To answer your questions
1.No incest because none of the characters are related besides Mike and Sierra. So far anyways. Harem, maybe. I'm still deciding on how I want that to play out. There are no forced romances in this game though. Pregnancy is also a maybe. It just depends on if it will fit the narrative I am weaving.
2. How sexual Byron becomes is ultimately up to the player.
2.5. A character's sexual past will only be brought up if relevant. Jujen is a former prostitute so it might be relevant and come up a bit yeah.
3. No idea tbh. Haven't gotten that far. While there will be sex in the future, this is still a narrative driven game at the end of the day. The sex will need to make sense.
I guess I wasn't as clear as I had hoped. I was trying to ask the questions clearly without coming across as overly aggressive. But, still, thanks for the answers and I'll try to be more clear so you can answer what I was actually asking.
1. I only play games that are harems, so if it isn't one I won't be playing it, and if you haven't decided then I will wait until you do before trying it. Having incest is just a bonus. Incest with Mc and a girl he is related to specifically, not random other people doing it. But incest is not required for me to play like a harem would be. The same for pregnancy, a bonus to any game, but not required for me to play. Though if you are going to allow the Mc to creampie the girls then please don't ruin it by having the girls talk about getting morning after pill and things like that. They aren't real people, they don't need to say anything like that to explain why they will or won't get pregnant. If you don't want pregnancy then it won't happen, you are the storyteller. You don't need to rob player agency to justify not having it. But if you want to let players chose to give creampies then let them have the illusion of pregnancy at least by not undercutting it with dialog that ruins the moment. Like "I'll get a pill," or "I'll just abort it," or such.
2. I was trying to ask if other characters would be having sex with girls in the game. This is the main point of all the rest of the questions. I do not play games where other men are shown fucking girls that the main character can end up with. I don't even want to see girls that will never be love interests for the Mc having sex. Nor do I want to hear about it. I have no interest in a game with a bunch of random sex scenes. Every added cock reduces my enjoyment. I like to see the main character's story, not a bunch of other people's sex lives. It isn't entertain to me, and it actively turns me off and makes me drop a game.
Likewise, I don't enjoy hearing about a girl's sexual past more than is absolutely needed. I can deal with it if it fits a moment, especially if it is important, like knowing Jujen's past, but if it is brought up all the time, as if it is supposed to excite me, well it doesn't and in fact it turns me off. For example, if a girl says, "I fucked a guy last night, but he was nowhere as good as you," I'd honestly consider dropping a game for something like that. She could say, "You're so good, keep going, I love it," and the same things gets across, she is really enjoying it, but I don't have to hear about some other guy fucking her to get to that feeling. I don't want to hear about it, and I want to see it even less so.
Similarly with darker things. If a girl has rape in her past, for example, I don't want to hear descriptions of it and I'd rather it just be left vague and left up to my intelligence to fill in the gaps. You shouldn't assume the readers need everything spelled out. To finish the example: if a girl was raped in the past, you can just have her say, "I was... assaulted," or "I was attacked, it was... bad." Players are smart enough to understand what you mean and this is far closer to how real women talk about such things. And you for sure never
NEED to show a girl being rapped unless that is something you want to have as a core fetish of the game. I worked on a college campus for almost twenty years as a trauma councilor and girls who have been assaulted don't go into graphic details. That is something that happens in rape fantasy fiction because the more descriptive the victim is the more the person reading it gets off on it, it isn't how real talks about it go. And that history of mine, listening to the times when girls (and even some guys who had been victims) finally do actually, fully, describe what happened... it makes it tough for me to play games with that subject matter treated as a fetish without being prepared for it.
That is all just as an example, of course, I don't know what types of girls are in the game or planed so that specific thing might not come up, but again, it is an example. I hope you understand what I was getting at by using it.
Some advice, one storyteller to another:
I have written for several AVNs and I am actually working on my own. I also have some published books (not adult and I try to keep that work separate from this hobby).
You are in control of the story, not the other way around. If you want a story where there's lots of random sex scenes with random people and the Mc is a cuck and watches other guys fuck his girls and you want to force the players to see other people's sex scenes you can do that, but don't lie and say, "The story demands it." Or "The narrative just went that way." The story doesn't have a gun to your head.
You are in control, not the story. Likewise, if you want to have a harem game with pregnancy, where the main character and his love life is the focus and there aren't a bunch of random sex scenes with other people fucking like shitty porn has then that is what the story will have, because you are in control.
So I guess to summarize my questions:
My main question with 2, 2.5, and 3 was are
YOU, as the creator and controller of the story, planning to include sex scenes that do not involve the Main Character or not? If yes, will those scenes involve character that the main character can fuck at any point in time? If it will be that way, then I will leave now. If you want other people's sex scenes but they will be side characters ONLY, then will it be FULLY AVOIDABLE, as in I will be able to skip seeing it without missing any story information. I am neither a voyeur nor a cuck, so watching anyone else's sex life other than the main character's actions is of zero interest to me and if the main character is going to be cucked then I will just leave now.
It should go without saying, this is all just my opinion. You can and will make the game you want. But please, just be honest. Make the choices, as soon as possible, about important issues and then be clear and honest about them. I wish you the best whatever you decide to do and I will wait for your answers before I make a final choice about sticking around to see where things go. If the game isn't for me and my tastes then that's okay, I'm sure you'll still find an audience. And if that is the case then I won't pester you or stick around. But if lines up with the types of stories I like then I'll be happy to stick around.