Starting from day 3, communication with sister is available.
From day 8 noon lunch will be cooked by sister. Headpat option during the day will also be available afterwards (the initiated conversation for the first headpat will only appear once).
On day 10, 11, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 29, and 30, sister will have naptime from 15:30 ~ 16:30.
further specific date and time:
- day 12 late afternoon teach her homework
- day 18 late afternoon teach her homework
- Day 23 1100 sister steal erotic manga
- Day 25 1100 ask you if for your favourite dishes (abit late no...)
- Day 30 before bedtime
"sakiNemuruEventDone" = sister sleeping first event?
"pantuNureOhayouEventDone" = wet panties in the morning event
"pantuNureOhayouEvent2Done" = wet panties in the morning event2
"gokkunOhayouEventDone" = sensation of something in throat in the morning, due to swallowed semen
"hakaOhayouEventDone" = sister climaxed 3 times
"taputapuOhayouEventDone" = sister being creampied
"pregnantOhayouEventDone" = sister ovum fertilized
"dailyOfuroDone" = your night bath
"dailySanpoDone" = your short walk (option appears after sister wake up with wet panties in the morning twice)
"dailyOnaniiDone" = sister masturbate in bath? (level?)
"dailyToireOnaniiDo" = 21:30 sister masturbating in toilet (20% chances of happening at Ecchi Lv0, 40% at Ecchi Lv1, ....., 100% at Ecchi Lv5; probability is fixed at the start of the day)
"dailyBedOnaniiDo" = 08:00~10:30 sister masturbating in bed during your short walk (20% chances of happening at Ecchi Lv0, 40% at Ecchi Lv1, ....., 100% at Ecchi Lv5)
"dailyNadepoDone" = ?
"dailyOhiruneDone" = sister afternoon nap
"isSleepReady" = ?
"omankoWatched" = viewed the vagina?
"temanPhase1" = fingering phase 1?
"temanPhase2" = fingering phase 2?
"atamaNadeFirstDone" = first headpat
"nadeCommuEvent1Done" = headpat conversation 1
"nadeCommuEvent2Done" = headpat conversation 2
"event100Done" = ?
"event101Done" = ?
"event104Done" = ?
"event105Done" = ?
"event106Done" = ?
"endingDone" = complete 1 of 3 ending
"hp = stamina
"mp" = masturbation power? (www)
"workLv" = max 5
"reason" = 0 sanity to unlock all actions during nighttime touching
"money" = kane
"suki" = Oniichan: normal -> like at lv 100 (The pant voice of the touching scene and masturbation event changes slightly to calling oniichan)
"trust" = increase wake resistance (conversation change?)
"tkbNameCount" = times sister nipples was licked
"tkbSawaCount" = times sister nipples was touched
"tkbIkiCount" = times sister climaxed by nipples
"tkbLv" = nipples sensitivity %
"osiriMomiCount" = times sister butt was massaged in afternoon
"pantuNurasiCount" = times sister wet her panties
"onaniiCount" = times sister masturbated
"kaosyaCount" = times cum on sister face
"kissCount" = times sister was kissed
"beroKissCount" = times sister was french kissed
"okuchiSplashCount" = times cum in sister mouth
"drinkSpellCount" = litres of semen swallowed in sister mouth
"oppaiMomiCount" = times sister breast was fondled in afternoon
"oppaiSuiCount" = times sister breast was sucked
"oppaiMinukiCount" = times cum on sister breast
"manNameCount" = times sister pussy was licked
"manSawaCount" = times sister pussy was touched (does fingering counts?)
"manIkiCount" = times sister climaxed by pussy
"manLv" = pussy sensitivity %
"manMinukiCount" = times cum on sister pussy entrance (also contribute to litres of semen in sister womb)
"nakadashiCount" = times creampied in sister pussy
"nakadashiQuantity" = litres of semen in sister womb (last for a day)
"nightNadeCount" = times nighttime sister headpat
"daytimeNadeCount" = daytime nighttime sister headpat
"pistonCount" = times of dick ramming into sister vagina
"feraCount" = times of dick ramming into sister mouth (200 times of ramming into sister mouth + >80% ♥ gauge = suction blowjob animation)
"tinNameCount" = times dick was licked by sister (300min dick sniffed by sister + 300 times of blowjob by sister + >60% ♥ gauge = licky licky)
"usedGomCount" = used condom
"gomSplashCount" = times cum in condom
"tinkissCount" = times dick is kissed by sister
"manNakaCount" = times of sister pussy was fingered
"nakadashiTotalQuantity" = total litres of semen in sister womb
"tinkagiCount" = minutes of dick sniffed by sister
"firstKissIsTinKiss" = sister first kiss is with dick
"pantuNurasiDay" = days of wet panties?
"drinkSpellDay" = days of swallowed jizz?
"insertDone" = to do or not to do, that is the question
"gatchaDone" = sister ovum fertilized or not
"gatchaDay" = nth day of sister ovum fertilized
"pregnantDone" = sister pregnant or not (risky day 18, 21, 22, 26, 29)
"pregnantDay" = day n sister being pregnant
"syozyomakuBroke" = sister hymen broke
"syozyomakuBrokeDay" = day n sister being deflowered
"onaniiToireCount" = total times of sister masturbating in toilet
"onaniiBedCount" = total times of sister masturbating in bed
"onaniiOfuroCount" = total times of sister masturbating in bath
"dailyIkiCount" = daily times of sister climaxed
"dailyPistonCount" = daily times of sister being rammed by dick
"dailySpellInSikyuu" = daily semen presence in womb
"pussyCount" = times of sister squirted
"splashIkiCount" = times of sister climaxing with you?
"mankupaCount" = times of sister pussy spreaded
"sexCount" = times of sex performed
"ositukeSplashCount" = times cum on sister pussy by pushing on the entrance?
"sosogiSplashCount" = times cum on sister pussy by spreading?
"onakasyaCount" = times cum by sister thigh/sumata on belly
"pantusyaCount" = times cum on sister panties