Hmm, I honestly don't know what to say. I don't want to shit on your idea, because it CAN work, but it's got a lot of holes in it so far. A lot of them have already been mentioned above, like spending $7k on expenses that actually do nothing toward actually completing a game, the fact that you somehow won't be a part of said project, and that realistically, there seems to be no idea how the project will be managed. It's my dream too to ultimately build a team of artists and devs to work alongside, where we can create things both together, as well as on our own. But in my mind, that's maybe a couple years down the road. After at least a couple successful launches under my belt.
I'm not trying to be rude by any means, I just don't get it. You have limited development experience, no management experience, and want to put a team together in a different country with no one overseeing the process. Personally, I think you need to get a game out, NOW, no matter how small it is, and do it entirely on your own. That way, you can learn a lot in a short time, gain the experience needed, learn more about what kind of scope is realistic, etc. And in the meantime, build meaningful connections with people here on the forums, and who knows. Maybe you will end up getting a team together down the road that would love to work with you.
In general, I don't think it's impossible, I just think you need to rethink your roadmap. But there are a lot of smart, helpful people here, so you really couldn't be in a better place to learn (in my opinion). Just, don't try to put the cart before the horse.