A Future Game In the Making!


Game Developer
Jan 28, 2019
Daywalker Logo.png

A war between Chiropterans (Vampires) and the Terrans (Humans) for dominance is underway. You play as Shaasta Matthews, a young boy who was found as a baby floating in a river by an ex-soldier named Luanna Matthews who took him in and raised young Shaasta as her own son along with her two daughters Nastasia and Mara. The story begins on Shaasta's 19th birthday when a group of military soldiers come to his village in search of recruiting young people into the military. Fearing for Shaasta's safety, Luanna hid Shaasta in their attic told him to not make a sound and to not come out until she says it's ok. When the soldiers arrive at their house, their is a small dispute between Luanna and the soldiers which leads to Shaasta coming out of hiding and being revealed to be a Chiropteran. Not just any Chiropteran... But a "Daywalker".

Title: Daywalker: A Forgotten Bloodline
Developer: ProjectPharaoh
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021

Less interesting Blade with incest?

Also, you really need to reconsider all of your names, with perhaps the exception of Mara.

But Shaasta? Shaasta Matthews (is the double 'tt' a typo)?


Can't wait for the adventures of their friends Diet Shaasta Dougllas and Ginger Shaasta Willliams.


Game Developer
Jan 28, 2019
well one, its nothin related to Blade cause the MC is not aware of being a Vampire cause he was found as a baby and the fact that blade is half vampire not fully vampire. two, Matthews is spelled with two T's not one cause i have a friend whose last name is Matthews spelled with two T's. And three, there is no incest.
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New Member
Dec 28, 2023
Less interesting Blade with incest?
Lol, how is that "Blade with incest"? It sounds (at least based on the post) wholly distinct. If it's just that the MC is a non-standard vampire, that's, ironically, pretty common in vampire stories.

Matthews (is the double 'tt' a typo)?
That's how you write that name. With two T's.

But Shaasta?
Okay, I'll give you that, lol. I had the exact same thought.
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New Member
Jun 1, 2018

Less interesting Blade with incest?

Also, you really need to reconsider all of your names, with perhaps the exception of Mara.

But Shaasta? Shaasta Matthews (is the double 'tt' a typo)?

View attachment 3290805

Can't wait for the adventures of their friends Diet Shaasta Dougllas and Ginger Shaasta Willliams.
This is so unnecessarily aggressive/mean and boldly incorrect. Just because there are vampires in a story does not mean it’s a Blade clone. I also don’t know why you’re so hung up on the names too, they seem pretty creative for a fictional world. This is hardly constructive criticism.

Title: Daywalker: A Forgotten Bloodline
Developer: ProjectPharaoh
To the developer, this sounds like an interesting concept and I hope that the world gets more fleshed out, so that we can see what’s at the center of the conflict between these vampires and humans.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
well one, its nothin related to Blade cause the MC is not aware of being a Vampire cause he was found as a baby and the fact that blade is half vampire not fully vampire. two, Matthews is spelled with two T's not one cause i have a friend whose last name is Matthews spelled with two T's. And three, there is no incest.
What makes Blade a special snowflake is that he's a Daywalker, all the strengths of a vampire but none of their weaknesses. I assume that this Shaasta hasn't spontaneously combusted by accident or spent their entire life hiding from the sun for some plot convenient reason, so everything about this sounds like you're doing another Blade-style Daywalker (all of the strengths, none of the weaknesses). If this Shaasta is a full vampire, are you doing the sparkle in the sun bullshit Twilight vampires? Or has he been stuck in a hole his whole life up till that point? Not knowing you are a vampire is a great way to walk into the sun and get barbequed on accident.

Also, Blade was found by the vampire hunter Whistler when he was a teenager, as his thirst for blood rose to the surface long before his 19th birthday.

Plus you spent so much of the description pointing out the whole family dynamic. Why do that if the MC isn't going to fuck them? Even if they're not 'blood related', if they fuck then you're still doing incest-adjacent. They're still family, there is still the taboo about fucking your close relatives; if they fuck you're playing with that same taboo. If they don't fuck, I dunno, maybe spend some more words describing literally anything else of interest?

The names still sound awful. Matthew, however you want to spell it, is a not a common surname (the only instance I can think of is musician Dave Matthews, and he spells it with an 's' at the end). It's a really common first name. So dirt common, it might be on par with 'John Smith' or 'John Doe' for being a go-to bland generic name. So using that as a surname, combined with a nonsense first name that is one letter way from dollar store soda? They clash. They clash super hard. If you're going to do stupid names, at least commit to the bit and make stupid surnames that match the theme or style that you are going for for. As of right now, the names are basically 'nonsense + generic dude'.
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New Member
Dec 28, 2023
What makes Blade a special snowflake is that he's a Daywalker, all the strengths of a vampire but none of their weaknesses
Sure, but Blade is far from the only character to do "Vampires with a twist." The fact that OP is wanting to do Vampires with a twist is whatever. For goodness sake, there's whole TVtropes pages dedicated to it. and (at least).

I agree that the description could use a ton of work (writing good blurbs is a challenging skill to develop), but you're just nitpicking at things that don't need to be, or can't be, nitpicked. You're here like, "Is it incest, is it not incest, is it sorta incest???" Like, chill, the OP didn't say anything about that. They probably should have, but trying to literally argue about a thing they didn't even bring up is... futile, at best.

If this Shaasta is a full vampire, are you doing the sparkle in the sun bullshit Twilight vampires? Or has he been stuck in a hole his whole life up till that point? Not knowing you are a vampire is a great way to walk into the sun and get barbequed on accident.
The OP literally made clear that he's a full vampire, but a special kind that can exist without issue in the sun. He explained that. Explained well or not is a separate issue, but it has been fully explained.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Sounds rather meh to me. Nothing special story-wise, but then again, certainly more special than yet another college-based bs. :ROFLMAO::coffee:

*To begin with there seem to be flaws in the story, a full vampire would not need human food for example, he'd also need blood.
So how is it that his family only noticed that he's not-quite-human when shit hit the fan?
*Another thing, do you think a baby vamp would suck on his mommy's tatas for milk? :sneaky::coffee:
*Next, vampires stop aging once they've been turned. So if a vamp was turned when it was a baby it'd remain a baby, normally. :ROFLMAO::coffee:
Vamp's are not born vamp's, after all.
*Not to mention that if one does not eat one does not produce waste, and babies known to produce tons of that ewwy stuff. :ROFLMAO::coffee:

So, yeah, a baby vamp would probably be discovered in an instant if you think about it.
I think it would have been a better idea if mc was originally her say... 16+y old son or so, and then he was bitten or artificially made into a vamp by some mad doc or something. Or perhaps it was all the cause of some vamp-virus the gov secretly was cooking up somewhere, but then it got loose and our mc got infected. :whistle::coffee:

There are usually 3 sources of vampirism:
1. Magic/Curse.
2. Artificial.
3. The forefather. There was and perhaps still is an original vampire from whom all vampires sprung forth.

For example in a certain vampire game vampirism originated from Cain who was cursed by god to walk the earth for eternity and feed on the blood of his children. (If i remember the lore correctly.) ;):coffee:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I agree that the description could use a ton of work (writing good blurbs is a challenging skill to develop), but you're just nitpicking at things that don't need to be, or can't be, nitpicked. You're here like, "Is it incest, is it not incest, is it sorta incest???" Like, chill, the OP didn't say anything about that. They probably should have, but trying to literally argue about a thing they didn't even bring up is... futile, at best.
This is F95Zone. I assume that whatever game they're proposing is going to be a lewd one, or else why are they here. What are the most popular tags around here? Probably incest and harem. Given that there is nothing else in the blurb that can be used to inform potential lewd content (BDSM, NTR, MILF, etc.), the fact that the structure of the family get described and everyone else but the player character is female? Don't be dense. Reading that as a springboard for incest is a perfectly valid interpretation.

The follow up is because, again, this is F95Zone. People here tend to be dumb as fuck. How dumb as fuck? Well, when consenting married adults who happen to be neighbors of the MC in a game have sex, a not insignificant amount of the forum here will bitch and moan about how they're being cucked and demand the game be tagged as NTR. These mouth-breathers also can't comprehend other simple concepts, like how sleep sex is sexual assault.

One of my all time favorite VN's is Now & Then, where the MC Jack Brooks does develop a relationship with his adopted daughter Carol amid the collapse of civilization. She is adopted, they are not blood related, and even within the context of the game she's a legal adult. That game is still tagged as incest, even though it is so not incest that the creator maintained their Patreon without needed a bullshit 'incest' patch for the game. So all my argument was is being preemptive to potential stupid bullshit. Again, if the MC isn't going to fuck either of their sisters, then pointing out the MC has two female siblings on a porn game forum rampant with incest games seems like a pretty fucking weird flex. If the MC does fuck them, it might not be banned-from-Patreon levels of incest, but it's gonna get tagged as incest here.

They said 'there is no incest', rather than 'the MC does not fuck their sisters'. The former can be read as weasel words (MC is adopted and not blood related after all), the later is unambiguous. Had they just stated the MC doesn't fuck their family under any circumstances, it would have ended right there with no further pushback from me.


New Member
Dec 28, 2023
People here tend to be dumb as fuck. How dumb as fuck?
Dumb enough to not know how Matthews is spelled?

I kid, I kid :)

Anyway, all fair points. I see where you're coming from now.


Game Developer
Jan 28, 2019
to clear it all up, Blade is a HALF VAMPIRE/HUMAN not full vampire. Shaasta's species is nearly extinct with him being the last of his kind cause (and to make a point to those who want to be hypocritical which forces me to spoil a bit of the story) Shaasta comes from a bloodline of vampires who see humans and vampires as equals plus the fact that hidden in his bloodline hides a great power that regular vampires fear and do everything they can to be rid of it and gain supremacy over the humans. This has nothin to do with blade nor is it similar so for those who want to mock or criticize my story, no one said u have to play it so comments like "less interesting Blade with incest" and others like it are not needed unless you yourself can come up with a better story cause the stories me and all the other developers make, we make them for A) People to enjoy and envision the imagination that we developers are imagining when coming up with these stories. B) Appeal to our viewers fetishes the best we can. and C) Cause its what we love to do. So like i said, if you dont like what i make, then don't play it, but don't judge a story when you don't know what its all about cause what might seem stupid or less interesting, may actually be good once you dwell into the story.


Game Developer
Jan 28, 2019
Also to note on VoidTravelers' post, 1) Vampires actually can be born. If half human vampires can be born then so can full vampires cause if you say that they cant be born due to vampires being dead then so pretty much a female vampire cant give birth cause their eggs would be pretty much useless, right? Well the same would be said for male vampires. 2) Once again im having to spoil this for the sake of understanding, the mother knows he is a chiropteran/vampire, but there are hidden secrets behind this knowledge that she doesnt inform Shaasta of due to a promise. 3) Vampires can eat human food, it just doesnt satisfy them like blood does cause they need blood to function. 4) You can easily give a vampire blood through shots and easily mask the color of blood by using a syringe that isn't see-through. 5) going back to point number 1, even if vampires cant be born, Shaasta is not a regular vampire. He is a rare breed that despite being full vampire, he can still age, but only until he reaches adulthood. A breed that is exclusive to this story and that i made up. Because think of this for a minute. The anime called Trinity Blood, there are the Krusniks who are vampires that feed on the blood of other vampires. In all history of vampires, when have you ever heard of a type of vampire that feeds on other vampire? Cause as history would suggest, vampires are unable to suck blood from other vampires cause human blood is fresh blood while vampire blood is not
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Jun 26, 2020
In all history of vampires, when have you ever heard of a type of vampire that feeds on other vampire?
Well, in all the human history, no? Basicaly, almost any fantasy creature what prey on humans is able to feed on the own kind. One way or another. Vampires, beeing born of humans predatorial and cannibalistic urges and fears, do this more often than others. Yes, where is, relative short, period of romantisation and pacification, but not everyone agrees with sparky boys. World of Darkness series and other RPG, even a girls fantasies like True Blood has concept vampies as a prey.