(as of version 0.1)
although a bit too early in development to make any valid assessment, this is so far a good story. that being said, i hope Dev will keep it on a solid track, with reasonable conflicts and on a good rhythm or Beat.
i see there’s a lot of room for improvement, though; i’ll point up a couple ideas:
• Language: it would be good to have an English native speaker proofreading the text itself, for there are several issues — especially gender related ones;
• Cinematographic approach: the fade-out / fade-in is indeed a nice technique; yet, it is overused and a bit too slow. perhaps Dev should experiment with different tempos (lengths) and retain it to ply only on special moments;
two more things:
it was nice of Ricoh to code a Walkthrough for the game; as far as i see, it works flawlessly.
i wish Wetdreamwalker (Dev) good luck with this novel, and hope this review may've helped those who read it.
cheers, all.