As Earth's arctic ice melts, an ancient horror awakens. The Leviathans, monstrous creatures from a forgotten era, emerge from the ice, bringing chaos and destruction. Cities fall, humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and for the first time in history, the world unites against a...
Space live stream caster Ellie, at the viewers' request, embarked on a live stream on an unknown planet, but an unexpected turn of events occurred. Players control Ellie, battling various monsters, avoiding traps, correctly triggering mechanisms, and collecting train tickets to escape...
You wake up from cryogenic stasis in the year 2124. What follows is a glorified bad-end picker with CYOA 'gameplay' in a similar vein to games like devious world.
Thread Updated: 2024-07-14
Release Date: 2024-04-06
Developer: StarVoyager / Flutters
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
In the vast cosmos, two realms stand out: Navā, a mystical world where magic flows freely, and Terra,
a technological marvel at the peak of innovation. Both face exploitation by power-hungry elites.
As the boundaries between Navā and Terra begin to blur, a critical question arises...
HoTime Saga:
Hotime Saga is a fully animated,
open-world novel and dating sim where androids handle politics while humans serve as the labor force.
Experience dating/fucking fascinating characters in this futuristic world, including both women and androids.
Inspired by Summertime Saga...
Cat-like alien Nekott, while nearing a certain planet during space travel, crashes on a maritime island due to an accident. At the time of the crash, spaceship parts scatter across the island. The player gathers spaceship parts while hunting animals for biofuel, engaging in battles...
Hundreds of years have passed since humanity began to immigrate into space. Humanity has spread too far and created their own agendas and interests. Soon enough, war occured with the usage of battleships and robots.
The protagonist was once an excellent test pilot. Now, he is a humble...
Join the GIRLDIVERS, humanity's last line of offense against an overwhelming alien menace. Command sexy girl soldiers in a rich campaign full of randomly generated challenges, unforgiving enemies, sci-fi gadgets, and heavy firepower. Engaging in lewd punishments and rewards along the...
At the tender age of three, our protagonist is separated from his mother under mysterious circumstances. A compassionate couple of neighbors, mourning the loss of their own son, adopt him. His foster father, a former Navy combat pilot known as "Viper," nurtures his passion for...
A mature woman is Presidentess of this country and the whole story takes place in a tower with 70 floors, It is not known whether she is a demon or a human being.
People are very afraid of her energy weapons and robots, but what they should really fear is that she is an unknown entity...
A future with advanced online technology.
The world's leading companies have come to have great economic and political power, and autonomous corporate regions have sprung up all over the world. The traditional nation system was no longer functioning, and many people were forced to live...
Well, you finally got a job!
Sure it's on a strange forest moon on the other side of the galaxy, but you hear the scientists there are cute.
Thread Updated: 2024-07-04
Release Date: 2024-07-02
Developer: forview Itch.io - Mastodon - Subscribestar
Censored: No
Version: 0.9
OS: Windows...
A 3DCG game with Sci-fi theme
Thread Updated: 2024-07-01
Release Date: 2024-04-06
Developer: HexErotica Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Prototype
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Other Games: Link
Win/Linux: GOFILE - MIXDROP -...
Take on the role of Evette Flores "Eve" as she navigates through a series of unexpected events. What fate awaits her?
Thread Updated: 2024-06-30
Release Date: 2023-08-30
Developer: HexErotica Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 2.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Other Games: Link...
in this Marvel parody game, you control a gang of chads who run around beating up people
Thread Updated: 2024-07-10
Release Date: 2024-07-03
Developer: xtremee_Ghost Patreon - X
Censored: No
Version: 2024-7
OS: Windows
Language: English
Sexy Iron Maidens is an action-packed dieselpunk shmup. Not only you can charge tons of enemies here, but also discharge into bunch of beautiful ladies. Your crew awaits your orders and ready to catch a grenade for you with their bare chests!
Thread Updated: 2024-11-14
Release Date...
You were a geeky kid and spent most of your time tinkering with broken down sexbots instead of studying in school. Since you never studied you never graduated from high school. Your parents were fed up and kicked you out when you turned 18. At least they gave you a little money.
Use the power of your virginity to defeat and humiliate the corrupt Angels in this rogue-lite card battle thriller!
Thread Updated: 2024-07-21
Release Date: 2024-06-30
Original Title: X-Angels ~正義で堕とせ!美少女ヒーロー~
Developer: Barance Studio Steam - Patreon - Youtube - Twitter...
In the heart of Atlanta, Troy Dante, a man haunted by his past and harboring a dangerous secret, must navigate between his primal urges and the pursuit of redemption.
Sent to a military boarding school in Alaska during his teenage years, Dante eventually settles in Atlanta. Fate...