Well received Games on F95 Listed per Likes/per 1Million Views


Dec 27, 2017
Hi there,

got a little bored. So I decided, I would like to show everybody the up votes of the most Popular games in relation to the View count. I did this for all games with 2k Up-votes and more

The simple Math behind it... I divided the (y) Votes by the Number of Views but not like 2308 Votes / 17,900,000
I made the decision based on the factor that every game with 2k up votes has more than 1 Million Views I should find the Number for (y)/per Million Views starting with the lowest number of Up votes / per Million. Not only that, but I include the game name with a Link and the total amount of (y) votes

Stand Aug 28 2021

This should be the list low up to high... assuming no click bots were used either for Views or Likes...

If this list is well received, I plan to update this list at least all 3 Month

Have a nice day


anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I would like to show everybody the up votes of the most Popular games in relation to the View count.
What would give what information ? Many among the up votes that a game thread opening receive just mean "thanks for sharing", and don't imply an effective liking of the game.

Take the top five by example. You have :

Classed by review/per months of existence it would be :
  1. What a legend! - 19.3 (May 2020 / 309 review)
  2. Acting Lessons - 16.5 (May 2018 / 663 review)
  3. The DeLuca Family - 10.5 (Jul 2018 / 399 review)
  4. Depraved Awakening - 9.6 (Sep 2018 / 346 review)
  5. City of Broken Dreamers - 9.0 (Feb 2019 / 280 review)
How many people felt the need to write a review (mostly a positive one since they all are at 4.5), reported to the number of month since the longer the thread exist, the more you've time to finally decide to write your own review.

Classed by review/ per Million view, it would be :
  1. Acting Lessons - 132 (5M view / 663 review)
  2. What a legend! - 103 (3M view / 309 review)
  3. Depraved Awakening - 69.2 (5M view / 346 review)
  4. The DeLuca Family - 66.5 (6M view / 399 review)
  5. City of Broken Dreamers - 46.6 (6M view / 280 review)
How many, among those who've read the thread, and so are expected to have played the game, have decided to review it.

Classed by number of messages per Million view, it would be :
  1. The DeLuca Family - 0.0033 (6M view / 20K messages)
  2. Acting Lessons - 0.0022 (5M view / 11K messages)
  3. City of Broken Dreamers - 0.0020 (6M view / 12K messages)
  4. What a legend! - 0.0016 (3M view / 5K messages)
  5. Depraved Awakening - 0.0012 (5M view / 6K messages)
How many, among those who've read the thread, and so are expected to have played the game, had something to say about it.

And those three lists, plus the ones I didn't made, are as valid, and also as partial, than your own one. They all have their pros, and cons, and all give a different order.
The top five could even be totally different if I had took the time to take a bigger portion of games than your sole top 5. By example, Summer's gone, would be right after The DeLuca Family in number of messages per Million view, with 0.003, while Now & Then, (0.0034) and SpaceCorp XXX (0.0035), would be before it ; be noted that those two games would also appear before the 4th game in the two other lists.

There's just one way to know it a game is well received and liked, and it's not here that you can find it. This way is to look at how many people are ready to give few bucks to the author. It's the only list that is effectively relevant, because it's the only factor that imply a real involvement from the player.
Like I implied, there's people who like a thread before they even downloaded the game ; it's a game that can interest them, they thanks the person who shared it, dot. There's also people who like to trash a game that don't correspond to their liking, and then to give it a undeserved bad review, or reply to the thread in order to say it, again and again. There's people who reply to the thread because they encountered an error. And there's, more important, the people who look at the thread every time there's an update, to see if the comment tell them that the game is finally interesting to play, or if the author finally get rid of this annoying thing they dislike.
But all this is free, at most it take 10 minutes of your life once a month. The opposite of you deciding to give some of your money to the guy/team that make this game you really like. And there, we know that the top five absolutely don't match your list.


Dec 27, 2017
Hey anne O'nymous

I know that my list has no right to call it complete or without drawbacks. I also know that the (y) isn't the only way you can make a list like you showed in your post.

In my native tongue we have a saying "Don't believe in any statistic you haven't forged/faked yourself"

As I said in my original Post, it was due to boredom that I made the list. In my opinion, it's just a funny way to look at the "most popular" games on f95. No hard feelings involved, and I agree to you that there are more ways to interpret the data, and you are also right about paying fans.

It was just a way to pass some time and having fun my own way. If I have to make a list of my personal favorites, the list would be rather different. And that might be the same for most others out there.

But I am grateful to your reply, cos I am sure it took some time to write it and dig the data.

Wish you a pleasant weekend and first and foremost enjoy your time here (even as a mod - and I am sure that is not easy sometimes :p)
Aug 10, 2019
I just wanted to say that I used the list you compiled and appreciated the fact that you also took time to share it with others.

I read "anne O'nymouse's" opinion. And that's what it was, an opinion and her logic behind it.
Instead of taking the time to post her comment to discredit your method in such great detail. She should have used that effort to create her own list to share with others as you had done?

I'm sure other members here referenced your list and probably never posted a comment not wanting to oppose her lofty title.

You mentioned that you had planed to update/expand the list...? If not maybe you wouldn't mind posting a list of games that you recommend.

Hopefully posting your recommendation and not your theory will keep members like anne from challenging it.

Thanks again for your time, effort and the fact that you wanted to share it for everyone's benefit. :sneaky:(y)
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