Seeking 2d Sidescroller Games Without Combat


New Member
Jul 14, 2021
Is there any good female protagonist nsfw sidescrollers without combat in them? The only good one I've found so far is Alps in the Dangerous Forest, which ended up being my favorite nsfw game. I liked it specifically because it was a puzzle game rather than a combat game meaning that failing the puzzles is what causes sex scenes to play, with unique animations for each scene tha played. Side note-- I highly recommend this because the art style was great, as well as very in-depth voice acting and many tentacle scenes :).

Is there any more games like this, though? I'm just tired of playing combat sidescrollers where there is just one or two reused animations every time you die to an enemy, so any games that don't do that and fit the vague description I gave earlier I would be interested in.

Also, one other game that somewhat fit this category was Will Deprived, although since it was abandoned I didn't really get that far. Its kinda less what I'm looking for as it felt more like a lore oriented game, but it still was a sidescrolling puzzle game without combat, so I somewhat enjoyed it.