HTML - A Cheaters Dream [v0.20.1] [Vaemond]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    There's a some potential here as far as HTML twin games go, but the game is so god damn buggy that I don't want to play it. You can't close the hit menu, you can't click the chat options, quizes will just crash and hard lock your game.

    Maybe when the creator actually play tests their own game for a bit it would be worth checking out
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid, simple porn game. It’s got a neat premise with minimal need for exposition, and a simple gameplay loop. Nothing special, and still in development, a bit rough around the edges.

    But it’s enough to serve the game’s main selling point: the scenes are just good. While I’m in awe of the hundreds of hours artists and devs will put into hand-crafting their animations, on some level just taking gifs of really hot chicks gets you better results for 1/10th the effort. Underrated, there really ought to be more games like this.

    There’s lots of other real porn html games of course, but this game just has better content, IMO, (the preview images are a good representation of the game). It’s the 10/10 amateur & semi-pro insta thots, instead of the 7/10 journeyman pornstars those other games gravitate towards.

    5/5 stars, a game for the people, hope to see more like it and from this developer.
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    I like this game's premise. And granted, it's very early in development.

    But do far it's mostly a mess, in both story and execution.

    You've got some of the worse elements of bad sandbox games- e.g. an 'open world' that consists of a lot of click-heavy nested navigation, with no quick travel and no way to know where the actual interactions are; a time system with empty timeslots where there's either nothing to do, or no way to know what you could be doing; money and stats that have to be ground up to access the game's events (with the added annoyance that those stats continually degrade if not regularly increased; not only is there a grind, but the grind never stops).

    Story-wise, it's hard to tell if there really is one. You apparently cheated on your girlfriend once with her bestie, and got caught. This is covered in the space of a conversation on the plane (where she also mentions that she and her friend have made up) and then never really brought up again. As far as I can tell, not even when you talk to the best friend. And most story elements are that kind of barebones. You're moving into this house for... something something girlfriend's job. And you can't leave the house because.... something something girlfriend's boss says so (why? and how?). But her friends are also moving in (for the same reason?) and don't appear to be similarly restricted. There's no apparently no restrictions on the other girl who moves in either (which happens in a single conversation between you and your gf's bestie, where she says her friend needs a place, you suggest the spare room, she accepts without mentioning it to anyone else, and the new roommate is ringing the bell before you're done talking).

    In terms of more technical stuff, the UI is nothing special; crude but not too unpleasant. The images and gifs aren't bad, but they are very small and the placement makes them feel like afterthoughts. And there's a few obvious bugs, as well as spots where it feels like content is missing.

    Tl,dr: Nice concept, needs a lot of work. Particularly in making sure the narrative is coherent and the sandbox elements aren't tedious drudgery.