
Unreal Engine - 28 Babes Later [Early Access] [Lemonhaze Studio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    28 Babes Later Early Access

    I didn't play the game from beginning to end. I just finished the tutorial and completed the first mission where I rescued Kim and then I had sex with her at my bunker.

    One of my biggest complaints about this game is that anytime a new map or scene loads, the game will switch to fullscreen even though I had it set to windowed. I want the game to not only keep it windowed, but I want it to keep the same exact window position and size that I had it at because I usually resize game windows with a macro program when I start the game and I don't want the size and position to keep changing on me on each new map or scene. Also, the game resolution should remain the same. I had it set to 1600x900 but it will keep resetting to 1920x1080.

    The game was initially very laggy on my GTX 1650 (mobile) because it was set to EPIC settings. I reduced everything to High, except for Textures which I kept Epic. And I set View Distance and Shadows to Medium. The map loading screens kinda confuse me. I can't really tell from the progress bar that it is loading. It could be frozen for all I know. And when the map finishes loading, it will lag at the very beginning but then the lag will go completely away for me. That is, there was no lag until I came across a super zombie. I saw him squat down and I think he hit the floor and some blood particles went up and the game lagged for a bit. Then the lag went away even when another super zombie appeared. The game lagged again later when I opened the door to the room the babe was in. It lagged really bad for like 10 or 20 seconds and then everything was fine again.

    The game has a little polish, but it using very simple and basic assets for some things. Like the kick animation is just your right leg lifting straight up. Looks like one of those freebie assets you can easily find. The jump animation looks like the default jump animation that you get in Unreal Engine. Nothing fancy. I know a lot of games don't have player bodies, but I kinda wish I had a body that I could look down at. But I guess maybe it will help with performance and is not needed.

    The zombies are very basic assets. It's just a bunch of naked men wearing only boxer briefs and nothing else and they will have some blood smeared on them. Not too zombie looking. Some of the naked men look perfectly normal and healthy and even alive but are just moaning and walking like zombies. Some of the naked men look like they were starving.

    Overall, the simple kick and jump assets and simple zombie assets are fine. They are "good enough", I suppose, and the building and object assets are good so everything just blends together to make for a decent looking game.

    The dive control is a very weird thing. You are on a higher platform with water in front of you. I thought that I was supposed to jump or walk into the water and then press the dive button to dive under the water surface. But the dive button is to leap from the higher platform to another platform that I think is lower. So it's like jumping? I don't know why we need a dive control. It would make more sense to use the same jump control for that.

    The developer made a little tutorial with floating tips that instruct you on what to do. He spelled "Resources" wrong. I forgot how he spelled it. It was something like "ressorces". If you aren't sure how to spell a word, look it up on The floating tips looked decent, but there were also some quest information displayed on the UI that looked a bit nooby looking. That could be imrpoved some.

    You can see a list of and edit some keybindings, so that's a good thing.

    There are no numbered keys for weapons. You are forced to use mousewheel. I prefer using like 1 for Fists, 2 for Knife, 3 for Handgun, etc. And it would be great to be able to change the weapon hotkeys too. So I could make 1 for Knife, 2 for Handgun, 0 for Fists, or use other buttons like L CTRL, etc.

    Sometimes I put zombies down with one headsot. Other times if I don't aim carefully enough, I can go through a lot of bullets. So you have to be a little more accurate when aiming at the head than usual, but it's not a a big deal. Luckily, the zombies don't move too fast and they don't move too slow. It's a good speed. And in the beginning of the first mission, I wasn't overwhelmed by zombies. It was just one or two appearing every once in a while, instead of nonstop hordes coming at me.

    Honestly, I don't think the tutorial did a good job of explaining how to open Inventory or equip items. I feel like I had to figure that out on my own. Maybe I missed something, or whatever was shown wasn't worded well.

    There is no toggle crouch. You have to hold it down. I like toggle crouch. I also feel like the crouch isn't really a crouch. It feels like a slight squat, like bending the knees a little. A very simple and basic asset and not very convincing. I feel like crouching should be lower.

    While doing the first part of the first mission to rescue Kim, I was thinking that the assets look pretty nice. You are in post-apocalyptic times and are in run down buildings with junk scattered around. It looks pretty good, realistic, and fun. The shading and lights look good too. The bunker looked nice with the billboards, TV, vehicle, and girls girls girls sign on the door. The graphics like in UI and stuff look nice. You can tell the developer is applying effort into the overall appearance of the game and this gives the game some polish.

    When in the game, I saw that you can pick up food cans and water bottles. I'm not sure what they are for. I don't like dealing with hunger and thirst, and luckily it doesn't seem like I have to deal with that. So I'm guessing they are just resources that you bring back to your bunker to keep your bunker women happy. One thing is there are a lot of bones that can be picked up like legs, arms, ribcages, etc. I can't imagine what they would be used for, but I've been picking them up along the way.

    The items are not highlighted or glowing, which is nice. It makes the game more immersive. You have to just look around at stuff and if your aim reticle is on top of a resource then you see floating text letting you know what it is (which means you can pick it up). I suppose you can miss some food cans, water bottles, and bones because you might not spot them all and that is perfectly okay. It's not the end of the world if you miss some. Luckily, there isn't a requirement like you have to pick up all 25 of 25 existing food cans or something like that.

    I am glad that the game isn't overly complicated. Like with a hundred different resources you can pick up, or crafting, or hunger/thirst. Even though I can't interact with things like doors and lockers, I think that is okay. It's not necessary and this way I can just focus on picking up resources from ground (if I see them), killing zombies, and finding the babes.

    I feel like the flashlight is a bit bright. It is actually easier to see in the dark than with the flashlight on because it illuminates everything to much and makes it too bright and blinding.

    Oh, earlier in the game I saw Step Sister. She is actually voiced. She didn't look too hot, but she didn't look ugly either. I'm just kinda interested how things will go with her. It would be nice to be able to patch her from Step Sister to plain Sister, but I guess I am asking too much.

    I didn't notice but there is no Save or Load Save while you are playing a Mission. It would be nice to be able to save anywhere at any given time, so if I get bored or want to do something I can quit the game and come back later and be exactly where I left off.

    By the time I had killed the two super zombies, which I guess were just really big guys that work out a lot since I saw a lot of gym equipment around, I only had 10 rounds of ammo left. So I switched to knife. There is no ammo to pick up in the game, so I guess you just need to aim carefully and maybe use knife some of the time.

    Once again, I want to say that I like the visuals. And the audio is good too. It has suspenseful music and other sounds.

    After I met Kim, I was given the option to say something like how I want to be close to her or ask her to come to my place. Honesty, her place looked a lot better than my bunker. It had a lot more supplies and equipment and general comfort. But I chose to invite her to the bunker. When selecting dialog choices, you have to press number keys but I don't think this would interfere with selecting weapons if the developer were to add controls for each weapon slot. Because I wouldn't be in combat and you could just make the game know not to change weapons when presented with a dialog choice.

    I invited her to the bunker, and once again the game switched to Fullscreen for the sixth time, which is annoying.

    I then had sex with Kim. Anytime I talked to her, her eyes would sometimes go completely white which was spooky. The sex reward wasn't very rewarding. Even though the sex scene was 3D and you could do camera orbit and spin around the couple, it felt exactly like just watching a sex video. I had no control over anything. I was just an observer. You start off with a doggie style animation, but the MC's penis doesn't even go inside the female during the thrusting. Just the tip. Then after a while, you can select "Next Pose" which is cowgirl. Once again, the penis doesn't go inside the female during the thrusting. Then after a while, you can select "Next Pose" which is missionary and that was better because the penis actually made it inside. I felt like the graphics of the models during the sex was a bit grainy and low quality looking. And I just think it would have been better if I could have like talked to her, done different things like touch her thigh or kiss her on the lips. But it just jumped straight to the sex where its like you are a spectator watching a video. Nothing really exciting. Also, it would be more interesting if the Bunker and the rooms in it were a 3D environment you could walk around in (instead of just clicking) and she was a resident there that did things like walk around, do dishes, vacuum, watch TV, sleep, etc. Then it would feel like a real bunker home with roommates. But the way it is set up, she is locked behind a door. You can't walk to the door. You have to click the door. Then you click on her. Then you watch a video of them having sex. Not very exciting.

    Inventory wise, I have no idea what the bones are for or what the benefit of bringing water bottles and food cans back are. I also thought it was weird that water bottles can only be in stacks up to five, but I can have a stack of 18 food cans. Food cans and water bottles are of around the same size and wait.

    I saw that there was another mission unlocked and that I could rescue another female, but at this point I feel like I saw all there is to see and I was satisfied enough to stop and uninstall the game. I think it's a good game. Five stars for effort. I just gave it three stars because the game feels too simple to me. It's a nice game. But you just walk through nice looking rooms. A few zombies walk up to you. You shoot or knife them. Repeat. Meet a babe. Boring sex. Repeat again. I want to give it five stars, but if I give it five stars and other players try it and think ummm... they might get mad at me for giving it such a high rating. But it's definitely a good game. It's just that I have other games I can play. Like right now I am getting my zombie fix by playing TLOU because there are infected that give that zombie vibe. But it's more fun to play because the world looks amazing, and there are more game mechanics. Even though there is no sex in TLOU, the sex in 28 Babes Later isn't anything for me to get excited for.

    Oh, I did play the first 30 seconds of the second mission, but the game began glitching. My gun stopped working. I died. The window kept acting up where half the game window disappeared, maybe because I kept ALT tabbing to another window. Then I saw DEATH, with two options Bunker or Restart and neither option would work. I clicked on them but nothing happened. But that's okay. Even if it worked I didn't want to play anymore.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game turned out to be surprisingly weak. Starting with dialogues and ending with level design. But most of all, two things upset me: the attack freezes, when the character for unknown reasons can no longer attack, and problems with launching cutscenes.
    I replayed the second level twice, but the woman continued to scream that I needed to kill the zombies that were roaming nearby. I ran the level inside and out twice. And I didn’t find anyone.
    I like the idea with zombies and a bunker, but the implementation is very weak.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Dont try it, performance is absolutly will just waste your time.

    You will play an 10 fps, if you go to desktop the game will crash, gameplay is absolut bad, there is no fun. Jeah its early acces and et the beginning, but man, this is absolutly crap....sorry....