intriguing environments and solving mini-games that test their skills and...
In the Kingdom of Lust game, you have to help two brave girls defeat the evil Koshchei the Immortal, who decided to attack the Kingdom and seize power. The game has dragons, minotaurs, werewolves, as well as ordinary inhabitants of the kingdom who want to help the girls achieve their...
Welcome to the world of Cybersex: Lust Story – an enthralling visual novel for adults, where you become the architect of your own destiny, interacting with a mysterious android being that encapsulates uniqueness and distinction.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-09
Release Date: 2024-04-20...
An escape game about spotting differences and interspecies sex!
Fioria Galaxy, one of the many that exist in the vastness of space.
This peaceful galaxy is home to Lapiness Sapphire, who enlists in the Galactic Army in order to keep it free from danger.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-08...
When a distress signal is received from a commercial space observatory, an officer is dispatched to investigate.
What begins as a routine check evolves into a chilling investigation with far reaching consequences.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-08
Release Date: 2024-12-08
Bloodnok has spent his entire life under the watchful care of his AI mother, a talking dog named Barky, and the protective walls of a magical sanctuary that has shielded him from the relentless goblin threat. But when a sudden catastrophe causes the sanctuary to lose its power...
Look Up is a unique giantess-themed adventure game developed by Giantess Tina. In this game, players find themselves navigating a world where scale and perspective are flipped, offering a fresh take on survival and exploration. Experience high-quality graphics with NVidia DLSS support...
A visual novel with choices and consequences, set in a purgatory dimension where we must complete certain tasks before we are deemed worthy to move on. Build trust and romance, confront the past, and choose the future.
Thread Updated: 2024-11-27
Release Date: 2024-11-21
Welcome to the void club! You've been hired as the new manager, your job will be to make sure the club is making money as well as to take care of the girls in the club. You are working under the Master, he is the one going on mission to bring back babes from every universe to make sure...
You've almost died, you lost your body. Gladly, you were saved by your old friend Xena, a genius engineer who lives on a desolate planet. Now it's time to recover and find a new goal in your life!
Thread Updated: 2024-11-19
Release Date: 2024-10-24
Developer: Dirty Fox Games Twitter...
This standalone game is a prequel to Third Crisis and takes place during the five year timeskip of Third Crisis before Jenna appears in Carceburg. The Third Crisis happened only a couple years ago, The organization Peitho has taken over the world and now operates under the guise of the...
The world's suddenly hit by a mass time-travel event. You're on the brink of dropping out and can't make rent.
How'll you use this chance to turn your life around, climb to the top, and find love with the hotties around you?
Thread Updated: 2024-11-16
Release Date: 2024-11-14...
You take the role of "Caelus" who, helped by the powers of Nanook The Perversion, will meet the girls of Honkai Star Rail
This is a parody of the gatcha game Honkai Star Rail.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-20
Release Date: 2024-12-15
Developer: RareBlade Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: 1.2...
“Crawling Lab,” a secret laboratory built by Selen Industry deep in the mountains.
Here, a new product using the newly developed artificial life form "Biodoll" was being researched.
But one day, a web-crawling AI hijacks a new Biodoll and
An incident occurs in which she calls herself...
As Captain Kayto Shields, embark on a galactic voyage of heroism and survival.
With his home world destroyed and his nation conquered, the inexperienced Captain Shields, and his newly minted vessel, the Sunrider, are left as the only hope against a galactic evil intent on subjugating...
"In a world devastated by destruction, three survivors fight not only against zombies but also against their own inner demons from the past.
Immerse yourself in an engaging narrative full of mysteries and crucial decisions."
"Horizon of Resistance" is a post-apocalyptic visual novel...
You’ve crashed on a planet filled with horny and sexually addicted alien girls - now it’s up to you to decide what to do with the situation. Explore the planet and play the relaxing mini-games while you enjoy hot 18+ scenes and the intriguing story in CUMVERSE
Thread Updated...
Next chapter of Tali adventures. After escaping from a strange abandoned ship now she goes to explore and travel in space with her new unexpected friends.
Thread Updated: 2025-01-05
Release Date: 2025-01-05
Developer: Messman - Subscribestar - Ko-Fi
Censored: No
Version: 0.2 Beta
Being a game developer is no easy task, but finally,
your game is ready to be released, and you'll soon be able to...
Oh no, an unfortunate accident has occurred.
You are trapped inside a game – YOUR game.
And after a closer look... Yes, it's different, but why?
Set out to uncover why...