A game idea that i like to talk about (dont take it seriously just share your opinion)


Feb 19, 2024
Alright, hear me out. I've spent a few hours pouring my ideas into this PDF, crafting a vision for a game that stands apart from the usual. As an adult game enthusiast, I'm looking for something more real, something that resonates deeply. Like many others here, I've dreamed of creating my own game, something that truly floats my boat. The challenge with adult game development, though, is that when someone has the ability and the vision to make a full game from scratch, it often ends up being more fun for the creator than for the player, because it's built around the creator's fantasies.
But what if we could change that? What if we could create a game that appeals to 99% of enthusiasts? A game where you can craft your own story, something far beyond a simple fap-and-leave experience. Picture this: a game that feels like a dream, where you can do whatever you desire, all within realistic time.
However, I need to mention something crucial: a game idea is just that—an idea. I'm not just some "game idea guy" throwing out concepts and hoping someone else will make them a reality. I know this isn't a child's fantasy where I hand over an idea and expect someone to run with it. But I do want to share this PDF I’ve created and hear your thoughts on it. It's not an insane idea, but it’s something I like to fantasize about, imagining this game existing. Maybe you’ll feel the same way.
The title might have been a bit of clickbait, but I believe the game idea is solid, even if it's incredibly challenging and probably impossible to execute. Some people have told me it’s a great concept, but no one has the time to work on something so complex. That’s just the truth. There aren’t many people making these types of mature games, and most who do are creating their own fantasies.
I have no specific goal in sharing this game idea with you, other than to share it and maybe spark a discussion. So, what do you think?


Now, some people have warned me not to share this game PDF, fearing someone might steal the idea. But I don't really care about that. I'm not in this for the credit or the money. If someone wants to take this idea and make it a reality, I say good for them and good for the community.
Meanwhile, I've been diving into Unreal Engine 5, learning the ropes of game development by creating simpler games. It’s been six months, and I’m having a blast with it, and when i feel ready i will start on this project.



Oh and one more thing, after reading the PDF please note that now with the ChatGPT-4o voice, the game AI now can be possible and more realistic of exaction. if you don't know what i am talking about this is the new model, and it will have a free access to the API:
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New Member
Oct 11, 2022
If you've only been learning UE for 6 months you need to drastically limit your scope. The exact game you have written about - a "do anything"/sandbox/RP/real life/whatever game - gets announced on Kickstarter once a month or so, just without the sexual content. If you limit scope considerably, you are way more likely to get something made that you're proud of.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021

seriously, that was the best part. so funny.
... I think...
... I saw this on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo ...
... Like 50 times ...
... and 50/50 it was a scam ...

... However ...
... This game idea might be possible if it's a text-only game ...
... I ain't reading the whole pdf ...


Dec 3, 2019
This is bad on so many levels...

- The "game" is overflowing with useless mechanics, that serve no entertaining purpose. In good games every game mechanic is made for purpose: its fun to play with, its rewarding to master, it has some impact on the story, etc.

- It has no focus or genre. Is it an adult game? Then why is it takes so much effort to get to fun stuff, why is it meant to be played with both hands? Why should I care about refueling my car, curing STDs and everything else non-related to having fun?

- It supposed to have no UI. Are you serious? A game with hundreds of mechanics without hints or guide?
I suggest you try programming anything without documentation, since trying everything blindly is so much "fun".

- It has no story. Do you like playing minecraft without any story or quests? It sucks to make your own story, where the whole world just reacts to your actions, instead of providing some interesting quest and reward.


It will take infinite time to make, and in the end it will be one of the most boring and complicated games ever made. I wouldnt play it even for free, because I value my time. I start an FPS game when I want shooting, I play managemant games when I'm in the mood for them and I play adult games when I need an easy way to relax and have fun.


May 18, 2021
The games I've seen like this were wide as an ocean, shallow as a puddle. There's a reason many video games simply focus on a smaller part of "life" instead of making you stand guard for hours at a time in CoD.


Feb 19, 2024
This is bad on so many levels...

- The "game" is overflowing with useless mechanics, that serve no entertaining purpose. In good games every game mechanic is made for purpose: its fun to play with, its rewarding to master, it has some impact on the story, etc.

- It has no focus or genre. Is it an adult game? Then why is it takes so much effort to get to fun stuff, why is it meant to be played with both hands? Why should I care about refueling my car, curing STDs and everything else non-related to having fun?

- It supposed to have no UI. Are you serious? A game with hundreds of mechanics without hints or guide?
I suggest you try programming anything without documentation, since trying everything blindly is so much "fun".

- It has no story. Do you like playing minecraft without any story or quests? It sucks to make your own story, where the whole world just reacts to your actions, instead of providing some interesting quest and reward.


It will take infinite time to make, and in the end it will be one of the most boring and complicated games ever made. I wouldnt play it even for free, because I value my time. I start an FPS game when I want shooting, I play managemant games when I'm in the mood for them and I play adult games when I need an easy way to relax and have fun.

firstly there is no such useless mechanics in here, the point of the game is more then just an adult game like i said before, as i also said i dont want to make a game where it is just a fap and leave, something that is more deep then that, the main fun in the game is not just having a boner but things that can have more a storyline to it, things that can be spontaneous. if you ever played GTA-V i bet that you know the feeling of wanting to stop shooting and just drive around a car or seeing the story, but that's the point, you can take the game to which direction you want.
and who said you need to "do so much effort to get to fun stuff"? how about you can just go and search for a prostitute or look for something to fuck or rape. that is just wrong to say wait for the good stuff. it is up to you to do what you like.
some machines can be there without you even knowing about. imagen having a slave in the house and she is sick, lets say that because she has STD from you and it affect the gameplay because you are sick now, and need to do something about it, maybe you need to be more carful, the carful part adds more tension to the game so not useless. You are quite contradicting yourself from line to line, and not really putting attention to what i am writing down, i mean i get it its a long PDF LOL XD.

secondly the NO-UI It's just an idea that the game could have no traditional UI. While it may sound challenging at first, there are ways to make it work effectively. I've written a full page explaining this concept in detail, and I believe it's actually a good approach. Even if you think having no UI is impractical or impossible which you can be right about that, there are ways to fully realize this vision, such as making the game in VR. VR can provide an experience where players interact with the environment directly no needing for UI.

third, like i said before about story - " it often ends up being more fun for the creator than for the player, because it's built around the creator's fantasies. " the game idea is to give everyone there own kind of story, and since we have chat GPT and voice models this is totally possible, especially with chagpt-4o on the stage, with vision built in, speech and emotional in real time. please do watch the video i have implanted in the thread about that model.

lastly, you said what you like and your very specific opinion and that is 100% cool and i respect that. as the game suppose to be realistic as possible i am as realistic as i can be while saying that you are right on thing: the game is not easy at all to make and probably impossible. (impossible by one man at least) and the game doesn't need to be complicated to play you just need to think of a way to make it work' and trust me, as a person who like realism in games i am also a realistic person. just wanted to share the idea.


Feb 19, 2024
... I think...
... I saw this on Kickstarter and IndieGoGo ...
... Like 50 times ...
... and 50/50 it was a scam ...

... However ...
... This game idea might be possible if it's a text-only game ...
... I ain't reading the whole pdf ...
you dont need to read it all if you like, you can read the head lines and skim through it, i think you will get the idea, but I've written specific things that can explain some question's if youdont read it all.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
Kinda just sounds like a normal game but with heavy sex scenes in certain parts


Jan 27, 2022
This is kinda has the same vibe of those childhood fantasies that in the next GTA there will be a whole world and you can enter every building, and even visit your your own hood from RL. But ARMA level or even higher obsession with realism and immersion, and also Sims mixed in.

That's cute, and sure such a game would find it's audience, but i doubt even AAA games can afford to make such a project, let alone some indie solo dev.
Closest to this lifesim sandbox indie game i saw is "Lifeplay". It was on much lower scale of ambition and it's abandoned, and wasn't very fun to play tbh.

And how you wanna make this game isn't my cup of tea honestly. I don't vibe with this meticulous realism stuff, this is not what i play games for. And what i dislike even more is survival mechanics, eating, drinking, sleeping, it's already a chore, But you want to also include managing the shit and piss, no thanks. Also STD's, in a porn game, wow... so fun...

The no UI no Settings part is just ugh...
There will be no screen menu or settings menu when you press escape, how is it possible? not the setting, not the brightness or any other will be changeable
Of course, there will be situations where some settings will need to be changed, that is why we will consider every setting option.
This sounds self-contradicary, it's either no settings or settings. You can't make a game where NO settings can be changed but also some settings can lol.

The optimal settings for each player are mostly subjective, will the game also check my meat hardware to determine what's best for me ?
Like brightness, games don't check your hardware for that, they show you a picture and a slider, with text that says something like, adjust until you can barley see "X" and not see "Y". And even that isn't ideal, cuz it's not always gives the result i want, game is still too dark/too bright and i need to adjust that manually.

What about controls, maybe i don't like them how you intended, maybe mouse sensitivity that you are comfortable i'm not. Maybe i'm left-handed and WASD it's barely playable for me. And even maybe i'm one of those crazy people who plays with inverted mouse controls.
Not having settings at all means no key remapping, and it's absolutely unnecessary and sucks.

Also means no accessibility, but most indie games don't have that either so understandable, but no settings policy means there are not even a possibility of ever having that, not even subtitles or colorblind mode filter.

What about graphics settings that people are divided on. Like i don't like DoF and motion blur in games, i always turn it off. many people or just devs love that shit i guess, since it's on by default in every game.

I think that's enough of examples to see why i think it's a very bad concept. If you want that seamless no UI immersive experience, i would recommend at least making settings a separate config application, like some old games did, but mixed with a "perfomance test". Where you can adjust every setting to your liking outside of the actual game.

Also the permadeath rogue-like style, i understand the "heightened sense of fear in players". But i don't feel that such a game would benefit from it. Especially when you describe it as
a game that feels like a dream, where you can do whatever you desire
When what you actually get is like in real life. You can do anything, absolutely anything, right now. But you won't.

It's a life-sim. You probably will invest a lot of time in it, get attached to ur MC and all the baby mamas u make along the way, the progress you made, and the goals you set for yourself in this pure sanbox game. And you lose it all in an instant half-way for some stupid reason.
It works in games that have a specific goal, like roguelikes where the goal is to get to the last level of the dungeon and beat the last boss, fail at that many times, but acquire experience as a player and knowledge of how the game works, so your next run will be better, because now you know, and knowing is half the battle. It doesn't really work for a sandbox game with no set goals at all.
Like no one really plays minecraft on hardcore to build massive castles and cities and creating their own story, people play that for challenges, like speedruns, specific seeds with specific rules, to see who can survive longer and other stuff, with predetermined goal, maybe even competitive in a sense.

At least i would make it more rougue-lite esque. Where world progression are retained, but physical is gone. Like MC dies, but if you have children in game, you can continue to play as them, or someone of your not mentioned far-related relative who inherited all you got. Continuing your legacy and all the time you invested crafting your story, to continue it. This IMO would much more befit such purely open sandbox game experience, while having that permadeath feel looming over your head, since you still lose the character you invested so much time in and got accustomed to. And will eventually to the characters you play after your demise. Like your child for obvious reasons, or the relative that is basically the new "you". First variant would also add some stuff for people who like incest and stuff, like u could bang ur mom and stuff.

P.S. on a not serious note, in the doc. there is a bunch of criminal activities to earn money, but very little mundane ones.
I suggest adding Construction worker, farmer, and every other mundane working class job to the list.
The game will sell like fresh pastry on the german market. They love that shit, all the hard job simulators in one game, that's what any German crave. Got back from a hard day of skyscraper window cleaning, got a beer and run my favorite skyscraper window cleaning simulator 2024, but you can also bang whores while drinking beer when you also drinking beer IRL in it, maximum immersion, actual dream game.

Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
This is kinda has the same vibe of those childhood fantasies that in the next GTA there will be a whole world and you can enter every building, and even visit your your own hood from RL. But ARMA level or even higher obsession with realism and immersion, and also Sims mixed in.

That's cute, and sure such a game would find it's audience, but i doubt even AAA games can afford to make such a project, let alone some indie solo dev.
Closest to this lifesim sandbox indie game i saw is "Lifeplay". It was on much lower scale of ambition and it's abandoned, and wasn't very fun to play tbh.

And how you wanna make this game isn't my cup of tea honestly. I don't vibe with this meticulous realism stuff, this is not what i play games for. And what i dislike even more is survival mechanics, eating, drinking, sleeping, it's already a chore, But you want to also include managing the shit and piss, no thanks. Also STD's, in a porn game, wow... so fun...

The no UI no Settings part is just ugh...

This sounds self-contradicary, it's either no settings or settings. You can't make a game where NO settings can be changed but also some settings can lol.

The optimal settings for each player are mostly subjective, will the game also check my meat hardware to determine what's best for me ?
Like brightness, games don't check your hardware for that, they show you a picture and a slider, with text that says something like, adjust until you can barley see "X" and not see "Y". And even that isn't ideal, cuz it's not always gives the result i want, game is still too dark/too bright and i need to adjust that manually.

What about controls, maybe i don't like them how you intended, maybe mouse sensitivity that you are comfortable i'm not. Maybe i'm left-handed and WASD it's barely playable for me. And even maybe i'm one of those crazy people who plays with inverted mouse controls.
Not having settings at all means no key remapping, and it's absolutely unnecessary and sucks.

Also means no accessibility, but most indie games don't have that either so understandable, but no settings policy means there are not even a possibility of ever having that, not even subtitles or colorblind mode filter.

What about graphics settings that people are divided on. Like i don't like DoF and motion blur in games, i always turn it off. many people or just devs love that shit i guess, since it's on by default in every game.

I think that's enough of examples to see why i think it's a very bad concept. If you want that seamless no UI immersive experience, i would recommend at least making settings a separate config application, like some old games did, but mixed with a "perfomance test". Where you can adjust every setting to your liking outside of the actual game.

Also the permadeath rogue-like style, i understand the "heightened sense of fear in players". But i don't feel that such a game would benefit from it. Especially when you describe it as When what you actually get is like in real life. You can do anything, absolutely anything, right now. But you won't.

It's a life-sim. You probably will invest a lot of time in it, get attached to ur MC and all the baby mamas u make along the way, the progress you made, and the goals you set for yourself in this pure sanbox game. And you lose it all in an instant half-way for some stupid reason.
It works in games that have a specific goal, like roguelikes where the goal is to get to the last level of the dungeon and beat the last boss, fail at that many times, but acquire experience as a player and knowledge of how the game works, so your next run will be better, because now you know, and knowing is half the battle. It doesn't really work for a sandbox game with no set goals at all.
Like no one really plays minecraft on hardcore to build massive castles and cities and creating their own story, people play that for challenges, like speedruns, specific seeds with specific rules, to see who can survive longer and other stuff, with predetermined goal, maybe even competitive in a sense.

At least i would make it more rougue-lite esque. Where world progression are retained, but physical is gone. Like MC dies, but if you have children in game, you can continue to play as them, or someone of your not mentioned far-related relative who inherited all you got. Continuing your legacy and all the time you invested crafting your story, to continue it. This IMO would much more befit such purely open sandbox game experience, while having that permadeath feel looming over your head, since you still lose the character you invested so much time in and got accustomed to. And will eventually to the characters you play after your demise. Like your child for obvious reasons, or the relative that is basically the new "you". First variant would also add some stuff for people who like incest and stuff, like u could bang ur mom and stuff.

P.S. on a not serious note, in the doc. there is a bunch of criminal activities to earn money, but very little mundane ones.
I suggest adding Construction worker, farmer, and every other mundane working class job to the list.
The game will sell like fresh pastry on the german market. They love that shit, all the hard job simulators in one game, that's what any German crave. Got back from a hard day of skyscraper window cleaning, got a beer and run my favorite skyscraper window cleaning simulator 2024, but you can also bang whores while drinking beer when you also drinking beer IRL in it, maximum immersion, actual dream game.
Your only fantasy is kissing boys.


Feb 19, 2024
This is kinda has the same vibe of those childhood fantasies that in the next GTA there will be a whole world and you can enter every building, and even visit your your own hood from RL. But ARMA level or even higher obsession with realism and immersion, and also Sims mixed in.

That's cute, and sure such a game would find it's audience, but i doubt even AAA games can afford to make such a project, let alone some indie solo dev.
Closest to this lifesim sandbox indie game i saw is "Lifeplay". It was on much lower scale of ambition and it's abandoned, and wasn't very fun to play tbh.

And how you wanna make this game isn't my cup of tea honestly. I don't vibe with this meticulous realism stuff, this is not what i play games for. And what i dislike even more is survival mechanics, eating, drinking, sleeping, it's already a chore, But you want to also include managing the shit and piss, no thanks. Also STD's, in a porn game, wow... so fun...

The no UI no Settings part is just ugh...

This sounds self-contradicary, it's either no settings or settings. You can't make a game where NO settings can be changed but also some settings can lol.

The optimal settings for each player are mostly subjective, will the game also check my meat hardware to determine what's best for me ?
Like brightness, games don't check your hardware for that, they show you a picture and a slider, with text that says something like, adjust until you can barley see "X" and not see "Y". And even that isn't ideal, cuz it's not always gives the result i want, game is still too dark/too bright and i need to adjust that manually.

What about controls, maybe i don't like them how you intended, maybe mouse sensitivity that you are comfortable i'm not. Maybe i'm left-handed and WASD it's barely playable for me. And even maybe i'm one of those crazy people who plays with inverted mouse controls.
Not having settings at all means no key remapping, and it's absolutely unnecessary and sucks.

Also means no accessibility, but most indie games don't have that either so understandable, but no settings policy means there are not even a possibility of ever having that, not even subtitles or colorblind mode filter.

What about graphics settings that people are divided on. Like i don't like DoF and motion blur in games, i always turn it off. many people or just devs love that shit i guess, since it's on by default in every game.

I think that's enough of examples to see why i think it's a very bad concept. If you want that seamless no UI immersive experience, i would recommend at least making settings a separate config application, like some old games did, but mixed with a "perfomance test". Where you can adjust every setting to your liking outside of the actual game.

Also the permadeath rogue-like style, i understand the "heightened sense of fear in players". But i don't feel that such a game would benefit from it. Especially when you describe it as When what you actually get is like in real life. You can do anything, absolutely anything, right now. But you won't.

It's a life-sim. You probably will invest a lot of time in it, get attached to ur MC and all the baby mamas u make along the way, the progress you made, and the goals you set for yourself in this pure sanbox game. And you lose it all in an instant half-way for some stupid reason.
It works in games that have a specific goal, like roguelikes where the goal is to get to the last level of the dungeon and beat the last boss, fail at that many times, but acquire experience as a player and knowledge of how the game works, so your next run will be better, because now you know, and knowing is half the battle. It doesn't really work for a sandbox game with no set goals at all.
Like no one really plays minecraft on hardcore to build massive castles and cities and creating their own story, people play that for challenges, like speedruns, specific seeds with specific rules, to see who can survive longer and other stuff, with predetermined goal, maybe even competitive in a sense.

At least i would make it more rougue-lite esque. Where world progression are retained, but physical is gone. Like MC dies, but if you have children in game, you can continue to play as them, or someone of your not mentioned far-related relative who inherited all you got. Continuing your legacy and all the time you invested crafting your story, to continue it. This IMO would much more befit such purely open sandbox game experience, while having that permadeath feel looming over your head, since you still lose the character you invested so much time in and got accustomed to. And will eventually to the characters you play after your demise. Like your child for obvious reasons, or the relative that is basically the new "you". First variant would also add some stuff for people who like incest and stuff, like u could bang ur mom and stuff.

P.S. on a not serious note, in the doc. there is a bunch of criminal activities to earn money, but very little mundane ones.
I suggest adding Construction worker, farmer, and every other mundane working class job to the list.
The game will sell like fresh pastry on the german market. They love that shit, all the hard job simulators in one game, that's what any German crave. Got back from a hard day of skyscraper window cleaning, got a beer and run my favorite skyscraper window cleaning simulator 2024, but you can also bang whores while drinking beer when you also drinking beer IRL in it, maximum immersion, actual dream game.
well about what you said

" And how you wanna make this game isn't my cup of tea honestly. I don't vibe with this meticulous realism stuff, this is not what i play games for. And what i dislike even more is survival mechanics, eating, drinking, sleeping, it's already a chore, But you want to also include managing the shit and piss, no thanks. Also STD's, in a porn game, wow... so fun... "

put in mind that its real life time. well not really its more like 50% faster so you wont deal with this most of the times, and about STD's like in real life its mostly not that big not that common but just a small risk and that it can be there so it can be interesting.

about UI well i know that it can be annoying but thats why it is off the table i think. i just like the concept of it, the feeling that you enter a whole new world and less then a game. as you said some settings like brightness can not be automated. but i do like the concept of it. maybe things can be done. but i think that a fix to that can be done with a different kind of setting menu. maybe on a game launcher or something.

about controller this is basically the same thing, wanted to do something different. and the best option to utilize that is by VR, which.... makes the game totally different. maybe make a tutorial world that people can adjust the keys and learn them before starting a game.

about loosing all you have for a stupid reason well that is a concept that i really like, and i would not want to give up on that. maybe i can add an option to the game just like in minecraft: Survivel, hardcore, and creative. creative is locked, only hardcore and survival will be open. creative will be opened if you do manage to get a specific goal.

60% of your message is talking about a goal to the game, well i understand that people want a goal to reach because some people dont like the idea of it. so maybe i can add a meaningless checkpoint that people will need to get, while they enjoy the most of the game. like reach this x money, or reach this x kills, or any other kind of goal. these things are the last stuff in this list. The reason i opened this thread is to get more points of views on how to change the pdf to make it more realistic to do.

i must say that i like the "Continuing your legacy" part. these things that need to be written down. understand that this pdf is just a sketch, i just throw on it a bunch of ingredients hoping for a delicious dish. and then i will do the correct order and leave the most best things.

you are right about the incest part. i did mentions that the player will have its own identity and family, so that's on the table.
also you are right about the jobs part there are too many criminal things and less a legitimate job, need to think on more.
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