ok, i'm going to make a small review of the game here, kind of, i don't like doing these because the Dev is not going to like it, i'm gonna say some truths and say thing they're not gonna like
1- the Tutors exist to waste time(specially in the Dom Masc route), there's basically no meaningful content attached to them, and the coin mini-game is dreadful, after doing it the 5th time i wish i could skip it(i played all routes and it gets annoying very quickly)
2 - just pull the plug on the Dom Masc route, 98% of it is going to class, you have a few scenes with Rosa and a pittance with Morgana, and that's it everything else is just a trap to fuck you over either instantly or in the long term
3- the Fem-Masc bar is useless, just take it out, there's not enough content to even try and be Masc, just turn that bar into something else or just use numbers or something, it's just clutter on the UI
4- The Sub Fem is good, there's a lot of content in it, but the Tutors are just useless in that route, you can basically stop and give up on going to class and it's fine