VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Above the Clouds [v0.75] [Mundo Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love or hate game. I strongly side with the former. Hell, and even if you end up hating it, you should at least try it. Because no matter, you will have to admitt that bold and original. The only game that comes close is In a Scent, so if you liked that one you should definitely play this as well.

    Though even I agree that the humour kinda gets in the way in the last 1/3 of the current plot, it just overshadows everything else at that point. I was happy with it up until than, but I would personally turn it down. This is especially visible with Hannah, even I think there should be a limit.

    Second minor gripe is the bar lady (forgot her name), just felt cliche and I find her just annoying without any redeaming qualities, personally.

    What I noticed unique about this game are the male characters, including the side ones. They are written *very well.* Timmy? and the dad gave me a laugh basically everytime they were on screen.

    Also almost all the girls are sexy af, in a unique kind of way, and the renders are truly stunning.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Overall 3/10
    1st VN i couldn't finish - writing is unbearable, all 3/10 points come from clean animation + models. This game nailed on the looks side, but humour for 10 year olds over and over and over. NEVER ONE SERIOUS MOMENT. nothing to cut the cringe, just cringe man... a lot of wasted potential
    Humour is so lame, im sorry i tried. Too cringey, was funny at the start then they shove poop in ur mouth gets way toooooooooo unfunny.
    Animations are clean
    Models all look good - even the MC (rare)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is funny!!!
    Ok, I hear that people complain about the humor in this game, but goodness how many boring games are out there? Romance/mystery, romance/drama, romance/survival, and so on.
    This one is a breath of fresh air.
    Humor is delightful and the characters are actually interesting.
    I really enjoyed this game.
    Also, animations, models, and game-play are very good.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This AVN is just awful. The attempts at humor fall completely flat, leaving me cringing instead of laughing. The sheer number of spelling and grammatical errors is appalling, making it difficult to even understand what's going on half the time. And don't even get me started on the lack of continuity – it's like the story was stitched together by someone with no regard for coherence. I regret wasting my time on this mess. i feels like people give 5* on everything nowadays. smh

    However, I must admit that one positive aspect is its technical performance. It doesn't stutter or lag, and runs smoothly.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    PR Mitter

    The writing is fucking awesome, didn't get this much lol time except for the time playing No More Secret.
    Still at early stage and I hope there will be some seriousness with the comedy or it'll become boring.

    Edit: now I understand what the problem is, the developer try too hard on the humorous side I mean it's really nice for short time but only to suffer the whole game is really irritating. There is another problem a significant one and that is all the characters are similar I mean all are kind of crazy there is no single character who is serious I mean you cannot really like anyone unless you like crazy people and then you kind of like them all. I think you understand where the problem is. I mean if there are one or two characters were different like someone serious who actually is more responsible. The girl who calls the mc Daddy could have been a more serious person or like the younger sister she could also be more serious and responsible person.
    Waste of a great beginning.

    BTW the sex scenes(angle), models(boobs) are legendary. Loved it.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    2.5/5 Vibes like an average feeling score but the game Kinda just got away from me with how wild and silly it got
    +Characters look good
    +Funny and entertaining
    - Just kinda goes off into the weeds a bit with the story
    as if try to keep one upping the last thing that happened, and it's already starting off talking to like an angel or something lol

    2.5/5 Look toward some of the similar star ratings that have been posted, they voice how I felt much better than I can right now lol
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The renders were nice, and I love a good slow build but the story just gets more and more ridiculous as it goes. It starts off kinda normal-ish and then veers hard into psychedelic fantasy bullshit. Also, the little sister is clearly the hottest model but there is no real content with her.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a more silly game with an incest family dynamic. It's almost like a parody type of AVN if you're into that, then this would be your cup of tea. The sound effects are kind of offputting to me, but the theme of the game isn't my flavor
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow I really am enjoying this game I love the humor the constant wall breaks I'm laughing all the way through it I'm having so much fun favorite character is Hannah hands down pure evil wrapped in all that cuteness I love it! Sorry for the run-on sentence I'm using voice chat. I honestly can't remember a game made me smile and laughed this much.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely fucking hilarious! LOL I thought I had seen the peak of AVN comedy with OIALT / Eternum / In a Scent, but this one gives them a run for their money. The story is 99% nonsense, but its absurdity is part of the reason why it's downright HILARIOUS

    11/10 -- immediately one of my all-time faves

    (I just hope the game gets completed after seeing so many comments doubting that!)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this is too absurd and I love it LMAO
    the render was so good, the comedy is gold!
    the "panning camera movement" was surprisingly good
    if you want to fap dont play it lmao

    Story: 6/5
    Render: 5/5
    Gameplay:4/5 (Simple AVN)
    Girls: 5/5
    Potential: 10/5

    cant wait for the updates!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I played through the 0.75 version.

    If you find fart jokes funny, then the humor in this comic AVN should fall right in your strike zone. It aroused the occasional chuckle from me—intermixed with frequent groans—but I found myself laughing at the attempts at humor as often as from them.

    The graphics, I guess. It looks good, and a lot of effort has been put into scene transitions, but the animation of the sex scenes falls on the minimalist side of things. There is a decent musical score, and a scattering of ‘funny’ sound effect to liven things up. If lowbrow slapstick humor is your thing, it is probably worth taking a look at this.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is more entertaining after consuming hard drugs, I imagine.
    Without them I gotta say is not that funny as to choose it over standup comedy (not even unfunny standup),and it is definetly not that sexy for you to choose it over any thot streamer. The story is about a guy who is telling someone how he got to a certain point, we, as readers won't reach in 7 years of game development, cause it's moving at snails pace between all the attemps at funny and memes and the sporadic dick close ups, and any scene that justifies putting a dick render in your face. It is sad to say that you will see a closeup of a dick at least 2 times before you get to see a see-through view of a niple.
    The only vagina you will see for a good chunk of the game is the one of the father, cause he has a big vagina that is only lacking a cameltoe.Well this im describing is what you will see during the introduction, and at the end you will be rewarded with a pinup, cause that is what you want to see in a game, a totally unearned picture.

    It is also sad to say that you will see the writer being way too self aware of his greatness as a writer and creator before you actually witness any proof in his work.
    Like after the introduction the mc sits together with his sisters and they are all adults and have been living under the same roof for 18 years, and the mc needs to "break the ice" with them. You need to break the ice if there is some tension from a previous event like if they had argued, or if someone did something to offend other. Forgive me but I wouldnt call this good storytelling which the writer is bragging about in a previous conversation. It doesn't make sense.
    The writer thinks it is funny to make the mc a punchbag, and have the sisters insult him, which makes the game not funny, but makes the girls unlikeable. In a normal situation with normal human beings it would be different depending on their personalities. But if for you character development consists of girls "hating the mc" just because to later (10 years later) "crave for his dick" you won't find anything wrong. Just don't brag about good storytelling cause it is really not. At some point the "story" goes Pedal to the metal

    Well the story as I said will move at snails pace between all the memes and at some point, even if you don't follow the walkthrough you will get easy sex release from the person above the clouds. Of course, we had memes and we can not lack DICKPICS,and in this scene you will get a couple. At this point the game should be tagged as "Gay" just for the noticeable amount of dick closeups with no woman in frame.

    After this event the game becomes pretty much a fuckfest, you basically get something from pretty much every girl you meet, BUT, you guessed it, there is Hannah girl that will give you NOTHING, or a very small something if you are lucky. But there is no buildup, the scene is stupid, the dialogue is "unnispired", it doesn't make sense saving that character for the end if in the process of creating the game you didnt learn enough to make it Pay off.

    The visuals are not that good to balance any bad aspect of the game, and the quality of the sex scenes is not above average. Delaying Hannah content is stupid if you do not have the ability to make good sex scenes. And this really bad aspect of the game is made even worst with the lack of actual character development and buildup.

    A blueball fest until it becomes a rushed fuckfest.
    Way too many sfx and bgms, its absolute madness.
    No character development really, and story is all over the place.
    Decent graphics but very average and rushed sex scenes.
    A new goddess named Hannah for the altar of Virgins, or very rushed and unworthy sex scene in the future.
    Too much dick worshiping.
    Dialogues are not very inspired
    Too much noise, its like a nerd rambling non stop to convey a very simple message.

    Not worth the time unless you are very inexperienced in life and have less than 1000 hours of internet experience. If you do have them you will probably have seen everything this game has done 100 times better elsewhere.
    One extra point for Evelyn Naruto.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a tad too cartoony and silly. It has an excessive amount of silly sound effects, characters acting weird, and cartoony moments where the MC leaps across the classroom to catch a falling moment. Would not recommend if you're more into grounded and realistic VNs
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is hilarious. It has great music, characters, and beautiful art and renders. Above The Clouds has some of the funniest jokes that I have seen in games. I highly recommend playing, it is worth it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, what I've seen so far has all the ingredients for a real thriller.

    The main character has sexual contact with 3 out of 4 wives AND 2 out of 3 of their female children.

    Now let's spin this scenario further,
    a. the corresponding bed scenes will follow
    and b. the corresponding sexual contact with the female prodagonists is still to come

    From this I conclude:
    a. What Will the "Horned" Husbands Say
    b. What Will the Mothers Says, that the main prodagonists fuck thier female children in same time!!!
    and c. and last but not least their children!!!

    Since the main prodagonist is apparently not yet aware of this, and it is located somewhere but not on Earth, this "Big Bang" occurs.

    So dear developers: DON'T MESS IT UP!!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the porn, stayed for Hannah.

    Hands down one of the best characters on this whole site

    I dont even care about the sex at this point, I just wanna see what other crazy shenanigans Hannah gets up to.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5355687

    The game starts off solid story-wise then completely dives off the deep end into a nonsensical and pointless silly parade. The renders/animation save this game and Hannah alone took this from a 3 star into a 4 star rating. I was engrossed for the first 1/4 of the game and by the end I was speeding through dialogue hoping for a scene with Hannah before I dropped it.

    As a comedy with quick fap material its great, as an actual VN which connects you to the characters before rewarding you only 1 or 2 girls feel that way.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Horrible game, all the sound effects just make feel even more silly, it does have good models but I would say thats about it. The whole special story telling sucks, I would avoid wasting your time with this VN and just download something else
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit I have no clue what possessed me to try out this game but by golly I'm glad i did! A humor tag that actually delivers! I could'nt even jerk off to this game I was laughing so much. The story is whacky as hell. The character models are great. The main character is hilarious. Sure the game is riddled with grammatical errors but I don't even care. If I had to describe this game with one word it would be UNHINGED. Great job Mundo Games, i look forward to future updates and future games!