A game concept I came up with.


Active Member
May 25, 2020
I'm not here to slander devs (full props to you), many games on here have plenty of great story concepts and I do realize that some devs are forced into using stale story concepts, not because they want to, but rather because they have to. You see a lot of first time programmers and writers and since you need the game to be functional rather than have an unique story, very often the story gets the short end of the stick.

What do I mean by stale story concepts ? You've probably already played a lot of "guy gets to live with several smoking babes" storylines (bonus points if the dad is dead). Other than that there's a lot of school, magic/superpowers and magic games.

So rather than just be a loser that complains about the same story concept being reused and abused, I decided to come up with a unique story concepts that I haven't came across on the site or in general that I will give details to that can be adhered to loosely or fully.


Concept : Lesbian Conversion Camp

Style/Engine :
Koikatu/Honey Select in VN format, Ren'py

Tags : 2dcg/3dcg, Male protagonist, ahegao, animated, bdsm, big tits/ass, corruption, creampie, dating sim (I guess technically for one of the routes), male domination, groping, harem, humiliation, incest (for plot twist in the last chapter), rape, sexual assault, multiple endings...etc.

Summary : You work as a Lesbian conversion camp ward that gets a girl per chapter (5 chapter full game = 5 girls), the game would have 2 routes :
- consensual or forced

In the consensual route,
you get to understand the girl's circumstances (where she came from, what lead to their change in sexual preferences, the "incident" that lead to them getting in the "pen", why her parents sent her here...etc.), the game would have a "talk" mode or essentially after all the story exposure comes the main game play draw. You would have to answer the questions as best as you can (3 choice system = great 2pt, good 1pt and bad 0pt answer) whilst a bar at the top of the screen fills, if you fill the bar enough then you have completed that day's therapy session (well that or you might even convert the girl in one session depending on how long you want a chapter to be/how much you time have to develop). End result you get to have sex with the girl or you just send the girl on her merry day depending on your moral compass/visual preference. This route would be more self contained then the consensual route a.k.a. no harem.

In the forced route, you would still probably hear the girl out, but take a different approach, instead of hearing out the person, you just molest/rape them till they're straight. So obviously this route wouldn't have that gameplay draw that the consensual route has, so we have to replace it somehow. Instead of a bar for choosing the correct answers, there should be like a corruption bar in a system where you choose what fetishes/poses/sex locations/situations you want the girl forced through and depending on her affinity to said fetish you get 2, 1 or 0 points. If you fill the corruption bar then the girl will want to stay as a part of your harem, during the course of the other chapters she waits in the dungeon where you will bring the other chapter girls, maybe she even joins in the sexcapades.

As for the girls there's a lot of potential, you could have an airhead clumsy girl with a lesbian friend that fell into her friend's muff by accident whilst at the girl's house and the mom just enters the room and finds them like that then sends her daughter to you, so basically she's falsely accused of being lesbian. Ofc not every girl needs to be a "special case", some can be more cliche like the "tough girl" or a "sinning nun"...etc. because it would work in this concept.

But during Chapter 5 (last predicted chapter), the girl that is sent to you is your sister/step sister (NOT roommate, Patreon) and she would vaguely get mentioned through the other chapters so that she establishes herself in the plot, he would get shocked by her arrival at his work place and is conflicted on how to approach the situation (ofc depending on the route). I don't really have an ending planned out or anything, so you can choose to believe how the story ended yourself : corrupted sister/harem girls, going back to your parents with your sis and quitting your job..etc.

I do realize that this is a very hard concept to implement in a game fully, so some areas are definitely open to interpretation like multiple routes/endings, the number of chapter/girls and the structure (multiple girls per chapter or one girl per chapter). I just gave an outline of a theme.


Active Member
May 25, 2020
Problem: too many "guy living with several hot babes" games.

Solution: "guy living with several hot babes, but you have to fuck the gay out of them".
Well technically you don't live with them, except for the sister, although in my head it went like "you haven't seen each other in some time", like say he saw her last at 10-12 years old and now she's 18-20.

You gotta admit, it's an interesting concept, way better than just "your dad died, left your inheritance, now go live in this house where I lived with several hot babes and you can even bang my wife".

EDIT : Also btw it might strike you as weird, but I came up with this concept this morning, so I literally woke up, popped a morning woody and thought this concept up immediately.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
You gotta admit, it's an interesting concept, way better than just "your dad died, left your inheritance, now go live in this house where I lived with several hot babes and you can even bang my wife".
I think you're vastly misinformed about why the incest house genre is so immensely popular. it's not because people settle for it, it's because it IS the fetish. the people who do like it will take it over any other scenario.

but of course that's all irrelevant to your game, the lesbian rape camp. it's not really an original take but more like the queen of all tropes hetero men with lesbian fetish have. there's been countless of movies and stories on it for 50 years, its existence is basically the main complaint every time someone looks for an actual lesbian story.

that all said, I think it would absolutely work. for the same exact reason the incest house scenario works: it has a vast audience of generic cis men who like to fantasize that lesbians are just straight girls who haven't been fucked with a big enough dick yet.


Active Member
May 25, 2020
I think you're vastly misinformed about why the incest house genre is so immensely popular. it's not because people settle for it, it's because it IS the fetish. the people who do like it will take it over any other scenario.

but of course that's all irrelevant to your game, the lesbian rape camp. it's not really an original take but more like the queen of all tropes hetero men with lesbian fetish have. there's been countless of movies and stories on it for 50 years, its existence is basically the main complaint every time someone looks for an actual lesbian story.

that all said, I think it would absolutely work. for the same exact reason the incest house scenario works: it has a vast audience of generic cis men who like to fantasize that lesbians are just straight girls who haven't been fucked with a big enough dick yet.
I mean I know the incest/fakecest genre is very popular on the Hub and people will not admit that they watch that, but it's consistently among the most popular Hub videos with millions of views. I guess that just didn't click in my brain, maybe because I'm not really that into the whole genre.

As for the unnecessary bit of the comment, everybody has stuff that gets them going, ffs how many rape games do we have and I can't enjoy some lesbian "rape" ? Not to mention I haven't seen a single game that has the exact things I mentioned, in fact I can't remember a single movie either, but then again I'm not really a music buff.

Kink shaming much ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
As for the unnecessary bit of the comment, everybody has stuff that gets them going, ffs how many rape games do we have and I can't enjoy some lesbian "rape" ? Not to mention I haven't seen a single game that has the exact things I mentioned, in fact I can't remember a single movie either, but then again I'm not really a music buff.

Kink shaming much ?
I love the rape camp idea. now go back and this time understand what I said.


Active Member
May 25, 2020
I love the rape camp idea. now go back and this time understand what I said.
" it's not really an original take but more like the queen of all tropes hetero men with lesbian fetish have. "
" it has a vast audience of generic cis men who like to fantasize that lesbians are just straight girls who haven't been fucked with a big enough dick yet. "
" I love the rape camp idea. now go back and this time understand what I said. "

You have a very passive aggressive way of expressing yourself.
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Active Member
May 25, 2020
Looking back at this thread, what was I smoking ? That's what happens when too much oxygen rushes to your pp.