A "Ilussion Game"...


Game Developer
Jan 8, 2018
Hello again! I was watching Noveltly and I think you can make something "passable" a worthy game "no pain / no glory", now thanks to the users who recommended DeepL, I use it to make that "English" but ... I'm more than walking scriptwriter stories, I manage with Noveltly or RPG Maker that are the easiest to use, however I no longer gives me for illustration...

recently I'm with Honey Selection and Play Home and its Studio version gives as if to be able to "simulate" resources although beyond that the game is free I think it would inflict some law? (I have to see that!)

My idea is to take a "almost game" in that sense, I do not know how you would take it, in general, or how it could be put since it would not feel like a game if not the idea, style "hey these are the mechanics, here's a bit of history" (because not being something created also limits) would also be my first game, so it carries that, but well, I would like to know what they think!

Thank you very much!