I'd like to share my two cents on crafting (since it's going to be a future feature supposedly)
Avoid putting in a generic system which plays the same as every second indie title's, it does not elevate the experience whatsoever (not to mention its work, you could've put into other aspects of your game).
The biggest gripe with crafting is how devoid of substance it is. It should do something aside from [funny number goes up].
Here's my solution: Either go for the War Demon Kirsten route, where you have status effects such as sleep, paralysis, stun, poison.
You can put your own twist on it this is just an example, and make items, which either disable one of them or reduce it.
Point is: You have a meaningful effect, beyond armour up 10, attack up 37.
Alternatively I'd do the following, Introduce multiple damage types, like blunt and slash, then crafting is going to be about which one I'll need when I face X; A sword or a mace? Can I make any of my weapons stronger?
It would be (if well done) an interesting problem which you offer a solution to,
(you can put crafting in with a cute setting btw, like here's a magical gem, refine it and things will get easier, or here are some helpful companion spirits and you can choose to feed one of them in order to up your Lightning/Dark/Fire dmg; whatever tickles your fancy)
I wish you good luck, and have fun developing this into something great.