Identify a game with stylized 3D, good animation and we work in an Office


Oct 13, 2018
Hello !

I did a thorough Google search beforehand... but I couldn't find this game.

I remember playing it a while ago....
One of its particularities is that the characters are drawn in a rather “simple”, stylized 3D... I'd say it reminds me a little of cell-shading, without complex shading.
You could say it looks a bit like a game made on Unity.

I also remember that I thought the animations were pretty good. Above average, in fact.

Story-wise, the MC worked every day in an office (which is classic)... The boss was a woman, I think.
One of the girls from the company (the main female character) lived in our modern apartment (a shared flat) upstairs, which opened onto the main room, like a sort of mezanine. She had her own bathroom on the far left. It was accessed via a staircase on the right.

I also remember that one of the firm's employees, a young man, was a problem. I'm not sure if he was spying for another company and/or flirting with the main girl.

That's it. It's all a blur :D sorry.
But I thought it was a really good game at the time and I'd have liked to find its name again to see if it had evolved.

Thanks if it reminds anyone here!