Sweet, what's new in the update?
Patch Notes for Alpha v0.2.1:
• All content up to Day 6 has been added. Due to the way Ren'Py handles variables and save states,
you **MUST** restart your playthrough with a fresh save to prevent any unforeseen weirdness and to see some of the new art additions in earlier content (Days 1-3). You should still be able to skip text you've already seen via the button at the bottom.
• There is now an H-Scene toggle in the Preferences menu. By default it is set to "Enabled". If you do not wish to view H-Scenes then switch this to "Disabled". You will not miss out on any plot-critical information by skipping H-Scenes. When disabled, they will be glossed over or otherwise fade-to-black.
• The default text color (i.e. when the narrator is talking to the reader and not vocalizing anything) has been changed to an off-yellow in order to aid readability and help differentiate spoken text from thoughts/narration.
• The Credits and Patron screens have been slightly-revamped to be more readable
• A slight pause has been introduced before each new background art so you can appreciate it more before the "style bars" cover it up
• ¡Tenemos un fan traductor Español! Gracias a los esfuerzos de The Goomba, deberiais poder disfrutar del contenido del juego en Español. ¡Si veis algún fallo o error, avisadnos y lo solucionaremos!
• Теперь у нас есть фанатский русский перевод! Благодаря усилиям ContentBot0777, Foxy Animator, и FrenchSaboteur вы сможете воспроизводить весь контент на русском языке. Сообщайте о любых обнаруженных проблемах!
NOTE: As will be the case with all translations (especially fan ones), there may be discrepancies between languages. You should be able to toggle between languages at will, though it's recommended you only do so from the main menu and after saving.
Note we
might have Simplified Chinese translations too by the 24th, though if not it'll be an optional update (v0.2.1a) whenever they're ready