VN - Ren'Py - 4 Years in Tehran [v0.7] [Monia Sendicate]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fresh of breath air as the middle eastern sure gives the game a unique and different look with a stroyline that is well put together. Though it is going through quite a massive changes, hopefully sthe story would progress nicely and I hope the graphics can become even better.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    the story seems interesting to me, the renderings and animations can improve but overall they are good, female MC I liked the style.
    I consider that the game has a good start and with time the quality can improve, I recommend it
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    One star for the excellent quality of character sculpting. But unfortunately, the rest is not so good. It is impossible to avoid scenes of forced sex. There is no real freedom of choice. This is a problem of many Asian games. Impossible situations. It's impossible to try on a dress and not notice that the ass is naked. It's just-impossible. It was after that that I quit the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3195513

    This is the typycal VN. It was a RPGM, but they switched to renpy and I think it's an improvement.

    It would be a mediocre VN, if not for the MC, whom I think is breathtaking. I would probably behave as stupidly as the male characters in the game if I met her in person.

    The main problem I see with the game is the atrocious English. Otherwise, it's quite decent.

    Another problem, that I have is that in this 'rape town' kind of game, you have too little agency. I would prefer more choices and some sort of system of keeping track of the relationship levels.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Storytelling is not good at all
    Although it is claimed to be a true story
    But it does not bear the slightest resemblance to the climate of Tehran
    It is very exaggerated and unreal

    The graphics of the scenes are not good either
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A unique game - a great scenario, a fantastic main character. Very interesting possibilities for developing the blackmail plots in the next parts. Graphics at a very high level of 9/10 quality
    The main attraction of the game is the atmosphere, script and MC - 10/10

    I consider political provocativeness as a minus. A better solution would be to set the action of the game in an undefined Islamic country - instead of in Iran.
    Deep religiosity in society is not the exclusive preserve of Iran.

    Indisputably 5 stars for this game. Ratings below 4 stars are completely unfair and confusing, misleading people who
    looking for interesting games with an interesting scenario.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent game but the story just didnt vibe for me. I found myself feeling "bad" for the girl with so many characters around her out to get her. I also tried to leave my personal religious beliefs out of trying to enjoy the game, but certain scenes just don't match the rest of the game. The game just felt confusing, flipping between every character being horny and the MC being modest. I wish the author good luck with the project. I think the artwork is decent, not as amazing as some have stated.
    Likes: lo0u
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Well i was planning to play this game for a long time cuz im from iran myself and i wanted to see what would a persian person do if they created a porn game and well this is my thoughts on the game:
    -animations=> 8/10
    The only problem the animation have, is that some of them are a bit laggy and some part of they're body moves and it have some bugs.
    -renders=> 9/10
    The models look great and i liked it but the only reason why i won't give it a 10/10 is that i haven't seen enough and i want more but overall is good.
    -story=> 6/10
    Okay look, good or not this is a porn game afterall so you don't need to get your hopes up too much but it's not that bad and it's not that good either, and the game is on it's early versions so we can't except that much. And it's a bit weird seeing iranian people dress like that, but hey, it's a porn game like i said so whatever. I don't got any problem with it.
    -grammer=> 4/10
    Oh boy, the english in this game is a bit annoying. Like, me as a iranian person, i can understand what the writer is trying to say but for you the player that can't really understand finglish(farsi+english) it would be a mess. Overall it seems like the writer didn't know that much english while writing the game so it will be confusing for the players.

    The game is good and you can play it if you could endure the bad english in the game but i promise you if you are into hijab and this stuff or female protagonist and all, you will enjoy it.
    +Hey dev, if you are reading this im willing to help with the grammer and english if you would like to! Feel free to massage me :)
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Tried it and it was terrible.

    The idea of this being a true story is nonsense. There are plenty of grammatical mistakes in the game which they need to correct.

    Most of those animations and photos are not neccesory and they're just a waste of space and time. The game froze like 15 times because of the videos you've used in the game. I gave up.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is looks Good
    Animations 8/10
    Renders 8/10
    Plot 8/10
    Story 3/10
    I rated this game story 3/10 and the game as 3 star becouse such a beatifull girl like the MC should go with a better story than stupid old dick heads falling for her and chossing a half nude dress . The DEVL said it true story ... which is bulsit .. In Tehran you cant dress like that. It looks like a dream of a old man dreaming of imposible sex lust in Terhan
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1157790

    First it should be noted that this game is very rough around the edges. That is, it is a RPGM game and it has no reason to be, meaning that there is a ton of pointless walking to and from locations to activate scenes. And the scene transition speed feels like it has been turned all the way down, which is pretty obnoxious. Also, I had the game crash on me a couple times in my play through, which exacerbates the previous issue.

    With all that said, the story, while cliche, is well executed, and it's setting elevates the game. That is, while I'm sure the fact it is set in Iran is going to trigger many muslims, it is refreshing and it heightens the corruption elements of the game, which is a major plus for the genre. Also, while the writing isn't great mechanically, the character development is excellent. And the CGs and animations are well done too!

    While the game hasn't gotten too lewd yet (v0.3), I look forward to what's in-store!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is lot of fun, the NTR in this game is too strong and the story of the game is good too.
    I cant wait for more content to play this game.
    Keep it up.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is wonderful.

    I'd improve the animations when she changes her clothes and speed up a bit because it's really slow.
    I am aware of the fact that the creator doesn't have a strong pc therefor they are doing their best.
    I give a 5 stars review as I am sure it will become more and more interesting
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    i hope there is incest patch or incest story in the pure game , it will be more and more hotter with muslim characters :)
    and i thank you for your work, i loved how the main character looks like and how she react politely, it made me curious what will happen in the future with her
    keep going broo
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This dev has a good plot for corruption. I like the way the story is unveiling itself. Graphics are okay, not fantastic, but good enough to titillate. I am sure dev's technique will improve over time.

    Game playability is fair, the slow rolling of text really irks me, but that's rpgmv for ya. Story speed is very fast, which I do like. Not much beating around the bush here, tell the story, get to the point.

    Just enough tease in this early stage of the story. Thumbs up to the dev. Good job.

    Dev could use some help with the English though. Good effort, but grammer needs a lot of work.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    really good game

    Story 10/10
    Animations 7/10
    Renders 7/10
    Main Character 15/10 :cool:
    RPG 5/10 ( RenPy would be better )

    I like the angel system. good idee, cool game 5 Stars for this. I like Masha and the corruption. well done
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5: Art
    4/5: Made in RPGM but even then its not too bothersome to play
    5/5: Story and corruption

    It looks like its gonna be a true corruption game. A bit of ntr touch and its gonna be one of my favourites.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really A beautifully crafted and excellent game. the fact that makes it more interesting is that it's based on someone's real-life story. I also feel the game revolves around the Islamic culture and values around the game. There is salah(namaz), a quotation from the Quran, and the most important Concept of the Devil and Angel in every choices you make. Also, the element of exploiting and an innocent girl make it real fun.

    The thing I don't like in the game there is not much of side stories and the user doesn't many choices to make or resist something. I would love it when the girl is forced and she tries to resist it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    most promising game of 2021-2022 so far... good work Monia , story is really good and deep.. also sounds are really got me...
    and also maybe some people could see that not all the islamic culture is jihadist :)) yeaa we muslims also have sex and have some weird fantasies :))

    anyways one of my favorites so far.. great job
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game,beautiful protagonist nice story,slow corruption that I really like,beautiful graphics and the guidance is very good for a game's worth loving this game,I look forward to the next episodes.