VN Ren'Py 2040 [Development Thread]


Game Developer
Jul 27, 2021


Inspired by 'Free Cities' and 'Cyberpunk 2077' births an open-world sandbox harem survival management game named '2040'. Set during the middle of the 21st century where climate change, war and soulless mega-corporations have ravaged much of the world's inhabitable land.

In a desperate attempt to escape the disaster, these floating mega-structures were designed, built and are now simply travelling semi-randomly through the earth's oceans as beacons of hope for anyone left behind in the chaos of the old world.

You rose to the top of one of these floating cities with a trail of bodies, spent bullet casings and a personal army behind you and now sit at the head of one of these 'bastions of hope'.

Inhabited firstly by the rich, eventually the poor and desperate made their way here, whichever way they could. This quickly turned into a perverted master/slave system of old. Where the rich are enjoying a life of hedonism while the poor, as usual, are on the receiving end in the form of sexual slavery.

Can you overcome the challenges of being one of the most envied people living like a king on a dying planet, inhabited by the few remaining unimaginably desperate people?


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The Daughters of Chaos:

You didn't think it would be that easy, did you...? The antagonistic force working in the shadows with the intention to make your life hell. You will have to work hard to stay one step ahead of this group of individuals who have not taken kindly to your new found position as the leader of their city.

The Mechanics:

How will all of this work?

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That's all for now:

There will be much more to come and I'll update things here and on discord as I progress but I thought now is the time to let people know what I am currently working on. Let me know your thoughts, opinions, suggestions, etc. and soon there will be a download link to try the game. :)
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Game Developer
Jul 27, 2021
For my ideas so far, here is how I intend to do these things.

Hi, any chance for NTR/Sharing content? Also, any futa character planned?
No sharing from your harem. :)

I'm not sure how futa would fit, so I doubt it.

Is it possible to add the sale and purchase of slaves, with the presence of many of them
There will be sales and purchases of slaves sometimes and an entire income source surrounding it but other girls you acquire in more interesting ways and will be integral to the story and cannot be sold, consider them part of your harem. :)
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Apr 22, 2019
Hi, any chance for NTR/Sharing content? Also, any futa character planned?
i hope when u add something like that u will make it optional and better make a option to turn it off complete (forced stuff or sharing at all is a great turnoff for the most harem players), if sharing then maybe only lesbian stuff betwen the girls in the penthouse
not a fan to have to share a harem with a other dude not even for buisness,futa only when i can get her pregnant
i hope u orientate yourself at the pregmod from freecities where u can even turn guys in girls on genetic level
good luck and i hope we see soon some progress and that u have the endurance to finish it so painful see so much good games get abandon especial when its almost done


Game Developer
Jul 27, 2021
i hope when u add something like that u will make it optional and better make a option to turn it off complete (forced stuff or sharing at all is a great turnoff for the most harem players), if sharing then maybe only lesbian stuff betwen the girls in the penthouse
not a fan to have to share a harem with a other dude not even for buisness,futa only when i can get her pregnant
i hope u orientate yourself at the pregmod from freecities where u can even turn guys in girls on genetic level
good luck and i hope we see soon some progress and that u have the endurance to finish it so painful see so much good games get abandon especial when its almost done
I will definitely add lesbian and FMF content. It can easily be made optional.

For futa and transformation content, I can't think how I could add it to the game in a way where I would enjoy developing that so I don't think I will.

Endurance comes from community engagement, nobody wants to develop for an empty room. It's not an enjoyable experience. :)
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Aug 27, 2018
Я так понял что планируется и общение, и экономика и пока не понятно куда развитие сюжета. Напишу пару предложений что я думаю. Это будет и вопросы и советы и идеи для добавления в проект. Всё в одном.
1. Это будет экономика? повторяющиеся события ради заработка и улучшения и оплаты счетов. Это так?
2. Сюжетная линия будет или просто общения и всё.
3. Много женских персонажей запланировано? Если да то будут они как то отличаться помимо внешности. Или отличия будут только по именам и внешности, а личность особо внимания не будет играть.
4. Немного не понял. При первом прочтении мне показалось что игра типа бордель. Если так то неплохо было если были у девушек которые обслуживают какие то предпочтения. К примеру если клиент хочет одно а девушке это не нравиться или просто она не любит таких клиентов или именно этого клиента то падает настроение. Ну и можно ещё удовольствие клиентов учитывать после того как ему подсунули не то что он хотел. Но это совсем загорячится надо с управлением. Хотя всего то надо создать список клиентов потом используя рандом два или три выбирать как посетителей. И уже при нажатие на них можно сделать чтобы был список свободных девушек которые будут их обслужиться. Как и говорил заморочено всё это.
Были ещё вроде вопросы, но пока в голову не приходят.

As I understand it, both communication and the economy are planned, and it is not yet clear where the plot will develop. I'll write a couple of sentences that I think. It will be questions and tips and ideas to add to the project. All in one.
1. Will it be the economy? recurring events for the sake of earning and improving and paying bills. This is true?
2. The storyline will be either just communication and that's it.
3. Are there many female characters planned? If yes, then they will be somehow different in addition to appearance. Or the differences will be only in names and appearance, and the personality will not play much attention.
4. I did not understand a little. When I first read it, it seemed to me that the game was like a brothel. If so, it was not bad if there were girls who serve some kind of preference. For example, if a client wants one thing, but a girl doesn’t like it, or she simply doesn’t like such clients, or this particular client, then her mood drops. Well, you can still take into account the pleasure of customers after they slipped him not what he wanted. But it is absolutely necessary to get excited with the management. Although all you need to do is create a list of clients, then use randomly two or three to choose as visitors. And already when you click on them, you can make a list of free girls who will be served by them. As I said, all this is confused.
There were other questions, but they haven't come to mind yet.
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Game Developer
Jul 27, 2021
When will the game be released And will it be available for Android?
I want to have all the basic mechanics and systems in place and then some story to give an idea of what story content to expect, then it should be smooth sailing to add more and more story content in future versions. I have no date for release but I will share progress in this thread so people can see where the development is.

For android, I'm sure it will happen.

Will it be possible to rape and torture and hit persons
There are two ways to treat your slaves, good and bad. But it will require some balancing by the player or things will get difficult for you. :)

As I understand it, both communication and the economy are planned, and it is not yet clear where the plot will develop. I'll write a couple of sentences that I think. It will be questions and tips and ideas to add to the project. All in one.
1. Will it be the economy? recurring events for the sake of earning and improving and paying bills. This is true?
2. The storyline will be either just communication and that's it.
3. Are there many female characters planned? If yes, then they will be somehow different in addition to appearance. Or the differences will be only in names and appearance, and the personality will not play much attention.
4. I did not understand a little. When I first read it, it seemed to me that the game was like a brothel. If so, it was not bad if there were girls who serve some kind of preference. For example, if a client wants one thing, but a girl doesn’t like it, or she simply doesn’t like such clients, or this particular client, then her mood drops. Well, you can still take into account the pleasure of customers after they slipped him not what he wanted. But it is absolutely necessary to get excited with the management. Although all you need to do is create a list of clients, then use randomly two or three to choose as visitors. And already when you click on them, you can make a list of free girls who will be served by them. As I said, all this is confused.
There were other questions, but they haven't come to mind yet.
  1. You will need to earn money to upgrade your city/penthouse to advance what features are available to you in the game and to make more money week by week.
  2. I'm not sure I understand the question but, story will happen in all places while exploring. Talking with your slaves, travelling in the city, entering rooms of your penthouse etc. and will be triggered when certain conditions are met.
  3. There are three types of female characters, main characters in your harem with important stories. Side characters with short stories. And more 'menial' slaves to be 'flipped' for profit, this will require some investment and may be a gamble.
  4. The brothel is only one part of the game, it will generate profit when you buy it. For management of the brothel it would be great to have management features like this, thanks for the ideas. :)


Game Developer
Jul 27, 2021
What other information should be included in the bio screen for the slaves?


Maybe now is a good time to explain the obedience and love/hate mechanic

  • Obedience: increases/decreases based on how much attention you give to your slaves. For example it will increase from regular checkups, and decrease from neglect. If it becomes too low she may begin to disobey you and it will make it more difficult to rebuild obedience. If this happens an extreme measure would be to send her to the confinement which will rebuild her obedience at the expense of her love for you...
  • Love/Hate: This increases and decreases based on your treatment of your slaves. For example confinement would decrease love, but consent before you use her would increase her love.
  • Broken: You can break a slave with too much hateful actions. This will make everything opposite. Hate actions will raise love and love actions will raise hate. o_O
There is a more in depth video on the discord. Please share your thoughts. :)
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Nov 6, 2020
can you adding the possibility of pregnancy, childbearing, raising and training children, and the possibility of having sex with them


Nov 6, 2020
And the possibility of treating children as your slaves or free children who love you and you can give them slaves or property


Nov 6, 2020
And the possibility of ordering slaves or sons to have sex with each other or with anyone you want


Nov 6, 2020
The possibility of changing a solution that works with anyone in a good or bad way in anytime you want


Nov 6, 2020
I know that this will take a lot of time and effort, but I hope that you will think about it and implement the ideas. Thank you, and sorry if I bothered you.


Game Developer
Jul 27, 2021
can you adding the possibility of pregnancy, childbearing, raising and training children, and the possibility of having sex with them
You see on the tower where it says Lab and incubator? ;)

There will be pregnancy but it will take careful planning to implement.

I know that this will take a lot of time and effort, but I hope that you will think about it and implement the ideas. Thank you, and sorry if I bothered you.
Don't worry, I like ideas and suggestions and now is the best time to think of everything before the code is too deep. :)