RPGM - Completed - 7 Girls War [v1.02] [StudioDobby/Kagura Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    yeah this deserves a 2/5

    gameplay: this game has a huge exploit early in the game. just buy yourself the accessory that can stun/paralyze and equip that to your party and just auto-battle. works on all mobs and bosses with the exception of just 2 encounters (that I remember). stunlocking is seriously broken in this game. so level grinding is basically auto here.

    endings: cringe. that's all I'll say. even the bad ending (which is usually better written than good endings) just felt too cartoonish.

    the girls' arcs are actually the only good thing this game has. really loved Lucy and Cosette routes. play this game for their arcs and delete it. the game has a guide included in the folder. just go there, play the girls routes, and delete it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    So about 15 mins into the game, keep in mind text and scenes move slow as all hell, I accidentally clicked down in a 2 choice menu, which triggered an immediate game over and I had to restart the game. Bullshit like that serves nothing aside from providing a false illusion of choice, plus its just cheap and annoying. Based on that alone, 1 star.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an actual game with porn contents since not much would change even if all sex scenes were to be removed, which is a good thing.

    Still, like others had already stated, i also think this game'd works much better linear than this open world approach as you still have to follow a certain order for events to trigger correctly.

    Since it has no quest log (only a list of events) and very minimal hints, players who dislike using the provided walkthrough would most likely spend their time wandering around guessing what to do next.

    Hardcore netorare fanatics would be disappointed since there's very little traditional netorare to be found here (2-3 scenes).
    Hardcore virgin heroine fanatics would most likely disappointed too since all the girls
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    The game main story is generic, saving the human race despite the human race sucks but the individual stories for each girls are where it shine. It might seems like a typical harem game from the first look with a party of 1 dude and 7 girls. However, the friendship between the girls and the bond they share with each other are also being shown throughout their adventure.

    The actual combat gameplay is typical rpgm but in this game you can skip the grind by "backstabbing" the enemies, only works on normal monsters.
    The sex scenes is nothing special, typical visual novels style but with pretty good voice acting, a rare sight in rpgm games.

    Overall the game has its flaws but i quite enjoyed it since those flaws weren't one that would bother me.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Not that bad but not that good either.

    I like how you can insta kill 95% of the enemies by touching them from behind thus skip grinding and gives EXP to the whole group instead those who fight them in a normal fight. Most of the time you will be stuck figuring fetch puzzles. (Need item or event A to trigger event B). This reminds me to the old style of rpg where you had very littles hints in game or they were mentioned once and encourage discussions online to clear the game

    but the fact this is a porn game doens't help discuss in public as much as other games and the fact this product comes with a guide futher kills that idea.

    If you play with zero expectations you will have a passable time.
    Likes: M.Ed
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I've completed the game fully(Sadly by mostly following guide)It's certainly not a bad game, but overall its also nothing to write about.

    I really like the idea the game doesnt exactly force you into one direction but approves from going one town to another and thus letting player. However, this gets immediately killed off by being half of the time confused about wtf you should do to move along with xyz point of story(And sometimes its just stupid like wanting you to have x character before you do y content)

    Combat in this one isnt something stupidly overcomplicated for the sake of it being overcomplicated. Instead you have a system which insta shots certain mobs if you hit them on their back side(Which is basically impossible without LIly, so good luck with that) and otherwise its very basic.

    Great tip i will give you now for most boss fights its great idea to have Liddy(The red haired one) becuase her dps potential is stupid and Nadia(The green haired one) because shes the only one with permanent debuff ignore(Cannot be removed and last 4 turns for clost to 0 mana cost)

    Overall plot actually isn't bad, but true ending leaves a lot to be desired.

    Heroines are not bad, but the backstory is most often overused way too much.
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    Ironically while this game has NTR trait, it really isnt visible(Half of the time its not actual ntr but either rape or brainwashing)

    Overall if i would have to compare this game then i would say its SEQUEL series shittier cousin. It can certainly be fun, but the fact you will need to open the guide quite often really hinders the fun the game can offer.

    I would mostly recommend this game only if you have nothing better to do or are like me and wait for the latest SEQUEL game translation(Thank you mr sub-par for your translations)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I am simply baffled at how people rate this game and talk here, has it come to the point where NTR and weird stuff is such a norm that we can't even enjoy a good and fun story driven experience?

    I'm still not done with the game, even after like 12 hours of game time I only finished one girl's sub plot, with 6 more to go! I read about complaints I simply do not understand, you can skip dialog by simply holding Control and pressing enter. The NTR is avoidable and only in bad ends, and honestly I like that a lot because I really hate NTR and I do not understand why we need it in 80% of all the games here. There's also the complaint about the game being too hard and people don't know where to go. There's literally a guide in the game, a event list with open events (which also has all main events!) and a normal human being would simply understand that if there's no progress in one town, you go to the next!

    The characters of the game are fun and I enjoy them a lot, the only thing I don't really like is how everyone is teasing the Main Protagonist for being weak, while he literally makes decisions that change the outcome of many situations. It's clearly established that they know he's mentally well fitted and yet they keep being mean to him in many situations.

    I like how I keep finding new events all around the world, you don't go to one town, finish everything and then never return again, and I like that, it makes me feel like the world is actually alive and you find new stuff after being gone for a while.

    The Heroines all have different personalities, but while they do interact with each other in many events, I do wish there would be more regular companionship events that would pop up randomly, just to see the party grow together.

    Lastly, I can only recommend people to realise that sometimes games aren't all about "how much fucking can we get in this thing." we're not mindless drones that see boobs and go fap, if I wanted that I would go read a doujin or look up some porn videos. But these are games, meant to engage, meant to keep the player playing and enjoying it. There was literally no point in time where i went "fuck, i'm stuck, what the hell do I do??" because sometimes when things quiet down, you can simply leave the town and go somewhere else and progress there. But if I would ever get stuck for real, without knowing what to do, I also have the walkthrough which I can then open up, look where I am stuck, and read what to do without having to spoil myself a lot of content.

    I have hope for the community that people realise the difference between good games and bad games, I'm not here to have a quick fap with a game and delete it, I'm here to enjoy a fun experience and preferably for more than 3 hours.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    3 hours in and all i have is " cluelessly wandering around simulator" . I get the idea of building an open world game where you can try to connect everything, but without a proper guide or any hints, the game soon become a talking game where you'll tap every NPCs till they trigger some kind of quests.

    Story: Some kind of emo guy wants to save his town and "magically" get all the girls fall in love with him by "treating them like a 12 years old boy trying to be cool" (No i'm not wrong, the MC is so childish and want to be a hero despite being useless 90% of the time). I can only say that because i haven't finished the game and won't finish it because i'm so done with this wandering game (I guess MC might become "OMG I'm so stupid, i have to save the girls and blah blah like usual anime scenes, so.... nah won't finish it)

    1) Completely Stupid when you don't know what to do 90% of the time, 10% left is you watching unskippable scenes. Let me tell you how my last 3 hours in game... 30 mins watching the prologue (you can't skip it for some god know reasons), the game let you go on your own with 1 freaking instruction "Close all the world gates", which is completely useless as soon as you open the world map. Like a normal RPG, You randomly pick a town, you come to new town with zero instruction and guides. Wandering around and trigger a scene, after that you will come back to your daily routine "WANDERING AROUND TILL YOU TRIGGER A NEW SCENE" . And that's all. Unlike Dark souls or any kind of game like that, you're in a half open RPG because they secretly limit the place you can go. This works like a hint. However, in this game, you're completely on your own, which is bull shit because imagine spending hours just to find a new quest but it can't be done because of another blind quest, and the game won't tell you the requirement for that.

    2) Like a wise man said "The game will fail if players have to look at a fan walkthrough 90% of the time" and this game is like that. Without the guide file, you'll definitely lost as soon as you finish the tutorial (Like me). However, game is for playing, not doing like what it said. Imagine doing exactly what the walkthrough said through entire game because it's the only way, that's not gaming, that's just another long ass tutorial.

    Scenes: Uh... not that good actually. More than a half is just some pure vanilla things with casual position (cow, riding, missionary). There are some NTR scenes, but they just change the guy with different dialog... nothing really change... Like why ?????? That's not NTR, that's just lazy.

    Overall, Look for the file save and go through all the scenes is highly recommend. Not worth your time walking from city to city just to unlock a 1-2 mins scene with no actual dedication in it. The whole game can be described in one sentence " Trying to be an open world RPG but forgot that this is a 18+ game, People want scenes, not lovely dovely story"
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely tedious, disjointed, and not worth your time.

    The game has attempted to go for an "open world" approach, splitting the heroines stories and giving you access to the entire map from the get go. This approach would be great if you could start their stories in any order, and go about the world as you see fit, like the actual definition of "open world". However this is not the case and leads you to wasting ridiculous amounts of time exploring areas and looking for interactions where there are none at all, due to you not having done any of the prerequisites for these places. Why have access to areas that you can't do anything in just yet? It's just bad game design.

    Even in the areas you are supposed to be in, actively progressing a quest, nothing is made clear at all. You'll find yourself having to enter an area, talking to every NPC on the map, or entering every building in a town just to hope you learn something to only then walk back to where you came from to progress. You could say this is pretty much every RPGMaker game but it's much more tedious in this one as you are given no direction whatsoever.

    To top it all off, the art is mediocre. There's no big pay off for suffering through this excerise in frustration. You're lucky to get more than 1 CG of just the character with several facial expressions. There's nothing special here.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is only two hours into the game. If I am wrong and things change later please tell me and I will update my review, but at this point I see no reason to play further.

    As usual Kagura does a good job translating and the systems seem to work well/as expected but that doesn't mean this is a good game. I don't even know if I can list a pros section, but here are the cons:

    MC is a whiny wimpy boring ass dude who the ladies just seem to love for some reason. Ugh I hate this style, which is marginally redeemable if this was NTR focused but no they all love this useless guy (apparently minor NTR later on).

    The grind doesn't seem too bad but I would put in under medium. If you hit an enemy from behind its an instant kill but if you dont its normal combat you can't exit. Very normal boring RPGM combat. I almost want to quit every time I hit an enemy normally because its just such a waste of time in comparison.

    The worst offender to me is how undirected this game is. To quote the walkthrough included with the game:

    "It is VERY NORMAL to find yourself stuck somewhere and unable to complete your current quest"

    For example, just a few minutes in. Guy runs off. Oh no I better find him. Wander around aimlessly in the city going from building to building until you stumble upon a random ass one with him in it. This scenario is repeated on many of the quest steps. This is not respectful of my time and doesn't add anything. You get some minimal dialogue and a minimal quest log and other than that you just kind of wander around until you find with you want. I'm not too far in but this seems like a game you will be needing to consult the guide a decent amount for.

    The girls and h scenes are well drawn but very boring. I think so far I'm at like 3x missionary and 1x blowjob of a static image with minimal variation (eyes change, cum added etc). Doesn't seem like outfits are customizable or anything. It seems like based on some discussion maybe there is more corruption later on? but the game really doesn't feel like its going down this path. Maybe consult other reviews for a better analysis there but so far they are pretty boring. (Edit: I downloaded the gallery unlocked save and checked a handful of late game scenes and they were all boring af vanilla tier imo).

    The pros are that the story I guess is kind of interesting, although nothing amazing.

    So basically I'm two hours in, which is short to be fair, but I have found nothing compelling that makes me want to spend any more of my time here. If other reviews say that this game gets amazing later on I will take this review down but yeah, this is my initial analysis and I'm done.