Tutorial A Beginner's guide on how to make a game.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2024
I am at the point in my VN development that I have enough quality content for a two phase release. Phase one, the simple one, is to release chapter's 1 and 2 to itch as a free (donations appreciated), release, I see that as kind of a demo. I've set everything up on Itch ready for me to finish up some final testing and then I will upload.

Chapter 3 is also ready, my plan is to release that plus a adult comic on a platform that will generate income, Patreon most likely, this is the part though I'm a little confused over.

Uncompressed my game files so far are around 4gb, I have chosen .png as my render file format, which is probably a mistake because of the size of the files but I stubbornly want to hang on to the quality here. Itch has a download limit of 1gb which is going to be OK for Chap 1 and 2, as they are uncompressed within that size anyway. But not OK for Chap 3 as the renders are much greater in that one. So releasing to Itch on their paid option, is not an option.

So if I go down the Patreon route for chap 3, does that platform support file hosting internally of 4gb plus (I could split the .zip into parts of course if the limited is on individual file size)? You mention above about using a third party file hosting company but I'm confused how you make that secure and prevent sites, like this one, lol, sharing that file to others. I do understand that a Patreon member could and a lot probably do, take your work and re-upload it to a third party hosting service anyway but I would at least like some form of protection however mild it is.

Should I just wait to do a Steam release instead and forget about Patreon altogether?

A quick note before I get any, greedy game dev remarks. My initial hope was to release this VN totally free, the VN is very niche in it's content, not heavy on the adult side of things especially in the first few chapters so I don't anticipate a huge audience. So I started building with free tools, renpy and DAZ. But "free" is not really "free", as anyone who has touched Daz will tell you. I've had to buy a RTX 4080 Super to be able to render at any acceptable speed and spent literally thousands of $$ on assets for DAZ, couple this with spending ALL my spare time over the last 9 months or so on this, means I need to recover some costs to help a little.

Any advice on how I should best release Chap 3 and beyond (looking to do a half Chap a month, through to the 10 in total) would be much appreciated.


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Sep 27, 2018
I have chosen .png as my render file format, which is probably a mistake because of the size of the files but I stubbornly want to hang on to the quality here.
WebP can be lossless and it's still much smaller than PNG. Using PNG makes no sense at all, if not for some rare cases concerning compatibility, but right now, on ren'py? Go for it.
However, "quality" even up to 89% (depending on the render) will look the same on human eyes, with the size being even smaller.

Itch has a download limit of 1gb which is going to be OK for Chap 1 and 2, as they are uncompressed within that size anyway. But not OK for Chap 3 as the renders are much greater in that one. So releasing to Itch on their paid option, is not an option.
That's news to me. Everyone, including myself, downloaded way more than 1gb on Itch.io.
I think you're mixing up with the UPLOAD size, which is a maximum of 2gb, but only through the website.
If you use butler, you can upload up to 30gb. It has versioning with binary patching, so using butler is the best option either way. If command lines scare you, there's a GUI version as well:

You mention above about using a third party file hosting company but I'm confused how you make that secure and prevent sites, like this one, lol, sharing that file to others. I do understand that a Patreon member could and a lot probably do, take your work and re-upload it to a third party hosting service anyway but I would at least like some form of protection however mild it is.
There's no preventing sharing. If such a thing existed, everyone would be using it. Just give up and don't waste your time fighting piracy, it's not worth it at all. In fact, I have no idea who you are, nor what you're making, and you don't even have a link to your game or anything... Piracy would help you get your game out there, which is important.
Even if you made the best game ever, you won't get any support if no one is aware of it.

Should I just wait to do a Steam release instead and forget about Patreon altogether?
Normally yes, you should aim for Steam if you want to make serious money. However, the issue (as mentioned above) is that no one knows who you are, or what you're making. Once you get your page on steam, it's essential to get wishlists. Hundreds and Hundreds before you launch your game, and you'll find that very hard to do if you don't have any following.
So do get on steam, but find a way to harvest wishlists... Itch.io, and of course F95Zone. Don't prevent sharing, but embrace it and get those views/wishlists up.
Also, make sure to read Steam rules... You can't have a game linking to your patreon on Steam, but you can share a build of your game here and on itch.io containing a link to your patreon, so rather than having someone pirate your steam game and put it here for no gains, share your f95zone build here yourself with a patreon link so you'll get some support.

A quick note before I get any, greedy game dev remarks.
You're the exact opposite of greedy. You did all of that work in the background with no one aware of your game. If you wanted to make money, you did it wrong big time.

Any advice on how I should best release Chap 3 and beyond (looking to do a half Chap a month, through to the 10 in total) would be much appreciated.
Here's what I'd do (maybe ask other people once you get the developer badge for more diverse suggestions): Launch your Patreon page and put the first chapter there and on itch.io (make sure both pages look good), Share your game here too. Have a discord server so you can gather all those interested in your project in a single place. Chapter 2 can be a patreon reward (early access).
After a month, release chapter 2 here, on itch.io (Major Update) and Patreon, have Chapter 3 as a patreon reward (Early access), and finally do the same thing with chapter 3 after another month.
This is 3 updates in 3 big platforms, hopefully this will gain you enough visibility and support, then you can start selling your game on itch.io (Chapter 4) and keep the other 3 as a demo and start harvesting wishlists once you have a build for Steam as well.

This is similar to what this dev did: But i believe his demo is 5 chapters. It really depends on how quickly you can gain supporters in order to get hundreds of wishlists. It also depends on the platforms you'll support... WebGL and Android are the biggest ones. Ideally you'd have made a development thread and gathered supports before your first chapter was even ready to release (similar to what Afterglow did, the day they launched, they already had tons of supporters).
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Game Developer
Mar 16, 2024
Wow thanks for that detailed reply. I was not aware of the butler, I will certainly look into it. This is what I was referring to with the 1GB limit:

Although I said I was stubborn for sticking with .png, I was going to look at what it would entail switching to .jpg but if .webp offers that level (or lack of) quality loss then I will look at doing that. Just I have a lot of renders and a lot of code referencing those renders to change, lol. Thanks for the tip there.

I was not really trying to make the best selling VN out there, like I said it's very niche, so make a ton of money so I can quit my day job is not the aim at all. I just want to recover some of the costs. My dream would be to be able to retire a little earlier than I had planned (8 years from now) and do this full time but I'm old enough to know that that is unrealistic. Hence why I've not marketed this a lot and probably will be too busy with life and other stuff to be that aggressive. My aim was to fill a void in the market that I saw. In all honesty though I am not expecting huge amounts of people to rush to download this, most will find it too boring as it's a pretty slow pace and light on gameplay.

In terms of piracy you are right, I know. I will definitely take this advice.

I will also look to follow your advice on the release too. I'm still in two minds on Patreon, I do have the adult comic though with a side character I have been building alongside the VN, that I would like to offer to Patreon folks as a reward for supporting and I plan to do more of this with other side characters in the game. I was wanting to launch Itch and Patreon at the same time, so that if folks liked the "demo" on itch, they could immediately support me on Patreon and download the next Chapter, they may lose interest if I stagger the release. There is really not enough content in chapter 1 for a separate release of that, it's just a background introductions to the main characters. But doing your 3 launch approach makes a lot of sense and something for me to consider for sure. Maybe I wait until I have 5 chapters complete before I begin launching.

I will look at what involves in Discord too, I just worry about the effort required here to maintain a good server.

The platforms is an interesting one, I've only tested on Windows so far. Other platforms remain untested so that was going to be a secondary step after my initial release.

Again thanks a lot, you've given me a lot of food for thought.


Forum Fanatic
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Wow thanks for that detailed reply. I was not aware of the butler, I will certainly look into it. This is what I was referring to with the 1GB limit:
View attachment 3974832
Oops, I thought it was 2GB upload limit, not 1GB. Anyway, that refers only to the upload, and with butler it's up to 30GB.
Technically you can request more than 1GB, but it's not worth it since everyone uses Butler anyway.

Although I said I was stubborn for sticking with .png, I was going to look at what it would entail switching to .jpg but if .webp offers that level (or lack of) quality loss then I will look at doing that. Just I have a lot of renders and a lot of code referencing those renders to change, lol. Thanks for the tip there.
JPG is very bad for that, WebP for images and WebM for videos is the way to go when it comes to current compatibility and best size/quality.

I was not really trying to make the best selling VN out there, like I said it's very niche, so make a ton of money so I can quit my day job is not the aim at all. I just want to recover some of the costs. My dream would be to be able to retire a little earlier than I had planned (8 years from now) and do this full time but I'm old enough to know that that is unrealistic. Hence why I've not marketed this a lot and probably will be too busy with life and other stuff to be that aggressive. My aim was to fill a void in the market that I saw. In all honesty though I am not expecting huge amounts of people to rush to download this, most will find it too boring as it's a pretty slow pace and light on gameplay.

In terms of piracy you are right, I know. I will definitely take this advice.
Let the people judge (Some do give good feedback you can use to improve yourself), and don't shy away from spreading the voice and sharing your project because people might think it's boring, there are people that'll enjoy it and you need to reach them. The sooner you start, the better.

There is really not enough content in chapter 1 for a separate release of that, it's just a background introductions to the main characters. But doing your 3 launch approach makes a lot of sense and something for me to consider for sure. Maybe I wait until I have 5 chapters complete before I begin launching.

I will look at what involves in Discord too, I just worry about the effort required here to maintain a good server.

The platforms is an interesting one, I've only tested on Windows so far. Other platforms remain untested so that was going to be a secondary step after my initial release.

Again thanks a lot, you've given me a lot of food for thought.
3 launches are few already, but if chapter 1 is too small it would be harmful. I'd say the first release should be around 30 minutes of gameplay long.
Waiting longer sounds like a bad idea as well... However, you shouldn't rush if you're not ready either. If you really want to wait on it, at the very least make a development thread here: https://f95zone.to/forums/programming-development-art.73/ you can see some examples in that category, this way you can get people interested in your project and start gaining a following before you release.
Again, it's very important that you gain supporters/followers as soon as possible, as long as your game sits quietly in your computer alone, it may as well not exist.

Discord takes a little of effort to set it up right, but most of the time it'll be very quiet (with the occasional bot you need to ban), it's worth it because you can have all those interested in the project in a single place.

Windows is fairly popular, but at the very least Ren'Py can easily build for Mac and Linux without any testing required, so you may as well go for those as well.
Android/WebGL are the most popular, but you might have a hard time building for those since 2GB is the limit for android, and there's a minimum of 1000 files for WebGL. You can give it a shot, or ask other people for help since I don't have any experience on that.
Jul 12, 2022
Hai. I'm new here. I already have some idea story to make Avn game using Honey Select 2 model. But i need some guide for studio and renpy plugin because i don't really understand about that. Another problem i need to improve my PC spec. Can someone recommend me what PC spec should i find or upgrade? And lastly guide me to create Avn


Forum Fanatic
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
Hai. I'm new here. I already have some idea story to make Avn game using Honey Select 2 model. But i need some guide for studio and renpy plugin because i don't really understand about that. Another problem i need to improve my PC spec. Can someone recommend me what PC spec should i find or upgrade? And lastly guide me to create Avn
Just use youtube:
For renpy I suggest this one: despite being old, but if you want more, once again, use youtube:

You need to improve your GPU if Honey Select 2 runs slow. You also need a proper CPU to pair to avoid bottlenecking.
32gb ram is pretty much the default nowdays, and I would get a SSD too.
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Jul 12, 2022
Just use youtube:
For renpy I suggest this one: despite being old, but if you want more, once again, use youtube:

You need to improve your GPU if Honey Select 2 runs slow. You also need a proper CPU to pair to avoid bottlenecking.
32gb ram is pretty much the default nowdays, and I would get a SSD too.
So i need more than 32gb ram right? Btw thanks for share


Forum Fanatic
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
So i need more than 32gb ram right? Btw thanks for share
No, 32gb is enough unless you ever plan to move past Honey Select 2 (to DAZ or other forms of rendering). However, if you only want to use your pc for gaming, daily use and HS2, 32gb is more than enough.
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Jul 12, 2022
No, 32gb is enough unless you ever plan to move past Honey Select 2 (to DAZ or other forms of rendering). However, if you only want to use your pc for gaming, daily use and HS2, 32gb is more than enough.
Last question. I see at youtube about Honey Select2 and Ai shoujo ? Did Ai Shoujo just mod or kind of another game?